Operation: P.R.O.M.
Original Air Date:November 21, 2010
Written by:Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick
Production Number:55
What's more frightening than a doll that wants to kill you with a broken bottle? What's more perilous than a car that has no brakes and is aimed at your torso? What brings more sleepless nights than the threat of chlamydia? The PROM! The Venture boys embrace society's most feared school dance in this hour long danger-pile. Will they live to look back at their rented suits with horror?
Venture Compound. Doc is explaining an important situation to Pete, Sgt. Hatred, Al, Jefferson, Dr. O and Brock. Billy is following him as he paces the line. The subject is... Hank and Dean. He makes each member state their role. Brock is transportation, and he's secured a limo for the job. Sgt. Hatred is on security... but there's something different about him...

It's a big 'V'. For Venture. He also had all his other tattoos removed, except the D because, you know, ouch. Pete is on 'aural enhancement' which... uh only requires his phone apparently. Dr. O is on refreshments. He's secured a recipe for a nice spiced punch and vegan spring roles. Dr. Venture isn't overly happy with vegan stuff. He's gotta have his baked clams. Gotta. Al is on decorations, of course. Jefferson is the custodian.
Alright, people, we launch in twenty-one hundred hours. Synchronize watches... at my mark it'll be seventeen oh-one. No, seventeen oh-two. Oh-three... oh-fo- no that's way too fast- oh, I had it in stopwatch mode. Okay, the time is now... Tetris? Never mind! Everyone just be dressed and ready in like an hour, okay? Any questions? [DEAN raises his hand] Yes, Dean?
Umm, what's our mission?
Your mission? Your mission is to have the best god-damned homeschool prom five-hundred dollars can buy!
Opening credits logo.
High in the sky a giant SPHINX Sphinx is being flown (rather awkwardly) by Sky Pilot. He complains that it doesn't handle so well but Hunter notes that if they're about to get into it with the OSI they need to be 'holding the biggest pud' they've got. Makes sense. Sky Pilot asks if Hunter is nervous about going back. Hunter notes that it will be like most reunions, except this prom queen got fat on red tape and bureaucratic big macs. Sky Pilot notes that she can also have him executed for treason. Hunter refers to their precious cargo, Monstroso, as a way of preventing that.
After Sky Pilot expresses his appreciation for getting to go on a mission with Hunter (he usually takes Brock and Shoreleave), they come into view of the OSI hoverquarters. Hunter enters a weird pod which ejects him out of the Sphinx and towards the OSI base. He instructs Sky Pilot to keep her circling.

Back at the Venture Compound Pete and Billy argue about some of Pete's music selection while Dr. Venture inspects some ice sculptures of Hank and Dean. Dr. O compliments them but Dr. Venture is mostly just annoyed that he had to spend $200 on the damned things. Jefferson goes to spike the punch but it seems Doc has already spiked it. He tells Jefferson to pour in some of his drink anyway, as long as Hatred isn't around. Billy notes that Sgt. Hatred is attending to a 'security breach'.
Outside 21 is digging a hole for 24's skull. 24 of course questions him, saying that if 21 solves his murder he'll probably go away. 24 notes that he's been checking names off 21's list, though 21 yells at him, saying he has been checking off names. High above him Sgt. Hatred is watching 21 fight with nobody through the scope of his rifle. The scope breaks apart as it's hit by a bullet.
Damnit!! [stutters] [picks up walkie talkie] Knock it off, I'm body guarding here!
And I'm securing the perimeter of SPHINX headquarters!
You broke my new scope!
Scope! Pansy. I got a bead on you and chubs over there. I can't believe you need a scope.
I don't need one- alright smart guy, see those wings? Watch this.
Sgt. Hatred, now scopeless, takes aim at 21 (who is talking with 24 still) and skirts the side of his head. Shoreleave sarcastically congratulates Hatred on his shot. 21, now noticing that his ear is bleeding, wonders what's up as two bullets hit the straps of his wings, knocking them off. Hatred continues to be unimpressed and promises to hit 21's boots. He fires another shot which hits 21 in the chest instead, knocking him over.
We shift to Triana's house, or rather the Outrider's house. The Outrider is taking photos of Triana and Dean when he decides to go have a word with Brock, who he thinks is Dr. Venture. Brock tells him that he's actually just the bodygua- uh, driver. Brock informs the Outrider that Triana will be safe in the limo (it's totally bulletproof) as long as she doesn't "open the sunroof while violating certain international treaties". Hmm.
Dean, meanwhile, is struggling to put Triana's corsage when she's startled by a visitor, causing him to stick his finger. It's a dark looking man with crutches. Turns out it's her boyfriend, Raven. Dean, of course, isn't too happy with this. He squeezes the corsage and pricks himself again, yelping.
You okay, bro?
[angrily] Are you?!
Ohh, shit!
Woah! Where'd you get the mouth?
You like that? Yeah I thought I'd drop a little of new Hank on ya. New Hank cusses.
Back at the Venture Compound Billy and Doc are in the kitchen while Doc places a phone call. Billy is upset by whatever Doc is about to do, but Doc instead asks him if he had a date to his prom. Billy, who was 12 years old in high school, says he didn't, so he had to take his mom.
Mine was worse. My prom date was to have been Miss Linda Lovelace.
Deep Throat's Linda Lovelace?
The same! She of course by that time was a vocal anti-pornography advocate, thanks Dad, and sent her friend Andrea Dworkin as her proxy.
Was she hot?
Pssh, Google 'Andrea Dworkin' on an empty stomach one day- [into the phone] Oh hello! Yes, I'd like six of your finest whores, please! Fine, escorts. [pause] Yes I think I'll go for full service! Heh heh! Sure I'll hold. [to Billy] Anyway because my dad brought like ten Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders as his date he didn't care that my date was a huge, angry, way-smarter-than-a-sixteen-year-old-me woman who called me 'little half-man'.
Pff, better than having your mom as your date.
It got worse, no shit, I ended the night slow dancing wit HELPeR. HELPeR. [into the phone] Yes? Oh lord no, that's way too expensive. Uhh, what about half-service? What about just a goodnight kiss? On the lips? Cheek? Just a hug? Okay four of that, two at half-service [sees BILLY waving his arms] Hold on. What?
Just ask 'em, I'll pay extra!
[sighs] Do you have costumes? Hawkwoman.
Hawk... girl.
Now at in the Cocoon we see a mysterious gloved hand cross off 'Happenstance' from 21's list of 24's murder suspects (operation 'an eye for an I'). The Monarch walks in and looks confusedly at who scratched the name off. It's the moppets! The Monarch reads over the list and complains that he's not on it. He grabs the list and writes himself in at the bottom then asks the moppets where 21 is. They tell him he's at the Venture Compound, which naturally upsets the Monarch. The moppets offer to slice up 21 and even pee on his brain but the Monarch insists that 21 is loyal.
Back at SPHINX HQ Shoreleave is waking up 21, who is laying in a hospital bed with a huge bruise on his chest. Shoreleave informs him that he took a bullet in the flack jacket. Hurts. 21 then notices Monstroso... laying in another hospital bed.
Woah! Wait, you guys are the ones that kidnapped Monstroso?
Oh the Guild index is lit up over that guy. I can't believe you're holding him here!
Maybe we are and, maybe we're not.
Being clever?
No, tough guy, we're running a Monstroso shell game and I'm not sure where the red queen is.
Decoys? Oh man we never do cool crap like that with the Monarch crew!
Uhh, because you guys suck. Hey, guess what? Brain shampoo time! We're gonna wash that man right out of your hair! You will not remember a thing!
Shoreleave rushes over to a console and notes that 15 (or maybe 13 and one fatty) intruders are near. He calls for the SPHINX team to assemble but only three guys show up. Everyone else is either with Brock or on 'Operation Double Dumbo Drop' with Hunter. Shoreleave instructs all agents except for the rookie (who has to stay behind and watch Monstroso) to grab some guns (and a snack) and prepare to head out. He then asks 21 if he wants to join them.
Yeah, I'm short staffed. Well, if you want I could kill you. Unless you have a poison tooth or something fancier.
I'm Monarch crew. If we get captured our orders are: 'not to tattle on the Monarch.' That is it.
Then suit up, chubs!
It's now near dusk... somewhere. The Venture limo pulls up in front of a house and Hank gets out, corsage in hand, and knocks on the door. Back in the limo Triana is talking to Dean about her adventures in magic school. She gets a call from Raven, causing Dean to comment on if he's clingy or not. Triana asks why Dean's girlfriend, uhh, Tracy... yeah, Tracy, why she couldn't come. Dean says she had to work late.
I thought the mall closed at nine?
And she had to go to her grandma-ma's house after... cuz she's sick. With mange! Uh, it's real nice of you to cover for her though.
Of course Dean, what are friends for?
Hank, meanwhile, is having no luck. Nobody has answered the door. He peers over the stoop to try and see into a window but only succeeds in knocking a very large potted plant over. The mail woman then shows up and tells Hank to buzz off, though Hank tries to invite her to the prom anyway. She refuses of course, saying that she has two sons older than Hank. Hank is pretty relentless though and even a door slammed in his face doesn't seem to phase him. Maybe next time, Hank. Maybe next time.
Shifting back to OSI's hoverquarters, Hunter brought to see agents Doe and Cardholder who don't seem too happy to see Hunter. Also the hallway that they're in is all smashed up. Hunter asks what's up but Doe and Cardholder refuse to tell him, noting that he doesn't have any authority at OSI. Cardholder presses a button on the wall and the door in front of them opens up, though apparently General Treister is taking a dump in his own office. Uhhh. They quickly close the door and we hear a flushing sound, followed by Treister's permission to enter.
You're only standing here suckin' my oxygen because your little SPHINX outfit took somethin' rightfully belongs to the OSI!
What's that, your top agents? Cool forty mill of the agency slush fund?
Don't get wise, boy! You know dang well I'm talkin' 'bout Monstroso! That plus-size Hans Brinker's got his thumbs all stuck up in the Guild's Christmas pie! That makes whatever plums he pulls out, ploink, OSI business.
Little Jack Horner's thumb. Hans Brinker's thumb was stuck in a dike.
Son, whatever depravity you get up to on your own time is between you and your living god! What I wanna know is, where's this Monstrosos at?
He's someplace safe until I give my men word that I'm satisfied.
So it's a negotiation, uh huh? Alright!! I'll wrestle ya for him!!
Without warning General Treister leaps on top of Hunter. While the two of them roll around on the ground Hunter tells Treister that OSI can have Monstroso, but SPHINX wants some things in return. They want their names off the OSI wanted list and they want the undercover OSI agents to leave them alone. Hunter eventually bests Treister in the wrestling match:

The two break up to catch their breath. Hunter then lets Treister in on another little fun fact. Seems they pumped up Monstroso with enough sodium pentothal to learn about some Guild moles working inside the OSI. Treister takes great offense to this remark, his face turning red. He claims that OSI is clean and grabs his chest, seemingly in pain. He tells Hunter that he's making him angry... you wouldn't like him when he's angry! Treister seems to be getting worse and he eventually collapses onto the floor, which is right when Doe and Cardholder barge in, pointing their guns at Hunter.
Back at the Venture Compound around ten of Monstroso's henchmen and Al are waiting outside the main gates, though Al seems to think they're the band in spite of the fact that they're all holding AK-47s. He also compliments their masks, very Slipknot.
Further away 21, now decked out in full SPHINX gear, and Shoreleave are watching them through binoculars. 21 comments that he can flank them pretty easily since he knows of a section of the electric fence that isn't very electric, plus a canister of hidden tear gas in a tree. He's been storming this place since the 90s.
Alright, signal me when we bounce.
Watch out for the cutie in the kilt. He's one of the good guys.
Dude I'm not a good guy.
Oh, yes you are! Now scoot!
Meanwhile in the limo Hank comments that he struck out with the Quymn twins (big surprise) so he's still stuck going stag.
[to TRIANA] Oh hey, you still talk to your friend with the pipe cleaners in her hair?
Oh, Kim? Oh she started hanging out with the preppies, and next thing you know she's like in rehab in Florida somewhere. She's all like Christiany now.
So she's probably free tonight...
Tracy's grandma lives in Florida.
The limo comes across Dermott who is attempting (and failing) to start his scooter. He and Hank converse for a while and Hank invites him. Dermott agrees, but only if Shallow Gravy can play. Dean and Triana aren't very excited by this, though Hank thinks it's a good idea.
Not far away, outside the Venture Compound, all of Monstroso's henchmen have been dispensed. 21 is pretty excited that he got to work with guys who are actually capable while Al and Shoreleave flirt a little. Brock pulls up, running over a henchmen who isn't in the pile and makes sure 21 is cool. Hank invites 21 to the prom, which Brock is slightly wary of, but Shoreleave assures him that 21 is cool now. Everything seems to be going pretty well!
Behind then 24 calls out to 21, but is ignored. Next to them are more of Monstroso's henchmen... hmmm. One of them turns out to be the old Monarch henchman 38! He and 24 converse a little before 38 says that he heard a rumor that 24 died. 24 sadly tells 38 that he has some news to share with him.
Meanwhile below the Venture Compound the Monarch and Dr. Girlfriend are flying around in the Monarchmobile. The Monarch notes that 21's diversion worked perfectly. The Monarch is convinced that 21 is undercover and expecting them at any moment. The Monarch puts the Monarchmobile into submersible mode, though it ends up that it doesn't have one and the thing just ends up flooding. They quickly abandon it as it starts to sink until they realize that their prisoner is still in the trunk... and their paperwork!
Back at OSI HQ Hunter wakes up in General Treister's office with a black eye. The office is also very smashed up. He stumbles outside to see General Treister trapped in some sort of foam in the middle of the hallway. Some guards struggle to free him and when they do he seems to be wearing pink pants for some reason. Treister levels with Hunter, telling him the truth:
Guess the cat's out of the pajamas now, huh? [laughs uncomfortably] Alllright I might as well level with ya. I'm a Hulk.
At the Venture hangar, now all prom'd out, Dr. Venture's guests of honor arrive. No, not Hank and Dean.

Weeeell, that was prompt! And may I say that the Mayflower Madame has not lost her touch! Meow!
Now nighttime the hangar is lit up all fancy and everyone is dancing and having a good time. Well, everyone except the 'escorts' who seem rather bored. Billy and Doc converse with separate women who are both equally unimpressed. 21, meanwhile, talks the ear off another escort, explaining where he is in his life... you know, in love with Dr. Girlfriend (maybe), maybe not even a villain any more. 24 berates him for being too depressing which causes 21 to yell at him to go away. The escort gladly obliges though 21 grabs her and explains what he meant. She doesn't seem to mind much.
Above everyone Pete tries to amp up the extremely small and unimpressed crowd but only gets a "YOU SUCK" from Dermott in return. Dermott doesn't seem very impressed with the prom, though Hank thinks it's pretty great.
Hank, it is a 'tard parade, even your brother thinks it's lame.
Ehh, he's just moping because his girlfriend isn't really his girlfriend.
No I'm not! I mean, yes she isn't, but I- [sighs] What does she see in him? [motions at TRIANA who is dancing with DR. ORPHEUS]
Who, her dad?
No, that Raven kid, [quietly] her boyfriend.
Oh, let's see now, he's super handsome, I can say that. He's got cool hair, cool clothes and, worst of all, he's a cyborg.
No, I asked. She said they're just crutches.
Ohh, even worse! That means he's a cripster, dude! He's rockin' the hipster angle and the sympathy angle all in one! There's no way you can compete with that!
Outside there's a knock at the door. Sgt. Hatred answers. Why, it's the Monarch and Dr. Mrs.! Dr. Girlfriend and the Monarch's paperwork are both dripping wet. Hatred refuses to let them in but they seem to have some kind of Guild loophole that allows them to get in to get 21 back. Hatred still refuses, but the Monarch has one more trick up his sleeve. Princess Tinyfeet!

Princess Tinyfeet! You untie her this instant!
Uhhh, we didn't tie her up.
She is way, way into the bondage thing. You want her back you better start respecting her very strange needs.
Aww, my little beige bunny, is that true?
She insisted we driver her here in the trunk! She is a freak! Now let us all in, you have our henchman!
Alright, but you're gonna need to change. You're, uhh, what? A size Doc?
Back in the prom Rusty is getting fresh with one of the escorts, though I suppose he paid for it so that's cool and all. He offers to take her somewhere cozy and give her 'a little Rusty Venture' which results in a slap to the face and the escort walking off. Shoreleave compliments Dr. Venture for his boldness. A Rusty Venture right out of the gate? Indeed. Doc is sufficiently confused.
Aw, Rust, you do realize that a [makes airquotes] "Rusty Venture" is when you take your finger and run it around a guy's [CENSORED] while you [CENSORED] the guy off and [CENSORED]
My, what!? My name is a sex act?! When did that happen?
Huh? Like in the 80s. And Al is way off! A Rusty Venture is when you sixty-nine and you fill each other's [CENSORED] with [CENSORED] and you turn over and you blow [CENSORED] into each other's [CENSORED]!
Good lord! How can that be named after me?! What- what does it have to do with me?
Oh don't play coy, your cartoon was huge in the gay community! We used to throw Rusty Venture parties in the Castro! We'd all wear little stripe-ed tops and tight little shorts!
How did you not know this? Man, you're like a little twinkie Cher. A ginger freakin' Liza Minnelli!
No, I missed this. I don't sixty-nine guys and do that spinning thing...
That's not a Rusty Venture, that's a snake venom.
You are misinformed, my darling. Wanna settle this, maybe make a little wager?
Fine, I'll bet you a Rusty Venture I'm right.
Stop it!!
You are on! I am going to call an authority on both subjects.
And who should Shoreleave call but Colonel Gentleman. Ah yes.
[answering phone] Hello? Huh? Mmmhmmm. Oh sure, I'm the one that started that crazy back in P-Town with Tennessee Williams. It's brilliant! What you do is you take a SCUBA snorkel and you put your [CENSORED] in the wee bendy mouth part, then you sneak the other end right up your back garters, okay? Then you just grab the middle of the snorkel and you [CENSORED] in your own ass and pull one off your crank at the same time until you're spendin' your own jaxy! That's a Rusty Venture!
At this point Gentleman's dog decides to chase a fly which causes her to run off and Col. Gentleman to hang up.
Useless. That was Colonel Gentleman.
And, the out of touch old windbag just described a double-frogman.
Uhh, give me your phone.
Guild HQ, Watch and Ward's surveillance room:
You? I told you, when your arch is terminated by a third party it's not our problem. A what? Well of course I do, it's when you [CENSORED] a guy and then you open up your hand inside his [CENSORED] and grab the- no, no, he's laying down. Then whatever you come out with you rub on his [CENSORED].
Wrong! The Rusty Venture is a straight move! Okay, it's when you take a girl out for a huge dinner, but you don't let her go to the can, then you have anal sex with her and she [CENSORED] all over your [CENSORED] so right when you're about to get off you take it out and you blow [CENSORED] [CENSORED] on her back.
That's a Rusty Venture?
Nah, that's the Rusty part. The Venture part is when you eat that junk off her back without using your hands.
Are you getting this?
Yeah I heard it, and you're both wrong. [pause] To settle a bet. [pause] Yes with Shoreleave.
I don't care any more! And frankly I'm disgusted that my good name is being used for this... this bologna! [he walks away angrily]
This is not over until one of us gets a Rusty Venture.
Mmm, agreed!
Onto another subject, Sgt. Hatred enters with Princess Tinyfeet over his shoulder. He tells her that he'll be into what she wants him to. Oh yeah, it's gonna be a good time. The Monarch (wearing Dr. Venture's blue suit) and Dr. Girlfriend (wearing... someone's dress) walk in after Hatred. The Monarch notes that he can't wait to see what 21 has planned right when Dermott announces: Shallow Gravy. After some minor technical difficulties they sing their hit single, "Jacket". It's good stuff.

... and it all just comes pouring out like somebody stepped in a snack pack. So, after you find the turkey baster you both eat your way out of the tub. That's... what I heard at least.
I don't know what goes on at the Outrider's home, but I think I might need to give him a stern talking-
Alright there, Major Dad. Take it down, okay?
[DEAN looks at TRIANA]
So... that's what you and Raven do. He gives you, uh, poop hand jobs?
Ummm, no, that's what the Urban Dictionary defines a Rusty Venture as.
Well maybe I should have been more sensitive to your needs and rubbed poo-poo on my pee-pee so you'd be more interested in me! Because you're just sooo mature now! Aren't you?!
Dean, I was willing to go here with you as friends. But you're not acting like a friend, you're acting like an asshole! [she puts on her jacket and starts to leave]
Oh, you don't like that? Well maybe if I go to the bathroom all over you!!
Okay, that's it [she throws her corsage at DEAN], good night, thanks for the awful time. And call me when you're not a jealous little boy!
Oh, well maybe Raven can come pick you up in his diapers!! HIS POO DIAPERS!!
In the lab meanwhile, Dr. Venture and Billy are doing what appears to be science. They are making Rusty's Spanish Fly, which comes from an actual giant mutant fly that Dr. Venture engineered and then pulled the wings off of. The actual liquid they are dealing with also seems a bit on the volatile side as Doc points out it could explode or cause deformities if they spill it. It eventually begins to foam up which means it's done I guess. Doc tells Billy to shake it, but Billy refuses.
Back at OSI Treister is explaining to Hunter (much to Hunter's unhappiness) how he became a Hulk. Apparently he noticed a problem with his... dingus... during sex and when he got it checked out they found a highly advanced cancerous tumor in his prostate. The doctors advised him that the best course of action was a radical course of radiation therapy. He enters a doctor's quarters to get his 'Hulk suppressing medicine' and leaves Hunter bewildered in the hallway after making him promise not to tell Washington or the secret president.
That's because it's bullshit. Bunch of funnybook flapdoodle.
Treister's had it. The big 'C' is eating him alive.
Ain't no dignity going out like that. Old warhorse like him? Wants to die with his boots on.
So, in order to make him think he's been wrecking the town with the power of a bull...
...we rig his office with the power of our fists and a couple of chairs.
Jeeze, I had you two all wrong. That is weirdly noble of you.
Too true. It's also the only way to get the other agents to help.
So when we tell Washington the old man's so batshit crazy he thinks he's a friggin' Hulk they turn the OSI over to the next in line.
Namely: us.
Why you double-crossing- you're the double agents, aren't you!? [they bot nod] Sons of bitches!! [into his watch] Sky Pilot, abort! Brando's got us on our bellies and he's reaching for the butter! [no answer] Sky Pilot!
There is a huge crash and outside we see that the SPHINX Sphinx has crashed on top of the OSI hoverquarters. OSI agents surround it as Sky Pilot pops out of the doorway, his hands up.
Back at the prom 24 confronts 21 again, asking him why he's working for the good guys now. 21 tells 24 that he loves him, but a now very drunk Dr. Orpheus thinks he is talking to him and goes to hug him. 21 explains that he's talking to his dead friend, and Dr. O happily offers his help.
Is it Bruce Willis?
No, it's 24. And his dead adviser, Mr. Wendal. Who's that guy from the Arrested Development video.
Mr. Wendal? You mean Baba Oje?
Their adviser. The old guru guy.
That was Baba Oje! The titular Mr. Wendal was a homeless man.
He's lying! This is Mr. Wendal!
Jefferson! Jefferson!
Orpheus! She's from the south side! We were almost neighbors!
Super! Hey, is Baba Oje still alive?
The Arrested Development guy?
Yeah!! You wanna invite him? He's a blast, we should invite him. He'd love this!
That guy's not Mr. Wendal? He's not even dead? Dude, Mr. Wendal isn't- [24 is gone] dead... they're- they're gone. [he begins to cry and grabs DR. ORPHEUS]
Oh yes, there's that hug! Gone but not forgotten! Perhaps they'll reunite again!
They were so good! I miss that band too. [they all hug]
Meanwhile outside the prom, Brock is doing what he does best. Well, one of the things he does best. The girl offers him a Rusty Venture, but Brock points out that it's just when you jerk off so much your dick gets all red and sore. However he will let her give him an Action Johnny. He kicks through the door and we see he's in SPHINX HQ now. He tells the rookie, who is still watching Monstroso, to beat it. He needs the room. The rookie salutes and Brock gets down to business until he is darted in the back. He falls over and we see it was the rookie who did it. He steps forward and takes off his mask...

Do you want to live?
Then I suggest you return to your little party.
Back at OSI Hunter is sitting in a holding cell when he is joined by his new cellmate, Sky Pilot. Sky Pilot reveals that the Sphinx just crashed because it was out of fuel. Shouldn't have told him to keep circling I guess. He does note that the rest of the team ejected before the crash though, so they should be okay. Hunter then very loudly asks about Monstroso, with Sky Pilot noting that he's still on the ship. The crash didn't even wake him up. Doe and Cardholder, outside the cell, draw their weapons and walk off. Shortly after Hunter is pulled out of the cell as he is requested on the bridge. The secret bridge.
Back at the prom Dermott and Hank are consoling Dean, or rather they are hatching a plot to get him his fake girlfriend back.

The Monarch finally walks over to 21 and asks him what he has planned. 21 (who is super bummed out) says that he's not arching, he came here to bury 24's skull. The Monarch doesn't believe him, thinking he's drugged. 21 says that he actually likes the people at the prom and that he's quitting.
21's bailing on us.
Ask him!
It's true! I'm sick of this! I'm slightly drunk, I'm talking to the ghost of my fucking dead friend, I'm probably in love with you, and yeah, so whatever! I'm over it!
You're over it?
You're in love with me?
Woah, wait, what?
We made out!
Well that's a stretch. We got drunk and we kissed, but...
Suuure, you di- where was I then? Huh?
Where were you- you were there! We were on top of you! We made out on you!
[stops the music] Fight! There's a fight!
So we had a drunken threesome, join the fucking club! We're villains you crybaby! We swing! I watched my wife fuck Manta Clause [CENSORED] and the make him breakfast!
Is that true?
Eggs and buttered toast.
Whaa- you guys- you guys are nuts! You know what, fuck you! Fuck this completely crappy excuse for a fucking prom!! [he leaves]
What are you guys looking at? Oh, oh, did I spoil your little prom? Well you have just felt the sting of the Mighty Monarch!! Again, Dr. Venture, we have bested you!! Good night, and unpleasant dreams!!
He laughs and throws a smoke bomb. Everyone walks away and the music starts up. They are of course still on stage, and coughing a little. Well that mostly went okay.
Back at SPHINX HQ Brock wakes up. The rookie's mask is on his face and has a message scratched into it:

Brock quickly radios Shoreleave about the situation as he runs over to the window. He sees Molotov stuffing Monstroso into the limo. She smiles back at him and drives off. Brock breaks through the window and jumps on top of the limo but slides off and catches onto the rear bumper. Molotov swerves to shake him off but he holds on. Shoreleave and Al come onto the situation and Shoreleave fires on the limo but of course it's bullet-proof. Molotov makes a sharp turn which knocks Brock off the limo. He tells Shoreleave to aim for the tires and Al steps in and shoots a fireball at the car. It hits the tire directly but turns it into gold. Oops.
I'll take care of this. This has been a long time coming. Me and her gotta get s something straight between us. [he runs off]
You think he even knows how many double-entandres that was?
Molotov drives through the front gates of the compound as Brock reaches the Conjecturecycle. The cycle attempts to warn him away but Brock punches the front console.
On the road Dermott and Hank are explaining their plan to Dean for how to win back Triana. It involves Dean dressing like a goth and them lighting some logs that spell her name on fire. Sounds good I guess.
The limo, shortly followed by Brock, blow by them. Brock eventually catches up the the limo and puts his knife in the window, attempting to pry it open. However a fork in the road approaches and Brock appears to crash into the rocks in the middle of the divide. A few seconds later however we see that he only lost the side car. He's now facing Molotov in her limo. They briefly stop, rev their engines and take off towards each other. Brock uses the cycle to jump over the limo and he dives into the open sky roof. He quickly grabs Molotov and puts his knife to her throat. She stops the car very quickly which causes Brock to go through the windshield. She attempts to run him off the road but he dives out of the way and the limo comes to a stop perilously hanging over the very high cliff.

Back at OSI Hunter enters the secret bridge. Treister, who seems to be naked and draped in an American flag, greets Hunter and lets him steer the ship. Hunter tells Treister about Doe and Cardholder and how he's not a Hulk. Treister says that he knew all of it. And in fact when Doe and Cardholder confront Monstroso they might just get a surprise they weren't expecting. We see them do so and a number of SPHINX agents burst out of the fake Monstroso. Sky Pilot was apparently also working for OSI, or Treister anyway.
Sky Pilot? So he's working for you?
Not no more. I am officially retired. I got the pee-pee cancer. And there ain't a thing on earth nobody can do to fix me. Sooo I'm fixin' to shuffle off this mortal coil. [he opens a missile bay]
[starts to go over to TREISTER] Wait a minute, the hell are you doing?
Do not let go of that wheel, boy! There are two-thousand souls on board!
[grabs the wheel] Well what about the OSI? You've worked your whole life for this place, general! Now you're just gonna abandon it?!
Nah, from where I sit looks like the old gal's in pretty good hands. [HUNTER bows his head] Took guts to bust out the nast' and go off on your own, son. Took balls, to... cut off your balls! Even without 'em you got more true grit man moxy on tap than any of these yes-men and bureaucrats been runnin' the place.
No, no, general I'm not-
You'll do fine.
Do not kill yourself you crazy bastard!
I ain't killin' myself, son. I said there ain't nothing can't do for me on this earth. But there is one thing might could cure me! Alien technology!!
He closes the capsule and a red light goes off. Hunter can only salute and we see a single rocket fire out of one of the guns on the OSI ship.
Back at the prom it's time to crown the prom king and... king. Hank and Dean! Okay they're not here. So second place gets it. Hatred and Princess Tinyfeet! How nice! Time for a dance.
Back at the cliff the limo is still hanging on for dear life. Brock stops it from falling over and sits on the hood, talking to Molotov.
How long are we gonna keep doing this, Mol. 'Til we're old and grey, huh? Every year we pretend to try to kill each other. You know neither of us will actually do it.
Speak for yourself, Samson. [she reaches for her gun]
Oh? Looking for this? [he holds up her gun]
Hmmm, we seem to be at, how you say, stalemate.
Not from where I sit. Ahh, give it up, Mol. You got nowhere to go but down. And you know why? Because you are a bad person. You don't know the first thing about duty, or honor, or friendship. You're just a cold-hearted, mercenary bitch! I'm tired of spending my life chasing you.
What if I told you it wasn't for money this time. What if I told you I've... changed.
She throws her chastity belt onto the limo's hood. Brock isn't sure if he believes her or not, but she tells him it's for real. They lean in to kiss but a moment before it happens Molotov pulls away. Molotov notes that she's taken... by Montroso.
Ohh!! You gotta be kidding me!!!
It is like you say, I am bad person. So is he. He is also rich, powerful and quite well endowed.
Ahhhhhh- alright, enough!! [he grabs her hands] Well I won't let you go.
It is not your choice, Brock.
No, I don't mean 'let you go' in like a romantic, if you love something set it free kind of Sting kinda way, I mean I'm not letting you escape.
And I mean you don't have a choice. My Black Hearts have already infiltrated your compound. They are in position as we speak. If I fail to contact them with the abort code by midnight, all of your friends will die.
We see a scene of all the escorts revealing that they are actually assassins. They all pull out guns and secure all the prom attendees.
Ohh, bitch!! What'd those people ever do to you, huh? Call 'em off!!
Or what? You kill me, they all die. [he drops her back into the limo]
How about I make you call in that code, while I drop your new boyfriend off a cliff.
I'd rather die.
She pops the hood of the limo, which causes Brock to fall off the car. It falls backwards off the cliff and we see only Molotov smiling as it falls down. We see Brock's face and an explosion. He is sad for a moment and then quickly checks his watch. 11:59.
He quickly runs to the Conjecture cycle, but it's in ruins. He runs back to the fork in the road and grabs the sidecar, which is still working. He drives as fast as he can and gets almost to the hangar when his watch clicks to midnight. He jumps off the cycle and continues to run towards the hangar, expecting the worst. He draws his knife and rushes into the hangar, ready to deal with the situation except there is no situation to deal with.
All the Black Hearts are still dancing with and having a good time. Brock looks at everyone with confusion until Dr. Venture smiles and waves a bottle of his Spanish fly. Brock smiles and puts his knife away. However at this moment Dr. Venture's date pushes him away and projectile vomits all over him. She then turns into a horrible mutant fly creature, along with the rest of the assassins. Everyone begins to fight off the new enemies and Brock grins and draws his knife again.
Above them we see the rocket again. Now we're high above Earth and the rocket ejects its only cargo into space.

Roll end credits.
We're not on the Outrider's front lawn. Dean approaches wearing a ghost costume. Goths, spooky stuff, ghosts, right? Dermott is annoyed but it's all they have to work with. The word 'TRIANA' built out of sticks is ready, however. Dermott lights it on fire and Dean puts on his hood. Uh, hood? This might not end well. The fire on all of the letters starts to go out and Dermott notes that he only had enough gas in his minibike to cover one letter. The 'T'. Yeah.

Dermott and Hank quickly bail when they realize what's going on. The Outrider comes out and confronts Dean.
Dean? Dean, what are you doing, lad?
Evening Mr. Outrider. Sir. I was, uh, is Triana home?
[puts out the fire] Well no, son, she was very upset after the prom and I believe she went over to Raven's house. Mommy, isn't that where she said she was going? [TATIANA only shrugs and walks back inside]
Dean, I think I know what all this is about. You know, a wise man who's either Gurdjieff or Baba Oje once told me "you can never step into the same river twice."
That makes no sense, sir.
Triana really likes that boy, and they're very happy together. And if you truly love her you should just move on and be happy... that she's happy. Don't ya think?
[sniffles] You know what I think? [pause] Fuck you!
- This is the first hour-long episode of the series, with all other episodes (aside from the Christmas special being a half-hour (roughly 22 - 23 minutes runtime without commercials). This was done after Jackson & Doc turned in the original standard-length script, which is part of what caused the four week delay between this and the previous episode. Jackson sent me this info:
Doc and I had turned the script in before the holidays and we had started to storyboard it, but then we decided we wanted to do more with the story and expand it to a full hour. The network liked our idea, so we're currently rewriting the script for that one. So we're doing the equivalent of nine episodes instead of eight this time, but the finale WON'T be a 2-parter--it'll be an hour special. And we won't be done with it until about a month-to-six-weeks after the 7th episode.
- In the tradition of format-breaking finales (occurring in all but season three), this episode forgoes the traditional cast credits at the end of the episode in exchange for simply listing out actor names at the beginning (similar to "Showdown at Cremation Creek, Part I", though part II did have normal credits). As such there is no official character listing/credits, but here's the list I came up with:
James Urbaniak Dr. Venture Patrick Warburton Brock Samson Michael Sinterniklaas Dean Venture Chris McCulloch Hank Venture
Sgt. Hatred
Hunter Gathers
The Monarch
Sky Pilot
Pete White
Agent Doe
Henchman 24
Tim-TomDoc Hammer Billy Quizboy
Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
Dermott Fictel
The Outrider
Agent Cardholder
KevinToby Huss General Treister Steven Rattazzi Dr. Orpheus Dana Snyder The Alchemist Charles Parnell Jefferson Twilight Mia Barron Molotov Cocktease Lisa Hammer Triana Orpheus Kate McKinnon Escort/Black Heart - Sky Pilot refers to the newer SPHINX agents as 'younglings' which is a reference to Star Wars. Young Jedi are called younglings prior to their more in-depth Jedi training in the Star Wars universe. When the agents see the OSI hoverquarters one of them also utters "a city in the clouds" a reference to Cloud City seen in The Empire Strikes Back. Thanks to Andrea in the comments for adding that.
- Billy and Pete briefly discuss "Our Lips Are Sealed", specifically the versions by The Go-Go's from 1981 and Fun Boy Three from 1983. The song itself is interesting because it was actually written by the Go-Go's guitarist and Fun Boy Three's singer. The Fun Boy Three version, as you can tell from the YouTube video, is less upbeat than the Go-Go's version.
In the same conversation Pete also says that he's not going to play Push It any more, referring to the 1987 Salt-N-Pepa song which is generally accompanied by some kind of dance. - Dr. Venture notes that he has spiked the prom punch with creme de menthe, a very sweet, mint-flavored alcoholic beverage. True Dr. Venture fashion. Jefferson instead opts to spike it with sambuca, another rather sweet liqueur (often used to sweeten coffee). So yeah, that punch is probably not going to be super tasty.
- When 21 is burying 24's skull, 24 says "You're just going to bury my skull here and declare this meeting of the Midnight Society closed?" which is a reference to the Nickelodeon (US) and YTV (Canada) series Are You Afraid of the Dark?. The series was done in a similar way to Tales from the Crypt where a static cast (Tales only had the Cryptkeeper) would tell a story which was enacted on the screen by non-regular actors. The premise of Afraid of the Dark was that a group of teens, who were in a club called The Midnight Society, were telling scary stories late at night around a camp fire. After each story was done (at the end of the episode) one member would extinguish the camp fire they were all sitting around and say "I declare this meeting of the Midnight Society closed."
- Shoreleave's celebration after he shoots 21's wings off ("Uhn, double up, uhn uhn") is a reference to the popular musical number "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot.
- The frequent companion of 24 in this episode is Baba Oje, a member of the hip-hop group Arrested Development. Oje is considered the group's spiritual elder as he is twice the age of anyone else in the band. 21 mistakenly thinks that he's Mr. Wendal, which is actually the name of an Arrested Development song.
- Raven's look is mostly based on that of Edward Cullen from the Twilight series, mostly as he's portrayed in the film series by Robert Pattinson. Though Cullen is a vampire and Raven (probably) isn't, and Raven is impaired and needs crutches to walk whereas Cullen has no trouble with it.
- Dr. Venture notes that his prom date was supposed to be Linda Lovelace, the stage name of Linda Boreman, who is most famous for her role in the 1972 porn movie Deep Throat where she, uh, did what the title of the movie says. Lovelace, as Dr. Venture noted, denounced her pornography career in 1976 and eventually became a spokeswoman for the anti-pornography movement (a movement she joined in 1980).
Doc then goes on to say that instead of Lovelace his date was Andrea Dworkin, a radical feminist who was best known for her criticism of porn. And yeah, perhaps not the most attractive woman. But it's what's on the inside that matters, guys. - Billy is apparently a big fan of Hawkgirl. If you know what I mean.
- Just who was mysteriously crossing off items on 21's list of suspects is revealed to be the Moppets. Does this prove their guilt in killing 24? Maybe. Time will tell perhaps.
- When Shoreleave says "I'm gonna wash that man right out of your hair" to 21 (his way of saying he's going to wipe his memory) this is a reference to the song "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair" in the musical South Pacific where a character symbolicly says that she is going to forget about a man she is fed up with by washing her hair. Thanks to ZJS in the comments for mentioning that.
- What's that, you want an Operation Dumbo Drop reference (Hunter and Sky Pilot's mission is called 'Operation Double Dumbo Drop')? Sure! Ray Liotta's finest work? Some might say.
- Hank's apparent obsession with the mail lady is a callback to "The Better Man" when Dean notes that Hank had a crush on the mail lady for 'like five years'. Hank defends it, noting that she wore very attractive shorts.
- When he first meets agents Doe and Cardholder, Hunter comments that he can't believe they nozzled him, which is a reference to the now famous 'The Nozzle' from "The Invisible Hand of Fate". You know, The Nozzle.
- In the same scene when Doe and Cardholder refuse to call Hunter by his rank they joke that Cardholder is President Cardholder and Doe is 'God Emperor Doe', which is a reference to the science fiction series Dune, specifically the fourth book in the series, God Emperor of Dune.
- Speaking of Doe and Cardholder, it sounds like Doc Hammer finally remembered to make Cardholder sound like he originally sounded in "The Lepidopterists" and less like Dr. Girlfriend as he had been sounding. For reference here is their first scene from that episode which you can compare to a scene from the season three finale (part one).
- When Doe, Cardholder and Hunter first attempt to enter General Treister's office he is on the can reading a newspaper. Oddly enough he's reading the frequently cited Venture Home News so maybe Dean's circulation numbers have improved. Here's a shot of that. Thanks to Andrea in the comments for pointing that one out.
- General Treister, in his first conversation with Hunter, likens Monstroso to a plus sized 'Hans Brinker', saying he has his proverbial thumb in the Guild's proverbial Christmas pie. Hunter corrects him, saying that it was Little Jack Horner who had his thumb in a pie, not Hans Brinker. This is correct, but he goes on to say that Hans Brinker had his thumb in a dike, which is not actually true. The story of Hans Brinker, called Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates itself contains a story (story within a story) wherein a nameless Dutch boy (the story is only called The Hero of Haarlem) saves his country by plugging a hole in leaking dike with his finger. He waits there all night, even though it's very cold, until the next morning when the adults find him and repair the dike themselves. Hans Brinker is often erroneously associated with the little boy, including by Hunter apparently.
- Treister utters some pretty famous words after his wrestle with Hunter. Namely when he says "You're making me angry. You wouldn't like me when..." though he never finishes the second sentence it's a reference to the words spoken by Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk television series from 1978. The words have become rather iconic over the years and generally indicate that someone is about turn turn into 'a Hulk' or at least a Hulk-like monster of some sort.
And of course the continual running gag of referring to a singular thing as if it's fairly common ('a Dracula', 'a Tarzan', 'a Medusa' etc) continues with 'a Hulk'. Stay tuned for more, I assume!
- Triana mentions Kim, first and last seen in season two's episodes "Assassinanny 911" and "Victor. Echo. November." has been something of a fan favorite in spite of Jackson and Doc's efforts to say that she was just kind of a character who existed. One of the most common questions during conventions was asking if Kim would be back, or if Kim would be arching as Dr. Girlfriend's number two, and so on. Jackson & Doc often expressed their desire to put Kim to rest and Jackson even mentioned that he "almost put Kim in rehab" in my interview with them. This episode seals that up once and for all, hopefully.
- While talking to one of the escorts about his old show and how it got cancelled, Dr. Venture notes that they had "a Thundarr lead-in" which refers to the early 1980s series Thundarr the Barbarian. Thundarr itself only ran for two seasons, though this does give us a timeline for when the Rusty Venture show was finally cancelled (81 or 82). Doc also mentions that maybe his show wouldn't have been cancelled if they had "a fucking mok on the show" which refers to Thundarr's alien companion on the show, Ookla the Mok.
- Sorry for not bothering to figure out what all the bleeped out words in the whole rather lengthy 'Rusty Venture' sequence were, it's tougher than you think! The season 4.2 DVD/Blu-Ray will likely be uncensored so we can finally see what it's all about (though arguably that scene will be less funny without the bleeps).
And for those of you curious, at the time the episode aired there was no Urban Dictionary entry for 'a Rusty Venture', but there are certainly many now. - Col. Gentleman mentions that he started the 'Rusty Venture' craze in 'P-Town' with Tennessee Williams. Williams of course being the famous playwright of plays such as A Streetcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and The Glass Menagerie, among others. P-Town refers to Provincetown, Massachusetts which is notable for its sizable gay community (thanks cpc65) and is where Williams had his first sexual affair with another man. Williams had struggled with his sexuality throughout his childhood but eventually came out as a gay man in private after this affair. He was eventually publicly outed as gay by Time Magazine in the 1950s.
- Col. Gentleman is also building a replica of the USS Indianapolis on the back of his dog for some reason. That ship was sunk on July 30th, 1945 when it was hit by two torpedoes from a Japanese submarine. The sinking of the ship is significant because it accounts for the greatest single loss of life at sea for the US Navy with only 316 of the 1196 men on board surviving (though 321 were pulled out of the water alive). The boat itself sunk in only 12 minutes due to the massive amount of damage it took and the crew members that survived were stranded at sea for three days. Because of the way plotting boards were done back then, ships as large as the Indianapolis were assumed to arrive and were marked off when they were predicted to do so, and the case was the same for this incident. Furthermore the ship did send off a distress signal before sinking but the call was ignored because one commander was drunk, one ordered his men to not disturb him and a third thought it was a prank by the Japanese.
If you notice Gentleman's model it also contains various shark fins and even a sailor being eaten by a shark, which is because that actually happened. Aside from starvation, hypothermia, dehydration, dementia and so on some sailors were also attacked and killed by sharks. - When Hunter realizes what's going on with Doe and Cardholder he says "Brando's got us on our bellies and he's reaching for the butter!" which is a reference to the 1972 film Last Tango in Paris which is a fairly sexually explicit film about an American widower (played by Marlon Brando) who takes up an anonymous sexual relationship with a younger, soon-to-be-married woman. There is a (fairly famous and certainly controversial) scene in the film where Brando's character forcefully engages in anal sex with his partner using butter as a lubriucant.
- Jefferson and Dr. Orpheus mistakenly think 21 is upset about Arrested Development not being around any more, which is funny because the band got back together in 2000 after a four-year hiatus and in fact has released more albums between 2000 and 2009 than from 1988 to 1996. Their most famous songs (including "Mr. Wendal") come from their first album, however, and they aren't overly popular in the United States any more, so it's entirely possibly Jefferson just doesn't know they're still around.
- The song played in the final pre-credits scenes and during the credits is "Like a Friend" by Pulp. The song marks only the second time the show has had licensed pop music on it, the first being the season two opener. For those curious this song is on the Pulp album called This Is Hardcore, which is recommended. You can also purchase the Great Expectations soundtrack to get the song if you prefer.
- When the Outrider is talking to Dean he incorrectly cites either Baba Oje and George Gurdjieff as the source of his quote "you can never step into the same river twice." This quote is actually from to Greek philosopher Heraclitus.
- Another season, another set of questions, though this season did answer a large number of questions, it also opened a lot of doors, especially in this episode. Obviously the biggest change is that Hunter is now in charge of OSI. We don't really know what that means for Hunter, OSI or even SPHINX (which serves a separate purpose from OSI). It's likely SPHINX will be re-integrated into OSI and perhaps Hunter will attempt to streamline OSI, if such a thing is even possible.
General Treister's fate is also left up to your imagination. While ejecting yourself into space will obviously kill you, we don't know what exactly Jackson and Doc have up their sleeves for Treister, if anything at all. Also for what it's worth, the human body in space actually will not instantly freeze or explode as depicted in many movies. Since there is nothing for heat to transfer to (required for rapid freezing) in space you actually lose body heat at an extremely slow rate. You will suffocate eventually and the saliva in your mouth will boil, but cases where humans have experienced being in a vacuum (or near vacuum) have resulted in the subject passing out within a few seconds. Irreparable damage is actually not done (as long as you don't hold your breath before entering the vacuum) for many minutes. There's some interesting reading material at NASA for those of you interested.
However the biggest question marks are Molotov and Monstroso. Many seem to think it's pretty likely that Molotov is still alive, since such a death doesn't seem to be her style and she generally always has an escape plan. We also of course didn't see either of them die, and death by off-screen explosion is a pretty ineffective way of killing someone in most TV series'. It remains to be seen of course.
21's status is also up in the air, though it seems pretty cut and dry that he has quit henching and will likely join SPHINX, assuming it still exists.
Sgt. Hatred and Princess Tinyfeet seem to be back together, so we'll have to see how that goes. Will Sgt. Hatred continue to be the Venture bodyguard? There's no indication otherwise, though I have seen some speculation that Brock might go back to being a bodyguard I also think that's not too likely. His rush to save the Venture family was due to him caring about them, not his desire to be a bodyguard. You can see one of the few genuine moments of panic on his face as he's running to the hangar in the final scenes. Also further getting into Brock, we see he attempted to get himself some closure with Molotov, though how that will end up also remains to be seen.
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