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¡Viva los Muertos!

  • Original Air Date:
    October 1, 2006
  • Written by:
    Benjamin Edlund
  • Production Number:
  • Rate This Episode:

    • Worst. Episode. Ever.
    • It Was Pretty Crappy
    • An Okay Episode
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Jump To: Summary | Capsule | Notes
All-time score of 4.1 with 548 votes


When Dr. Venture finally succeeds in attaining the holy grail of superscience, the revivification of a human corpse for fun and profit, a washed up gang of wandering former teen sleuths is convinced that the Venture Compound is haunted. Their investigation uncovers something far creepier. Meanwhile, Orpheus shepherds Brock through a crisis of conscience with the help of a New Age shaman and a bizarre tea party.


Outside the Venture Compound an army of Monarch henchmen are preparing an attack. The entire scene is experienced from the perspective of an unnamed henchman.

How you doing, Texas? Staying frosty? Better get your game face on, because that's the Venture Compound over there. Yeah, lost a lot of good men trying to take that down-

21, why are you wasting your breath on the new meat? Nine out of ten don't even last a month!

Attention my coiled minions!

Heh, battle speech. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
[21 and 24 start smoking. Texas pulls out a video phone which has the Monarch on it giving his speech]

Coil my bright and be-winged army, coil and prepare to strike like the deadly sky flowers you are.

These make me feel a little gay.

You, sir, are a big gay.

[continuing] Today you serve well while doom awaits the enemies of the Monar- what? Oh. So I'm getting the wrap it up signal. Me, the Monarch. Yes, alright!! Release the cloud of deception slash diversion!!

Here we go!

On your feet, Texas! Go, go, go!!

The henchmen flood out of their trench, cloaked in a cloud of butterflies, rushing the Venture Compound. Scenes of terror as the henchmen are decimated by Brock. Texas aims his gun at Brock but drops it when Brock sees him. He attempts to run away, but Brock gives chase. Suddenly his view is snapped back around as Brock grabs his head and snaps his neck. He falls to the ground, struggling to breathe. Brock grabs a butterfly flying by and crushes it, and then walks past his fallen foe. Fade to black.

Roll opening credits.

Total darkness.

More power!! I must have more power!! Look Brock, his fingers! They're twitching!

Yeah, well, stuff will do that if you shove a gigavolt up its ass.

No, he's alive! Aliiiiive I tell you!!

Uh, sure Doc.

[blackness changes to an eye opening. Brock is looking down at it]

Holy shit.

Ah ha! Told ya! This is it Brock, the big one. The holy grail of super science!

Still from the perspective of 'Texas', the alive-again creature sees itself in a mirror and lets out some confused grunts. He grabs Dr. Venture and tries to strangle him. Brock quickly bashes his head in with a fire extinguisher. Back to blackness.

Awake for a second time! Dr. Venture tells him no hard feelings for the strangle tantrum. Hank and Dean enter, and Hank inquires as to why the top of Dr. Venture's experiment is black. Not black, Hank, African-American. Brock caved in his skull good and Dr. V needed to replace it with whatever fit. Dr. Venture tells the boys that he's beaten death at her own game (referring to himself as 'your father') when the creature groans 'father'. Dr. Venture tells him not to think of him as his father. He gets enough of that crap from Hank and Dean already.

Out to good old third-person perspective for the first time. Outside the Venture Compound it's raining pretty hard. A van stops outside and the driver notes that they are out of gas. And hey, what a great place to stop so they can do some sort of sleuthing. Or something.

But something's fishy in the state of Denmark. I can feel a mystery coming on!

Teeeed, you said I could see my parents.

This was on the way, Patty.

We've been driving to my parents' house for ten years. You promised.

Patty, being out of your box isn't a right. It's a privilege. Baby, you don't wanna go back in your box, do you?


Meanwhile outside the van, Val knocks on the back of the Van, yelling at Sonny and Groovy to wake up. Mystery time!

Please, Groove, just say something to 'em. Say a hi or anything! Just tell them to leave me.

I'm not here to talk to them. You are the hand chosen by the master!

[SONNY groans]

Yours is the will of plot, yours is the sword of Michael!

Groovy is a dog, by the way.

Ted opens the door after Sonny fails to open it. Ted informs Sonny that it's time for a mystery. Sonny tells Ted to fuck off. Ted offers Sonny some 'Groove treats', which look suspiciously like some kind of prescription pulls. Sonny bolts out of the van in a hurry, grabbing for the pills, but instead falls to the ground.

Back at the Venture Compound Hank, Dean, Brock and Dr. Venture are eating breakfast with Dr. V's newest creation. Still first person from Venturestein's perspective.

Why do we have to eat breakfast with your dead guy?

Venturestein has been through a lot, Dean.


You like that?

Sure do, pop!

Good boy, Hank. Dean, right now Hank is better than you.

[VENTURESTEIN eats a spoonful of cereal. A fly is buzzing around him]

Anywho, the next phase of my work will be to socialize Venturestein. To help him make the transition from dead guy to contributing member of society. Who says dead people can't carry their own weight? And maybe some of your stuff while they're at it.

[The fly lands on VENTURESTEIN's eye]

Dude! Fly walking on your eye!

[DR. VENTURE kills the fly which leaves a nice green mess in VENTURESTEIN's vision]

Meanwhile the Groovy-crew are snooping around a dark wing of the Venture Compound. Patty seems unsure of going on, and also what exactly the mystery is in the first place. Sonny points out that they're not really out of gas since there's a five gallon can in the back of the van. Ted responds by smacking him over the head (complete with cartoony sound effect) with his flashlight. Ted tells Sonny and Groovy to start looking for clues. Clues are the only reason Ted doesn't tie Sonny to the van and drag him around until he's nothing but a torso wearing a belt. Charming. They leave and Groovy comments that Ted's pissing on Sonny's lawn. Dogs are very good with metaphors.

Back in the kitchen Venturestein is twitching and looking at Brock, who is none too pleased. Brock angrily questions him and Venturestein starts to cry.

Why's he gotta cry like that!?

I think you scare him.

I'm not the one who froze his corpse or nuked him back from the great beyond to be a half-dead, short-bus seat warmer.

But you did kill him. And then when I unkilled him you kind of did it again.

You hit him so hard he's got an afro now!

Yeah, you're like, like fire to his Frankenstein.


Right! And Venturestein is all like, like, 'Arrr, Brock bad!'

[groans] Brock baaaa!

[HANK and DEAN and VENTURESTEIN proceed to groan when DR. ORPHEUS walks in]

Ahh, Mr. Venture, I caught you.

[sarcastic] Yay.

As per out landlord-tenant agreement, I come to inform you of a small gathering I will host. From say five in the post meridian until question mark.

Whatever, knock yourself out.

Any and all who hunger to know the secrets of self, which stud like internal suns in the inky latus work of our very minds, may join us in our purgative journey of- [he notices Venturestein] Is that man dead?

Uh... nooo.

Once again, Mr. Venture, you cut decency to the quick and leave her to die in prostitute ally!





Brock, you're a man of no small character. What say you on this?

Not really my department.

Ahh but we two souls have shared a cheese sandwich more than twice! And the stitched together quilt of your stony silences forms a tapestry of quiet desperation.

No it doesn't.

You are truly a grim reaper, my friend. But when you need to talk, I will be there.

[DR. ORPHEUS disappears in a cloud of smoke and nifty smoke skulls]

Allllright then.

[pause] Brock, baaaaad!

[laughs] Good! Suffixed consonants! Gooood!

[BROCK leaves]

[laughs] Brock bad!!

[HANK and DEAN go back to groaning like VENTURESTEIN, who joins them]

Back in the dark area, Ted, Patty and Val are still looking for clues, though Val is explaining the inferiorities of men to Patty. Ted tells them to quiet down and they peek around to corner to see Dr. O poof into view in front of his door. He picks up some mail on the floor and loudly complains about junk mail and then walks into his apartment.

Heads up, kids! I think we may have stumbled onto a Dracula factory!

Hank and Dean, meanwhile, are in their room looking at globes and maps and trying to find 'African-America' with little success. Dean says they should get into their learning beds to find out, but Hank refuses because Venturestein is already in his. They walk over to the window when Hank notices the van by the old manufacturing wing. Mystery time! They run off.

Venturestein, in the meantime, is watching a rather dated video in the learning bed about child labor. Hey, what's good about child labor? Let's find out!

Dr. Venture, meanwhile, is on the phone with the government. General Manhowers places a large order of Venturesteins which surprises Dr. Venture at first. He happily hangs up the phone and crosses ''beat god at his own game' off his to do list.

In the hangar Brock is practicing knife throwing, though he has not successfully hit his paper target (or even come close) a single time. He throws a knife that embeds itself in his radio and lightning strikes outside.

Back in Hank's learning bed Venturestein continues to watch the child labor video. The video ends and Venturestein utters 'prostitoo' again and breaks out of the bed. This can't be good.

Outside Dr. O's apartment there is a knock at the door:


[sighs] Think I might be a tapestry of quiet desperation.

Excellent! [he ushers BROCK in and closes the door]


At Dr. O's party Dr. O hits one of those tiny gongs to get everyone's attention. There are some familiar faces there such as Jefferson Twilight and the Alchemist, as well as various other party goers we haven't seen in the series before. Dr. O informs them that the ceremony is about to begin. He introduces their guide, Don Rio Impossible Isabanco. One of the Amazon's most learned shamen. Tonight will be a night of healing and human oneness! Brock is starting to have second thoughts.

Back in the manufacturing wing Venturestein is walking the halls and groaning as he appears predisposed to do. Ted, hiding from him with Val and Patty notes that it's a Dracula Frankenstein factory, not just a Dracula factory. Val, however, is explaining what appears to be some sort of woman-centric post-apocalyptic future where men are only used for breeding purposes and then put to death. Ted tells them to hurry up and Val is about to grope Patty, who tells her not to. Oh you kids.

Back at the party Brock chats with the Alchemist a bit. He tells him that he's not on his game tonight and something isn't right. Don Rio walks over to Brock and tells him (through his interpreter) that he's a child of the past and we must be children of the future. Brock appears to listen but instead takes a call from Dr. Venture on his communicator:


Brock, I need dead people. Lots and lots of dead people.

Uh huh.

Now, I've already got twelve with the henchmen you killed (not counting the black guy with half a head) but we need like a hundred-something. Like a full gross of dead people.

Right and uhh, where are we gonna get all these dead people?

Well I thought seeing as how you were, you know, you and all, I thought maybe... you could go out-


Make some...


Dead people?


Well fine! Thanks a lot for not helping!

Anything else?

Help me get dead people!!!

Brock hangs up. Don Rio laughs. Dr. Orpheus informs them that their party concoctions are ready. In Dixie cups?

In the manufacturing wing Groovy is telling Sonny about something crazy (no doubt) when Hank and Dean find them. Hank turns on the lights and when Sonny sees the boys he flips out and runs away.

A hippy!

We'd better follow it!

And how!

Back at the party Dr. O hands out cups of liquid extract of the death vine. The portal to another world of consciousness. Okay? The death vine apparently lets you shed your ego and uh, repair your spiritual hole. Everyone drinks.

Meanwhile Sonny and Groovy continue their running away. They stumble upon Val, Patty and Ted. Sonny tells them how he just saw 'those kids'. The squares from back in Baja. Apparently they already met Hank and Dean. And killed them in a fit of scared crazy. After that Ted and Sonny dumped their bodies. But now the kids are back! They have to be ghosts! It's the only logical explanation.

Back at the party:

[sighs] Yeah, he was just this guy. A guy in a butterfly suit who got in over his head. And I could see it in his eyes that if I let him get away this one time he'd never come back. But, then I also thought, you know, kill him. What kind of way is that to-

[says stuff]

One time, I am on the Amazon in my canoe, and I see, swim, the dolphin. Uh, the beautiful dolphin. So I slip out of my canoe and I grab her, this fish, uhh, and then I fuck it. This fish.

What the hell's that got to do with anything?!

[says stuff]

Hot dolphin!

You're an idiot!

Don Rio is a transcendent, multi-dimensional genius, Brock. His every word an onion of infinite leaf. His every pearl-

[DR. ORPHEUS throws up in his bucket]

Various other members of the party likewise vomit into their buckets. Brock falls to the ground, complaining of a stomach full of drunk bees. Don Rio informs him that this is his chance to find the way of peace and inner karmic repair. Brock falls again.

Dr. Venture, in the meantime, goes up to Hank and Dean's room to get Venturestein. Only he's not there any more. Problem.

Back at the party:

Hey, you know what? I think I... I feel a little bad about killing that guy.

Yeees, my friend, a splendid first step indee- [he throws up again]

Brock sinks into the ground. Now he's naked in a pink ocean. With a pink sky. Swimming with pink dolphins. One of the dolphins comes up under him and Brock rides the dolphin (not in the way Don Rio did of course).

Sonny, meanwhile, is still panicked. Ted tells him to mellow out and the good news is that Val found some tools and crap they can sell, so it's not a total loss. Just then Hank and Dean show up. Ted, seeing them, freaks out as well. Sonny goes back into the ghosts theory (along with revealing that Groovy talks) and Ted says there's only one way to find out. Shoot them. Hank and Dean run away before Ted can get off a shot though.

And where is Brock anyway?

You see, Brock Samson, we're all one. We all share the same need for shelter, warmth, fulfillment. The secret of happiness lies not in conquest, but in empathy.

[the dolphin is speared in the back and ripped out from under BROCK and then drawn up into the belly button of what appears to be a very large and very naked woman, though her face is obscured]

Wooooaaah. Better dolphin!



What is all this namby-pamby feel bad about good wet work bullshit?! You're beyond good and evil, Superman. You work for the government.

What about uhhh, humanity and empathy and all that garbage?

Who cares? You're going to special ops heaven.


Really! And it's god damned great! [he flies upwards with Brock clutching one of his breasts] The G-Man Valhalla! There's trim and guns everywhere. And we eat steak flavored clouds and poop secrets!!

But your not even dead. You're a woman!

And you're a tool, boy, a tool! Built for a single purpose by the United States of shut your third god damned eye for a fucking reason! You can't teach a hammer to love nails, son. That dog don't hunt!

Brock falls and then wakes up back in Dr. O's lounge. He yells something and then gets up and leaves yelling 'Don't hunt!' or possibly 'Don't, Hunt!'.

Hank and Dean, meanwhile, have run into a dark room with a greenish tint and some weird equipment. Hmm.

I didn't think hippies had guns!

They're probably like... pirate... hippies?

Ted and Groovy enter the same room with the rest of the gang following. Groovy sniffs out the boys and finds them. Cornered! They back into one of the weird tubes and some lights switch on. Ted asks them what they are when Sonny points out what the boys just bumped into. It's a tank holding one of Hank's clone slugs. The boys look around the room in horror. There are dozens of the same tubes, each with a copy of Hank or Dean in it. Hank and Dean fall to the ground. Ted is about to shoot them (after calling them 'the boys from Brazil') when Venturestein happens into the room.

Ted fires at him but instead punctures one of the tanks, causing one of the Hank clone slugs to fall out. Venturestein then proceeds to step on it and slide across the room. Everyone gets out of his way except Groovy, who is scooped up. Ted, meanwhile, encounters Brock. He attempts to shoot him but Brock grabs his arm and snaps his wrist which causes him to shoot Sonny. Brock then headbutts Ted in the face, splattering blood, and Ted falls to the ground on top of Sonny. Val and Patty run away. Brock notices Hank and Dean.

Oh no.

[DR. VENTURE enters]

Well Venturestein, I'd say that radioactive isotope I put in your spine is worth its weight in radioactivity.


[DR. VENTURE notices the boys]

What's going on here?!

It's bad, Doc, real bad. The boys saw their own clones. I think they're in some kind of... saw your own clone coma.

Boys! Get up!!

[HANK and DEAN snap out of fetal position and stand up]

Yes, sir!

I hope you're proud of yourselves. You've, um, you've ruined the surprise!

The- what?

This was going to be your Christmas present.


A whole big army of yous, ready to think you're the coolest and do your chores. Maybe eliminate targets in high-risk combat zones.


But now you've ruined the surprise! So I'll have to think of something even better!

Even better?!

Ha ha, now get upstairs you little Indians and wash off all that chicanery. Macaroni and cheese tonight!

Dad, you're the best dad ever!

Yeees, I am.
[HANK & DEAN leave, BROCK and VENTURESTEIN (with a dead GROOVY draped over his neck) are about to follow]

Uhh, two plus three- well it's a start.

[he grabs the life support cable on one of the machines and pulls, but stops when he notices BROCK behind him]

[shrugging] Heh?

Roll end credits.

In Brock's car he's got Venturestein (with Hank's Batman mask) riding shotgun.


You got it, V-stein, that's the gameplan.

[VENTURESTEIN holds up a shoe that looks oddly like a dog's foot]


No, man, no. They're not gonna give it up for a shoe you made out of a dog.

[VENTURESTEIN sighs sadly]

Hey forget it, V, it's my treat.

[raising his hands and punching through the roof of BROCK's car] Brock, good!!


  • The title of this episode is Spanish for 'Long Live the Dead!', which I guess is some kind of irony. Thanks to everyone who corrected my original (and wrong) translation of 'The Dead Live!'. Damn you Google translator!!

  • Ben Edlund wrote this episode. For those of you who don't know, Ben is the creator of The Tick which started off as a comic book and then spawned both an animated and live action series. Venture Bros. writer/creator Jackson Publick was a staff writer for both of those series' and Doc Hammer and Ben Edlund were roommates in college. Also if you need any more connections, Patrick Warburton (who voices Brock, but you knew that) played the Tick in the live action series.

  • In the opening sequence 21 asks 'Texas' if he's 'staying frosty'. This is probably a reference to Aliens since Corporal Hicks says that line in the movie and 21 is a noted dork and Aliens is loved by dorks worldwide.

  • While the Monarch is giving his pre-battle speech you can hear 21 and 24 coughing. Obviously neither of them is very good at smoking.

  • One of the henchmen Brock kills is one of the thugs recruited by 24 in Hate Floats. This also may explain where Venturestein's African-American skulltop came from since the Monarch's henchmen are normally all white guys.

  • Dr. Venture's revival of 'Texas' and the post-opening sequence is of course a reference to Dr. Frankenstein bringing his creation to life. It should be noted that the monster traditionally does not have a name and the doctor who revives him was named 'Dr. Frankenstein'. However over the years the monster has been confused with the name. Thusly 'Venturestein' is not an overly accurate name, though it still gets the point across very clearly. Frankenstein's monster, however, was not composed of a single person, but rather a variety of parts that were stolen from graves.

  • The sequence being in first person is also a reference to the movie Robocop. The film's protagonist is brutally murdered in the beginning of the movie and his body is revived and used as the human component of Robocop. There is a sequence in the movie which is a variety of time separated scenes shot from Robocop's perspective as he is being built and activated. The episode doesn't follow it exactly, but it's a fairly obvious homage.

  • The mystery gang are of course an obvious parody of the gang from Scooby-Doo. Ted is Fred, Val is Velma, Patty is Daphne and Groovy is Scooby. Of course they are all about 1000 times more deranged and insane than their Scooby-Doo counterparts mainly because they are also based on infamous killers and/or crazy people.

  • Ted is most probably based on a combination of Charles Manson and David Koresh since both are famous for being skillfully manipulative in getting people to follow them around endlessly. Koresh was of course already mentioned (as a joke) by Triana in Eeny, Meeny, Miney... Magic!

  • Patty is based on Patty Hearst, who was famously kidnapped and subsequently brainwashed by the Symbionese Liberation Army. Patty in the show, similarly, seems to be under some sort of trance thanks to Ted and apparently spent a decent portion of time in a box (Hearst was forced to live in a closet for a while). This is perhaps also a reference to this case where a woman was kidnapped and held for seven years while forced to sleep and live in a box for many of the earlier years.

    Likewise, Patty Hearst was mentioned by an OCLF member in The Incredible Mr. Brisby after Hank and Dean are turned against the Brisby empire by their new Bizzy Bee hats.

  • Val is based on Valerie Solanas, a radical feminist who is most famous for shooting Andy Warhol in 1968 and writing the SCUM Manifesto. Much of what Val says in the episode are quotes from the SCUM Manifesto.

  • Sonny is based on David Berkowitz, aka Son of Sam. Berkowitz is of course infamous for the murder of six people (and injury of several others) in 1977. Berkowitz claimed that his former neighbor's dog named Harvey was possessed by a demon and was the one who told him to murder. Groovy is of course based on Harvey.

  • Finally, the crazy sound effects that play during a lot of the Groovy gang's scenes is a callback to the similar sounds commonly used in Scooby-Doo episodes. Of course they were not entirely intended to be jokes, it was just how Hannah-Barbera did things with pretty much all of their cartoons back then.

  • Dr. O complains about getting Hector's junk mail. If you recall from Powerless in the Face of Death, Hector was Rusty's boyhood friend who had apparently been living in the compound for the last twenty years.

  • On Dr. Venture's to do list:

    • Beat God at his own game
    • Get Money
    • Increase my word power
    • Pushups!
    • Make everything [cut off] way

  • Death vine is likely based on ayahuasca, which is a vine native to the Amazon region used to make a powerful hallucinogen. I had no idea until I found it on Wikipedia.

  • We get another death of the boys which was not mentioned in Powerless. That makes fourteen total, and it's certainly possible Dr. Venture and Brock either miscounted or this death occurred between Powerless and this episode.

  • Hunter tells Brock 'you're beyond good and evil, Superman' which is a reference to the concept of ubermensch which is actually what Superman is based on. The basic concept (conceived by Friedrich Nietzsche) is that a strong willed individual will control their own destiny and not beckon to herd mentality in doing so. The very first concept of Superman was based on this, and Superman himself was actually a bad guy. From Wikipedia:

    The first Superman character created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster was not a hero, but a villain. Their short story "The Reign of the Superman", concerning a bald-headed villain bent on dominating the world, appeared in a science fiction fanzine that Siegel published.

  • Ted referring to Hank and Dean as 'the boys from Brazil' is a reference to the film of the same name which was about a Nazi plot to clone Adolf Hitler in Brazil.

  • Before Sonny dies he utters "I'm so cold, I'm so fucking cold." This is a reference to the death of the character Snowden in the novel Catch-22 who dies uttering similar words.

  • Hank's mask is back! Now Venturestein is the Bat.

[ Capsule | Cast | Notes ]

Episode Cast

James Urbaniak Dr. Venture
Patrick Warburton Brock Samson
Michael Sinterniklaas Dean Venture
Chris McCulloch Hank Venture
Ted & Groovy
Col. Hunter Gathers
The Monarch
Henchman 24
Additional Voices
Paul Boocock Sonny
Little Jorge
Steve Rattazzi Dr. Byron Orpheus
Some Dolphin
Doc Hammer Henchman 21
Dana Snyder The Alchemist
Charles Parnell Jefferson Twilight
Joanna Adler Val
Sue Gilad Patty


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