Victor. Echo. November.
Original Air Date:August 13, 2006
Written by:Doc Hammer
Production Number:15
- ... and shiny SOUL-BOT as H.E.L.P.eR.
While Hank and Dean are out on a double date with... Triana and her friend Kim... The Monarch and Phantom Limb meet at the same restaurant so to work out the Monarch's insurance plan with the Guild. However their business meeting turns sour when the Monarch dares Phantom Limb to stamp out the Venture family. Now it's up to Brock to save the boys from certain death, but is Dr. Venture safe?
Bathroom at the Venture Compound. Dean is shaving... his entire face. Or rather he's shaving his freckles off. Hank, meanwhile, is donning his Batman outfit. You know, one of those ones made of plastic with the cheap plastic mask and the thin white rubber band stapled on there that always breaks after about fifteen minutes of use? Yeah, one of those. Dean finishes up (after putting some Yohan Musk on his Hardy Boys), only to find Batman Hank. He calls Dr. Venture, who calls Brock, who tells Hank to change into real clothes or Hank is getting left behind and Dean is driving the Charger. Hank complies.
Meanwhile Triana is getting ready for... something... and Dr. Orpheus attempts to have a very awkward 'The Talk' with her:
I have been attempting to stave off this awkward, yet necessary conversation.
Please. Dad.
This is my duty!
[TRIANA giggles]
What is funny about my duty? You know I take my duty quite seriously.
You said... [laughs] Never mind.
I share your nervousness, but there are certain facts that a father must impart to his daughter on occasions such as this- Oh yes, 'doody', clever.
Hear me out! [clears throat] When young women reach estrus, the, uhh, lignum, ummm, craves theeee stamen-like skills of the yonie. This is quite natural.
Dad. Come on. I'm doing you a favor.
Yes, yes, Mr. Venture has been kind enough to give me some leeway with the rent if I get the boys, as he says, 'out of his hair' for the evening. But as you know, tonight I teach conjuring at The New School.
It's not a problem. Kim and I could use a free dinner.
It's just that boys at their age have unchecked desires coursing, nay raging as a tempest would! Through their tingling nethers!
Come on, Dad. I'm going on a date with... the Venture brothers.
Roll opening credits.
Phantom Limb's pad. He's trying to sell a stolen Rembrandt to some Italian guy. Hey, yo. The Italian guy doesn't seem to want a Rembrandt though. He'd rather have the Mona Lisa. Phantom Limb explains that the Mona Lisa is crap and also kind of small, and this Rembrandt is much better. Dr. Girlfriend, in her skimpy Queen Atheria outfit, enters with wine chanties. The Italian guy takes one but instead of drinking it just stares blatantly at Dr. Girlfriend's chest.
After covering herself with the drink tray to clue in the Italian guy, she goes over to talk to Phantom Limb. It seems Dr. Girlfriend is rather unhappy with how Phantom Limb is doing his arch villain thing. Phantom Limb explains:
Not everybody has a trust fund like that insect ex-boyfriend of yours! If you think I'm going to go back to a diet of ramen noodles and spaghetti-o's, driving around in a Honda Accord with a ghost on the hood, sorry. I have plans. [he waves his arm stumps in the air]
What are you doing?
I'm wringing my hands! Menacingly!
Well nobody can see that!
Dr. Girlfriend continues to press his lack of evilness and Phantom Limb finally snaps and does his crazy death hands thing on the Italian guy, who promptly falls to the ground and bleeds all over Phantom Limb's Persian rug. They argue some more, though neither is paying attention to what the other is saying, and Dr. Girlfriend storms off to change, mentioning that they have a dinner thing with the Monarch at eight.
The Cocoon. 21 and 24 are beatboxing until the Monarch enters, causing them to pretend to work:
Twenty-four! Ready the Monarch-mobile! Your leader has a date.
Uhh, we kinda don't have a Monarch-mobile any more.
Why the hell not?
We ditched it!
You know the heat was on us after that Venture brothers thing, so we thought, you know-
Alright fine, what are our options?
We can take my Nissan Stanza-
Shotgun!! Called, totally!
What color is it? Is it diabolical? Or at least butterfly colored?
It's powder blue. Mostly.
Great. Twenty-one, what do you drive?
His powder blue Stanza.
Back at the Venture compound Doc informs Brock that he's made a 'non-scientific' discovery. Namely a 'racy' Dolly Parton film called The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. Meow?
Yeah, Doc, you're uhh, gonna be disappointed there.
Don't ruin it for me. I have popcorn popping and the VCR set for stun. You wanna watch it with me?
Naaah, I'm cool. I- uh, I gotta drive the boys to dinner.
Ohhh, I get it. Yeah, these kind of films are meant to be watched... solo a mano.
Yeah, that's it. [he exits]
We cut to a nice 4-way divided screen of four cars driving on the highway. Phantom Limb and Dr. Girlfriend, Triana and Kim, The Monarch and his henchmen and Brock and the boys.
So, are the Venture brothers cute?
Well Dean... he's kinda cute. He dresses like Buddy Holly.
That's pretty cool.
Yeah, but I think he does it accidentally.
What about my date?
Hank? Yeah, well, he's blonde... and more... like, athletic.
Sounds good. How does he dress?
Like Fred from Scooby-Doo.
Put in my mix tape, it's right on the dash! It's the one that says 'chillin with my peeps and my main man the Monarch'.
We have to stop and pick up my... date.
I thought Dr. Girlfriend was gonna be there.
Yes, with that dick, Phantom Limb. I plan to use the never-fail strategy of jealousy!
Who's your date?
I met her on the Live Journal, which I kept in prison. I have been blogging! After posting an especially attractive picture of my prison sculpted abs she commented that I was not only 'fween', I was 'teh-heh sex'. Whatever that means.
Any advice? You know, this being our first big date and all.
Yeah. [he grabs the corsage DEAN is holding and throws it out the window]
No. And don't pull out her chair or kiss her hand or anything like that. It's kinda dorky. Just be yourself. Wait, here. [he pulls out his wallet and hands it to DEAN] Take this. It's got plenty of money in there and it doesn't have a cartoon bee on it. Don't let them pay for anything and if you end up going to like a movie or something, you call me on the two-way, okay?
What about me? Any advice to help me to score with my mystery date?
Yeah, don't say score or anything close to 'mystery date' in front of her. And don't do that uhh, 'do you like sea food' joke either.
Can do! Gosh, she would totally know that joke already.
You're awfully quiet.
[DR. GIRLFRIEND looks at him]
What? [long pause] Stop that!
At the restaurant Hank tries to tell Dean what to say about him, up to and including calling him 'the Hankinator'. Dean refuses of course, and then promptly freaks out when Triana and Kim show up:
Dude, sit down! We have to play it cool. Observe how I scope out my mystery date whilst I pretend to look at my watch- Holy moley, look at my date! She's a super villain! Possibly a medusa. Dean, I am not kidding. She has rope for hair and a shiny costume! Aw, not fair, she's wearing goggles! Told ya she would dig my Batman suit, but no!
Meanwhile at a close by table the Monarch tells his henchmen to sit somewhere else and pretend like they don't know him (because, you know, who would ever suspect three guys in butterfly outfits would know each other).
[sighs] jollyrancher82, never get henchmen.
You know, that's not my real name.
Well how was I supposed to know!? I used my real name.
I just thought, you know, 'the Monarch'. I thought you were into cosplay.
Real name. And I am into costumed business, not costume play.
Just then Phantom Limb and Dr. Girlfriend arrive. jollyrancher82 comments that she heard Dr. Girlfriend was kind of manly, which the Monarch shoots down. He then goes on to explain how the Phantom Limb because Phantom Limb. Apparently he was roommates with Billy Quizboy in college, and in an attempt to become cooler he had Billy create a machine that speeds up the muscle growth. However it malfunctioned and sped up the molecules in his arms and legs past the speed of light with two other side effects. He can mess up a guy just by touching him (the flashback shows him grabbing Billy's arm) and he became a humorless dick!
The henchmen then notice Phantom Limb and 24 inquires as to how he floats. 21 tells him that it's because his legs are invisible, which happened back when he used to be a good guy. Apparently he and Billy (who won a lot of money on "Card Sharks") invented a time machine that malfunctioned, sending Phantom Limb's arms and legs and Billy's hand 40 years into the future. Crazy!
And finally Kim notices Phantom Limb. Hank tells her that he totally hates their dad and goes on to say that he used to be a famous magician, and one time (while performing for the Queen of England) he accidently made his arms and legs disappear. And now they're on the moon with a bunch of rabbits and doves and playing cards and pretty assistants and some milk. Right. Oh and he cut off a kid's hand. And ate it. Hank mentions that it was the hand of the guy that operated on Dean's balls, causing Dean to freak out. After an odd and short conversation Hank and Dean head off to the bathroom.
Phantom Limb, meanwhile, is going over Guild insurance policies with the Monarch. The Monarch comments that he just wants a policy that will let him take down Venture, which leads to insults followed by the Monarch challenging Phantom Limb to take down the Venture's himself, seeing as how they're so indestructible. Phantom Limb accepts and makes a call to the Guild.
Within the hour, the entire Venture family will be dead. Dramatic music, letterbox! This is serious stuff.
Back at the Venture Compound the alarms go off. As with during the events of Home Insecurity, steel plates slide down to cover the windows, alarms go off; the whole shebang. Dr. Venture complains about it happening 'again' when Brock runs in, yelling for Doc to get in the panic room, covered in blood and totally naked. Oh and he's holding a severed head. Just then the power cuts out. Oh, but the backup generator comes on! But then that cuts out too. They might just be screwed this time. Dr. Venture finishes peeing on himself and runs off to the panic room. Brock tells HELPeR to escort Doc, and HELPeR suddenly transforms into a killing machine with weapons and stuff. Never knew he had it in him! This is going to be good, I think.
Back at the restaurant, Dr. Girlfriend is berating Phantom Limb and the Monarch for their decisions to kill the Venture family and fake date running off crying (respectively, of course). Dr. Girlfriend then leaves in a huff to 'powder her nose', or whatever the cliche is.
Back at the compound and assassin searches a dark room with a nifty laser-sighted gun when naked Brock lands on top of him. He's been stabbed by Brock, and Brock tells him that he could easily kill him with a simple twist of the blade unless the assassin tells Brock what his target is. Blackout. Four and a robot. Brock slides out the knife:
I think you may have got the kidney. [sniffs] I don't wanna die alone! [coughs] Don't go!
I don't think I hit your kidney-
[groans] No, you totally did- [coughs] Plea- [coughs] Please... hold me.
Look I'm pretty sure I missed the kidney. I mean you could bleed to death in like four hours, but uh-
I see a tunnel. I'm scared. Could you- could you stroke my hair?
Look, you are not gonna-
Can you sing to me!? Could you sing a Technotronic song? Maybe [coughs] Pump Up the Jam?
I don't know-
What about Move This?! Do you know that one?!
[sighs] Baby let me-
Cut back to the restaurant; the Monarch is signing his new policy. Phantom Limb asks if the Monarch loves her, but the Monarch refuses to answer since it's too high school. Phantom Limb comments that, for the Monarch's sake, he hopes he does. The Monarch hopes Phantom Limb doesn't. But he does. What?
At the Venture compound Brock is trying to contact HELPeR... except there's nothing to contact except for a head. The camera pans over to reveal Dr. Venture's arm. Brock calls up on his two-way, but there's no reaction or answer... a pool of blood... oh hey, that arm isn't attached to anything!

Meanwhile at the restaurant, apparently Hank and Dean have been peeing for the last twenty minutes and continue to do so. Dean tells Hank that everything is ruined, but Hank tells Dean that he needs to take the initiative. Phantom Limb walks in and when he sees who is in the bathroom, sneaks into a stall unnoticed.
Uhh, you have a stain.
Wha- daaah, come on! Why does that happen!?
[Hank steps back to reveal a nice pee stain on his crotch]
I shook it so hard I almost hit that pink puck.
Well, did you dab?
Dab. Did you dab?
Uhh, no.
I dab.
Well I don't.
You should dab.
Stop saying dab!
Brock, meanwhile, is speeding towards the restaurant in his Charger. Still naked. Still bloodstained. Dr. Venture is calling him on the two-way. Brock tells Dr. V he's on his way to get the boys, but Dr. Venture mentions he's not okay. In the least. Dr. Venture is sitting in the panic room, surrounded by his own blood. The only thing keeping him alive is their lack of storage since he's using some Christmas decorations as a tourniquet and to stop bleeding. Brock tells him to hold on. Dr. Venture fires Brock. Not for real though. I think.
At the restaurant the Monarch pokes at his steak fries. Always soggy. After a second he says "fuck this" and gets up.
In the bathroom Hank continues to struggle with his stain problem. Brock contacts Dean who informs Brock that they're both safe at the moment. Just then Hank gets the bright idea to hold onto the wall and use the hand dryer on his crotch.
It feels somebody with a fever is yelling in my pants!
Just then the Monarch walks in and, similar to Phantom Limb, sneaks into a stall when he notices Hank and Dean. However this time Dean sees him. He tells Brock that the place is crawling with guys who hate Dr. Venture and Brock tells him to stay in the bathroom.
Back outside the henchmen finally notice that everyone has left:
Aw, the Monarch is probably waiting in the car. He's gonna kill us for dawdling! Pay the bill, I gotta use the can.
I'm not gonna sit here alone, I'll look like an idiot!
Dude, you just ate dinner with a guy dressed exactly like you!
Well at least I looked like a popular idiot!
They both arrive in the bathroom and, like those before them, sneak into a stall when they see the Venture brothers.
What are they doing here?
How would I know?
We gotta tell the boss.
I'm not going out there. [pause] Dude get out of here; I gotta take a Count Dooku.
Outside the stalls Hank's pants, or more precisely his crotch area, catches fire. Dean tries to smack it out, but only succeeds in 'wailing on Hank's junk'. 24 comments that he can't believe these two are hard to kill. We know why!
Two stalls over Phantom Limb informs Watch and Ward that he's going to kill the Venture brothers himself and they should call off the blackout. Brock, who still has the severed head with him, hears the blackout calloff on the head's headset. Yeah.
Meanwhile in the ladies room Dr. Girlfriend is touching up her lipstick as Kim and Triana look on in awe.
Can I ask you a question?
[sighs] Yes, I belong in here, I just have a deep voice.
Okay, can I ask you another one?
Yeah, sure.
What color lipstick is that?
Pink poodle. It's a M.A.C. color. They give a Guild discount. You're in the Guild, aren't you?
I don't know what the Guild means.
Tell me about it! I don't know any more myself. So do you work single, number two a man?
Uh, I don't really have a guy.
Well let me give you my card. I like your look. I've had it up to here with men and I think we might make a nice team. Call me. [she exits]
Did you see that? That woman just totally hit on me.
She wasn't hitting on you. Read the card.
Oh my god. I knew it. She's a super villain, that is so cool. She thought I was a bad guy, I am so gonna do this.
Meanwhile in the mens room Brock jumps through the window after crashing his car into the wall. He tumbles on the ground and lands in front of the boys. Naked, covered in blood, and now also covered in glass.
Brock motions for the boys to leave the bathroom. He then quickly sneaks into the first stall and puts his knife to 24's throat. 21 literally shits (splash noise!) and 24 tells Brock that they didn't do anything. Brock says he believes them and heads to...
The next stall. The Monarch, likewise, says he didn't have anything to do with it and informs Brock that Phantom Limb is in the next stall and that he did all this to show off to Dr. Girlfriend. Next stall!
Brock Samson. The Venture mule. Do you always hang out naked in the mens bathroom?
Why'd you do it?
Why do men like us do anything? Because we can.
Wrong answer! How'd you like your neck to match your arms?
You take me out and the Guild of Calamitous Intent will rain down on you en masse. Every woman you've loved, every mouth you've kissed, every hand you've shaken will fall, dead, to the ground!
I'm aware of that. So let me give you a warning. If you ever sick your goons on the Venture family; my family I will-
Yes, yes, of course. Scary, scary. It won't happen again. Funny, what we men are capable of when we fear our women leaving us. Being a man it's so much easier to kill than to love.
I'm sorry, uh--
Thank you. We're not so different, you and I.
Yeeeaah, I don't need another 'we're not so different' speech. I get those a lot.
Yes I'm sure you do. Then shall we just shake hands and leave as enemies?
They stare each other down for a minute before shaking without incident.
[laughs] For a minute there I thought you were gonna do your killer hand thing.
So did I.
Back in the restaurant Dean and Hank rejoin Kim and Triana. Triana asks if they want to get dessert. Dean does.
I'm gonna be a super villain.
I'm gonna be Batman.
HANK & DEAN: Go Team Venture!!
Dude, I warned you.
I think I just found my first arch-enemies.
Roll end credits.
Back at the Venture compound Billy is playing with the mechanics in his robotic hand:
Oh yeah, it's a musical. You never get to see anything. Welp, you're good as new, Dr. Venture. Don't lift anything for a while, your arm might fall off.
No, I'm joking. But seriously don't lift anything for a while, because your arm could fall off.
Thanks, Billy. What are you doing there?
Nothing, uh the hand gets kinda buggy when I use it for delicate work. It's fine now.
How'd you get that thing?
That's an excellent question, I have no idea.
- The name of this episode is derived from the NATO Phonetic Alphabet which assigns words to letters so that critical abbreviations can be states with less potential for mishearing (for instance FBI would be stated 'Foxtrot. Bravo. India.' instead of potentially being mistaken for 'FVI' or 'FEI'). Victor, echo, november of course spell out VEN, which is likely the Venture family's Guild identification code.
- Hank is back in his Batman suit. It made a brief appearance in Powerless when one of Hank's deaths was revealed to be him jumping off the top of the Venture compound with the same suit and holding an umbrella.
- Dean's cologne is called 'Yohan' which is probably a play on Jovan, which was mentioned in Spider-Skull Island before Hank and Dean were killed (when talking about their new baby uncle).
- The Rembrandt that Phantom Limb is attempting to sell is an actual stolen Rembrandt which, among others, was stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston on March 18th of 1990. The painting pictured in the episode is called Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee. The paintings are still missing, and the thieves still at large.
- The Nissan Stanza is actually no longer in production. Nissan stopped making the car in 1992, so 24's car is at least fourteen years old.
- As stated by Billy Quizboy at the end, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas is actually a musical comedy, not a skin flick as Dr. Venture was hoping for.
- In something of a continuity error, but also possibly due to the episodes airing in the wrong order, Kim appears to have no knowledge of Hank and Dean even though she met Dean (and knew of Hank) in Assassinanny 911. As far as production goes, this episode was written before Assassinanny, but the airing order is intentional. Here's what Jackson had to say on the subject:
"Victor. Echo. November" was indeed produced before "Assassinanny 911" and it was only later we chose the order the episodes were to run in (we did--not the network--so blame us). ... The one little detail we forgot about in regards to these two episodes was Kim, Triana's techno-Goth friend. She's obviously met Hank and Dean already in "Assassinanny 911," ... but is only just being introduced to them in ["Victor. Echo. November."]. Our bad. Neither of us picked up on it till the former episode aired, at which point Doc, just as guilty as I, cried "foul!" because he didn't want me to get credit for his Fred from Scooby Doo joke, which I'd unintentionally scooped him on...when it was meant as a "callback." Oh, well...
- The Monarch met his date on 'the Live Journal' that he kept in prison. Jackson Publick, series creator/producer/director/writer/voice actor/etc of course also has a Live Journal, which this is most certainly a reference to. He also voices the Monarch, which may just be coincidence. Jolyrancher82 calling him 'teh sex' is a common Internet... uh, thing, where people will (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not) spell 'the' as 'teh'. Calling someone 'teh sex' most likely means you find them attractive. Writing 'teh sex' is a lot less typing though.
- Continuing with the writers running gag of turning a proper noun into a plural improper noun, Hank says that Kim is possibly 'a Medusa'. Medusa, of course, is a single entity in Greek mythology who could turn people to stone by looking at them. And snakes for hair, not rope, Hank.
- Cosplay anyone?
- Yet another (possible) character connection is revealed here in Phantom Limb's various origin stories. Namely that he and Billy Quizboy used to be roommates in college. Of the three origins told, the one most likely to actually be real is the one told by the Monarch since 21's and Hank's stories would seem to insinuate that Phantom Limb's arms and legs would be missing and not invisible. On top of that the muscle growth accelerator in the Monarch's story was used by Phantom Limb to heal Brock's bullet wound in Hate Floats. Oh, and in 21's story the wrong arm disappears from Billy. His robotic arm is on his left side but the flashback shows his right hand disappearing.
- On a related note, 21 also mentions that Billy won a bunch of money on Card Sharks which was an old game show that ran from '78 - '81 on NBC and '86 - '89 on CBS (and longer in syndication). The basic idea of the game was to guess if a playing card was higher or lower than the card that preceded it.
- Three bands were mentioned in this episode, so I may as well group them into one note. First up the Monarch mentions that Dr. Girlfriend used to look like Saffron from Republica. Later when Brock stabs the Guild commando, the commando requests that Brock sing a Technotronic song (including Pump Up the Jam and Move This). And finally in the Guild observation room, Ward is shuffling through Watch's iPod and asks how many Yaz albums he has. Yaz is the shortened US name used for the English band Yazoo, founded by Depeche Mode founder Vince Clarke (and we all know the Astrobase loves their Depeche Mode).
- Thie one comes from Erin in the comments and is for all you dudes out there (like me) who don't know this stuff:
It should read "It's a M.A.C. color." M.A.C. is a cosmetics company. And yes, Pink Poodle is a real shade of lipgloss. (And available for purchase!) If you listen to the DVD commentary for this episode Doc mentions how upset he was over the fact that M.A.C. didn't give them any freebies for name-dropping them in an episode.
- The conversation where Dr. Venture 'fires' Brock is a reference to the original Star Trek series where Kirk and Scotty would often have similar conversations. Wikipedia cites the episode called The Apple as the definitive 'you're fired' conversation though.
- 21's statement that he has to drop a 'Count Dooku' is yet another Star Wars reference that have been springing up quite a bit in season two. Count Dooku of course was also known as Darth Tyranus and appeared in Episode II (Attack of the Clones) and briefly in Episode III (Revenge of the Sith) and was played by Christopher Lee.
- If you listen closely you can hear a splash sound right as Brock sneaks into 21 & 24's stall and puts his knife on 24's neck. It's the little touches like that we love.
- Continuing Star Wars references, the scene at the end with Billy's hand is similar to the scene at the end of The Empire Strikes Back where Luke is fitted with a robotic replacement hand after having his cut off. The robot installing the new hand runs some diagnostics similar to the ones Billy runs when he's fixing it.
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