The Silent Partners
Original Air Date:October 24, 2010
Written by:Doc Hammer
Production Number:54
The men of Conjectural Technologies learn that success comes with a price when Billy is kidnapped by the mysterious and extra-creepy investors behind their recent windfall. But who is behind the investors? SPHINX would like to know.
We're at St. Sebastian's hospital. Billy is there. As a doctor. Another doctor calls out to him, only he seems to think his name is 'Dr. Phil Donahue'. He compliments 'Phil' on a job well done with catching an error in a surgery they just completed, saying that Billy's work was so good that he might just be looking at a promotion.
There's just one problem... they don't have his papers on file. Dr. Odinson goes on to explain that he called Johns Hopkins University for his references but... well... it seems he didn't go there? Billy explains that he actually went to Stanford and studied under... Johns Hopkinsburg... at Stanford University. Dr. Odinson tells Billy to stick around so they can sort out the little oversight and he walks away.
I won't go anywhere! I'm glued! Look! I can't move my feet because they're stuck to the floor! Or the- oh no, look it's like molasses! [makes a noise simulating that his feet are stuck] Oh... I am so fucked.
Billy runs into a hospital room and attempts to open a window in order to escape. Behind him, behind a privacy curtain we see a dim red light and three mysterious figures rise from the ground. A voice says that he knew they'd come in the night. He tells them to make it quick; a deal's a deal. Billy peers behind the curtain and we see a few familiar figures and King Gorilla. He curses and taunts the men, even in his frail state. Finally one of the men reaches over and puts his hand into King's chest (with the same magic that they used to appear out of the floor), pulling out his still beating heart. King goes limp and the first two men disappear back into the ground. The last man looks over at Billy, smiles and waves as he, too, disappears into the ground. Billy can only scream as he falls backwards.

Opening credits logo.
In Pete and Billy's trailer, Billy is relaying his tale to Pete while Pete plays String Warrior. Billy says that it was 'the same guys' and that they have to give all their stuff back. Everything.
[confused] What is that?
Robo-Bo! A robotic butler slash manservant in the imposing yet familiar guise of Bo Duke. Don't act like we didn't talk about this.
Well we didn't! You asked me which Duke boy I liked better!
And you said Bo. So, ta-da! Robo-Bo!
Yeah well I didn't think for a second that you were gonn- we gotta give that horrible thing back too! They are fucking vampires and they're coming to suck all my blood out!
Billy! You're overreacting!
Billy tries to explain that he's not overreacting but then there is a sound outside. It's them. He dons his neck brace, saying that he's going to go fix the problem. He'll just tell them that they'll give everything back and the money will be returned and everything will be great. Easy. Before Billy leaves he makes Pete promise that he'll save him if they try and make him into a vampire. Pete begrudgingly promises and then goes back to his game.
From inside the trailer we hear Billy confronting the men and then a scream and a whooshing sound. Pete runs out, alarmed, but Billy is gone. Robo-Bo informs him that Master Billy left with his guests. Pete shouts for Robo-Bo to get the Conjecture-cycle.
Now at SPHINX (SPHINX) HQ, Pete is offering them $50,000 to help him find Billy. They try to explain that this isn't really what SPHINX does. Hunter perhaps explains it best:
Works like this. Someone points a gun at you, you call the police. If a bunch of guys are pointing guns at you, you call SWAT! If they're in spandex and pointing a super-LASER at you, you call the OSI. And if they're dressed regular and they're pointing a super-LASER at your daughter, that's when you call SPHINX!
So explain to me why we give a squirt about your roommate being abducted by vampires.
We're talking about Billy, here! You guys owe him! You did the- the... you know.
Spit it out, White! This is SPHINX!
We have no secrets here! When men live and work together it's imperative that there are no secrets! [turns around] I miss my breasts! Inside of me there is a woman screaming to be heard!
I hit a dog with my car last week but told the owner I found him like that!
I once jerked off twelve times in one day just to see if I could.
I had an erotic dream about Henry Rollins last night. And I'm straight as an arrow.
Remember that smell I told you was the garbage? That was my ass. I had chicken Tandoori for lunch.
You see? Men don't have secrets! Now what are you talking about?
Pete relents and tells them that they owe him for using Billy to infiltrate the Guild. Hunter says that was OSI, not them, so it doesn't count. It'd be like if Hunter threw a pen at Pete, would you get mad at Hunter or get into a fight with the pen? Hunter is about to send Pete off when he notices Pete's check, which is from the Investors. They note that they have been looking for these guys for a while and that Pete is seemingly the only person to take money from the Investors and live to tell the tale. Okay, now they'll take the job.
In an undisclosed location Billy wakes up. He's in a pretty fancy bed and is somehow in his PJs. Standing above him is none other than Monstroso. And behind Monstroso are the Investors. He tells them to leave and informs Billy of the situation. He, like Billy, is just a man in need of the services of the Investors. Billy is surprised that Monstroso knows who he is, but Monstroso says Billy is fairly famous for his prowess as a surgeon. Of course he's not a real doctor... and he's got that albino leeching off him. Billy tries to run away but Monstroso grabs him and tucks him into the bed.

In spite of Billy's refusal, Monstroso notes that Billy did make a deal with the Investors and that it's too late to return the money. Sleep tight, and tomorrow they accept the Investor's real gift. IMMORTALITY!
Meanwhile back at Pete and Billy's trailer there are SPHINX agents swarming the area while Pete explains what happened to Billy. Shoreleave consoles him, saying that they'll find Billy. Pete thinks it should have been him. Not in a noble sort of way either, but because he looks more vampire than Billy.
Brock and Hunter, meanwhile, examine some footprints in the mud. They appear to start and end at the same spot. Hunter tells Shoreleave to analyze the soil to see what's up just as Robo-Bo comes out of the trailer with lemonade. Hunter and Brock are displeased with Robo-Bo. Very displeased. However Shoreleave interrupts them noting that there's salt water in their tracks. Ocean water to be specific. From somewhere in the Atlantic near the equator. They're headed there, but not with Pete. No, he's going to a safehouse.
At the Venture Compound:
I know what you're thinkin': 'That's a bunion.' That's what I thought too, but does a bunion leak yellow goo when you squeeze it? No it doesn't. So we have a little mystery here. [pauses] [holds up his foot] Would you like to touch it?
No, not really.
Come on! It's really mushy in there!

SPHINX jets approach Spider-Skull Island:
Aww you look great, I like them dance costumes ya got!
I'm with SPHINX now.
Is Jonas here?
Sorry, bad news gentlemen. Jonas is gone. He's up there. [points upwards]
Aww jeeze, I'm sorry man. [SHORELEAVE and HUNTER put their hats over the hearts] We didn't know.
Wha- oh, no, no, no! He's not dead! He's up on his space station thingy. Left me here to keep the museum open. Since he left I've had uhhh, let's see, uhhh, no visitors.
We're not here to see the museum.
Oh too bad, I coulda cut you guys a sweeeet group rate! [HUNTER lights a cigarette] Oh, hey, sorry grandpa. Smokin' cigarettes is illegal on Spider-Skull Island.
What are you kidding me?
No, the wee chairman outlawed 'em. This here island is a sovereign nation! We got our own laws! Cigarettes and liquor be banned! Eh, but on the upside we grow our own pot and we legalized the gay marriage!
I am gonna retire here!
Captain we just came here to borrow the X-2.
Ahh, no can do, chairman needed part of the engine to power the flying thingy he thinks is too good for pirates. The X-2's gutted!
Greeeat, no boat!
Well if you just need a boat I can help you there! Just let me change me outfit!
Meanwhile in a lockeroom of some kind, Billy is tying sneakers of some kind of gym outfit when Monstroso walks in wearing only a towel. He comments that he almost didn't give it to Billy because the outfit was so tiny. Billy thinks that if anyone would be sensitive to size it would be Monstroso, to which Monstroso replies that he is, and then drops his towel. Not as sensitive as Billy is right now though!
But, admit it, I have been showing you a good time.
Well, indoor mini-golf was cool. And the bumper-cars would have been cool if yours wasn't as big as an SUV.
Well I'm trying to enjoy my last moments in this body. I've worked myself to death. Now I'll play myself to death.
Ehh, I don't wanna do this. I'm not ready!
You are ready, Billy! You have nothing in your life and the Investors are going to change all of that!
I mean, there are still so many things I wanna do before I become... you know, immortal.
Well after our game we still have bumper-pool and LASER tag and, oh, you'll love this! Giant Legos!
I was talking about something a little mooore... adult.
Giant... checkers?
Back at Spider-Skull Island the captain has donned his old pirate duds and busted out his pirate ship. Sea worthy, if nothing else! Also probably a chick magnet. Her name is Manny.
Who's Manny?
Me first love! She left me for a bloke named Craig who just slept with her and tossed her away! I haven't seen her since then. I heard she was with some go-nowhere mechanic named Jay.
Sad. Does she know how you feel?
Umm, no she doesn't because that's all from a TV show. Captain Cuckoo here named his boat after Manny Santos on Degrassi.
You're a liar!
Oh, I can't believe they killed J.T.!
I know!! And they hardly talked about it! Like after Terry bashed her skull on that rock!
Yeah. I'm the liar. Me.
Hunter breaks them up and tells them that they need to get going. SPHINX! The pirate captain raises his sword and says:
Avast! We set sail! [pause] Well?
What? What are we waiting for?
We have to actually set sail. Like you guys have to help me tie down those sails.
Back at the Venture Compound Sgt. Hatred has his acoustic guitar out. He and Pete are still in the panic room.
Ohhh, Princess Tinyfeet
You are my little treat
But then you went away
One dismal daaay
I couldn't saaay
I love youuuu!
[stops singing]
Feel free to cry or jump in.
I don't know the song.
That's because I just made it up!
[starts singing again]
My Apache flower
I want to devour
Or take a hot shower
With yooooooouuu! Yeah.
In the meantime Billy and Monstroso are playing racquetball. Billy doesn't know how to play. It's like squash. Or handball. Monstroso serves and nearly knocks Billy over. Billy says that if he wants him to hit it then he needs to hit it lighter. Monstroso agrees to do 'baby serves'. And he's still taking that point.
During the conversation Monstroso is standing pretty much still, barely exerting any effort while Billy runs around like crazy trying to hit Monstroso's hits. Monstroso asks what 'adult' thing Billy wants, and Billy notes that he wants a date with... a woman before his date with destiny. Monstroso starts to talk about how he's no stranger to the pleasures of the flesh but has yet to find a woman who can satisfy him. He then clutches his heart and falls to the ground. Billy scores a point!
You okay?
It's my heart. It's dying. No Legos for me today.
We gotta get you to a hospital!
No! Tonight... we shall embrace our destiny.

Meanwhile it appears the Captain's ship has set sail. Hunter, Brock and Shoreleave are below deck discussing Pete's check. Hunter notes that General Consolidated Insurance and Guild of Calamitous Intent have the same initials.
So whoever's holding the Investors' leash has access to the Guild funds.
Mmmm. You got anything?
Billy's hand emits a tracer pulse. It's not accurate but it should get us close enough to activate the hand's homing device.
Anything on that check?
Well, besides the peanut butter prints from Billy and White, there was a latent palm print. It didn't match anything on file so I made it into a little turkey by putting a little beak on it. Looks crappy though, see?

You know why that looks crappy? Because that's not a palm print! That's a huge thumb print!
Access to Guild funds, giant thumb print... welp should I say it or do we all say it at once?
Please, please, please-please-please, I wanna do it! You did it last time.
Alright, fine.
Oh. My. God. It's Monstroso!
Speaking of, Monstroso appears to be in his bedroom or study or something. He signs a contract while the Investors watch him, saying that he's signed many contracts but none quite like this. They help him over to his bed, which has a lot of medical equipment surrounding it, and he says that he will soon have new blood in his veins. The blood of the beast.
Billy, meanwhile, is alone in a dimly lit room, sitting on a bed. Three women appear seemingly out of nowhere. Billy notes aloud that they are vampires and starts blabbering about how he's prone to nose bleeds because of dry sinuses. And allergies. And nose picking. Nice. One of the vampire women dances while the other two caress Billy. One of them removes his pants. Aww yeah. Billy excitedly comments that she is now doing something... amazing... with her mouth! Just as he finishes that thought some lights on his hand light up and the entire thing flips down and sprays what appears to be fire extinguisher foam everywhere.

Back on the pirate ship Shoreleave exclaims that he got the homing device in Billy's hand activated. And also maybe the fire extinguisher by accident. Regardless, he's close, about seven miles... that way.
Aye, full aft! Rudder astern! Dip the main sail! Cully the sheets, ya swabs!
What the hell does that all mean?
Nothin'! Made it up. I'm just all excited to be a big pirate again!
Billy is laying in a pool of his own fire extinguisher foam when the door opens and the Investors do their creepy float into the room. The women Billy was with are gone, and Billy notes that he had sex with all of them. At the same time! The Investors say nothing and only motion for Billy to come with him. It's time.
Back at the Venture Compound Hatred and White are still in the panic room. They're now in sleeping bags. White is doing his best to ignore Hatred, who is clutching a shotgun.
I couldn't just leave him, I was afraid he might have a concussion or something. The little guy was just so cute and helpless, I cuddled all night! So I can see why he's your best friend, I mean-
He's not my best friend, I just work with him.
Yeah and live with him, and do everything with him. That's best friends!
Maybe. I always thought of Rusty as my best friend.
Whaaat? You know what, White? You are a starfucker.
Yeah, you have the greatest friend in the world and because he's not famous you don't care! You should be ashamed of yourself.
Rusty and I went to school together! We were inseparable!
Back on the open seas it seems the SPHINX buddies and the pirate have found what they were looking for. It's like a big blimp spider! It's a fortress!

Hunter notes that all they need are alibis and body bags. He then instructs Brock and Shoreleave (who has donned only a thong swimsuit rather than Brock's more appropriate wet suit) that it's a dual mission. Rescue Billy and terminate Monstroso, the Investors and everything that gets in their way. They both agree and fall back into the water. Shoreleave quickly surfaces, noting that the water is extremely cold and maybe he shouldn't have worn... almost nothing.
Back in Monstroso's chambers, Billy (still in his underpants) signs a similar looking contract to the one Monstroso signed. He then says that he's ready to become a vampire.
What are you talking about, vampire? I can't make you a vampire.
What? Isn't that what this is all about? These papers, the vampire brides, your immortality crap? Those guys [pointing at the INVESTORS]
Leave us. [the INVESTORS disappear into the floor] You have me and the Investors all wrong, son. Those papers you just signed? Those are your diplomas from medical school. All legal. That is your gift.
But those women... said they were vampires.
Those women were prostitutes. They would have said they were Charlie's Angels if you wanted them to.
[climbs down from MONSTROSO'S giant chair] But, but, you kept talking about immortality and your new life...
Yes! Immortality. You've been brought here to perform a heart transplant.

King Gorilla made a little deal with the Investors and I. He gets out of his life sentence, and I get his heart when he dies.
Oh come on! Every fucking time! I shoulda guessed. I got kidnapped to perform another illegal surgery!
No, this surgery is legal. You're far from US restrictions. And with your new diploma you will get the credit, fame and fortune you deserve. You will be a legend! An immortal!
Billy just sighs and says it's time to make history.
Underwater Brock and Shoreleave approach the fortress. They plant a bomb on one porthole which explodes. A number of Monstroso's henchmen run towards the breach. Shoreleave and Brock, meanwhile, enter from another porthole, unseen. Shoreleave comments that he used that same trick on his dog with a tennis ball. Suckers. They split up.
In surgery Billy is prepping everything. Monstroso is hooked up to various machines and his chest is already open, his original heart still beating. Billy puts on his surgical mask.
Brock, meanwhile, takes down a henchman. Another spots him but Shoreleave grabs him before he can shoot Brock.
Hi! You even think about it, I pull the trigger.
Okay. Just take that gun out of my back.
Nooo, no. That's not my gun. That's an indicator of how excited I am to do this to you. That [holds his gun up] is my gun.
In Monstroso's quarters Billy pulls King Gorilla's heart out of the canister and brings it over to Monstroso, placing it into his chest.
Brock is walking through a fancy looking hallway when the Investors appear out of the ground. He quickly throws his knife at them but it appears to just go through them. Suddenly a ton of bullets fly out of them. Brock takes cover and the Investors disappear into the ground revealing Shoreleave behind them.
Oh! Man I'm glad it's you. I thought that those guys were magically shooting bullets from their body!
[hands BROCK his knife] Right? I didn't even know you were behind them! I thought they were just throwing knives out of their backs!
Magic guys, that sucks. I thought we finally had those bastards.
Well we still have Monstroso. He's not magic, but he is a giant.
[laughs] We have a cool job, Shoreleave.
It is totally cool! Okay I'm gonna head that way. [he runs off] First one to find a talking harp, wins.

Meanwhile Billy is still working on Monstroso's heart when Brock finds him. Billy asks how he found him and Brock notes that he's been following their boat for two days. Billy is surprised that he's actually on a boat, what with the min-golf and all.
White tipped us off to this.
White. Pssh, like he cares a rat's ass about me.
Well he offered us fifty grand to save you.
Yeah, what board game was the money from?
Ahh, come on, Billy, he cares! And Monstroso there has been using those Investors of his to do stuff that you don't wanna know about.
He gave me more than you guys ever did! After I finish this transplant, I'll be famous! And I'm gonna get a reality show, and I'm gonna marry a model that wouldn't look at me before my TV show. I am done with White! He's holding me back.
Alright, then you finish up that transplant. You live with all that blood on your hands. It never comes off, Billy. The bad blood stains your hands. If you can live with knowing that you gave that killer a second chance at life, then you finish up.
[sighs] Fine. Man, you are really good at those cowboy speeches. But I can't just walk away. We doctors take a Hippocratic oath and it says that we shall never willingly harm a patient.
Billy, you're not a real doctor.
Well I may not have a degree or spent a fortune on med school, but I am a doctor. I'm a real doctor, and I'm one of the best.
[laughs] You're pretty good at those cowboy speeches too. Okay, finish him up.
Roll end credits.
In what appears to be a hospital room, Monstroso seems to be recovering from his surgery. Billy, dressed as a doctor (not in his underpants any more) instructs Monstroso to squeeze a ball in his hand. Monstroso does and destroys the ball, apologizing for breaking another one. Billy jots something down in his clipboard and leaves, telling Monstroso to get some rest.
Billy walks out of the curtained area and comes face to fact with Brock, who is sitting in a chair and smoking. We're actually in SPHINX HQ. All the other agents are waiting around with Brock.
Hey. Is he well enough so I can kill him yet?
- The fake name Billy is using while working at St. Sebastian's is Phil Donahue, a name shared by a man who is probably best known for his show The Phil Donahue Show (or just Donahue) which was the first 'tabloid talk show', a format created by Donahue and later popularized by Oprah, Geraldo and Jerry Springer (among others).
- The three men standing at King Gorilla's death bed are the same men we saw briefly in "Pomp & Circuitry" at the opening of the new building. They were introduced as General Consolidated Insurance, the same company that supplied Pete and Billy with a $10 million insurance check as seen in "Handsome Ransom". Not a coincidence. General Consolidated Insurance sharing initials with the Guild of Calamitous Intent is also likely not a coincidence, though just how connected they are remains to be seen of course.
- Pete playing 6 String Warrior is an obvious parody of the popular rhythm video game franchise Guitar Hero. (Thanks to various folks for pointing out it's 6 String Warrior, not simply String Warrior.) Also the song Pete is playing is "Revv Me Up", most prominently featured way back in season one's "Mid-life Chrysalis" in the now (probably) famous Brock workout scene. You can download a high quality version of "Revv Me Up" from Venture (the link below the shirt club ad). Thanks to Gumby in the comments for pointing out the song.
- It's interesting to note that even though Pete and Billy were dancing around in neck braces during "Handsome Ransom" in this episode they say that the General Consolidated Insurance guys just showed up at their doors with the check, and Pete notes that they simply sold shares of their company to them. The neck braces seemed to imply some sort of insurance fraud on Pete and Billy's part but it now seems that is not the case. Also in that episode they were dancing to a $10 million check but they appear to have gotten more checks, some of smaller amounts (the one Pete takes into SPHINX HQ is only for $50,000) from the investors as well.
- Robo-Bo is of course partially based on Beauregard "Bo" Duke (better known as just Bo) from the 1980s series The Dukes of Hazard. Maybe you've heard of it? More notably Robo-Bo's design is based on Honda's ASIMO robot. ASIMO is mainly built to interact with humans, though he can perform a variety of tasks for humans, main functions include things like greeting visitors, facial recognition, gesture recognition and navigating an environment.
According to Pete other versions include Robo-Starsky (Detective Dave Starsky from Starsky and Hutch), Robo-Crockett (Detective James Crockett from Miami Vice) and Robo The Fatman (Jason Lochinvar 'Fatman' McCabe from Jake and the Fatman).
- This being a Doc Hammer penned episode and Doc being known to be a big fan of Degrassi: The Next Generation (and probably the earlier series') it was only a matter of time until it was referenced in The Venture Bros.. The Captain's ship is named after . Manny indeed was involved with Craig Manning during the earlier episodes she appeared in and was eventually engaged to Jay Hogart in the series. And yes, spoilers, J.T. is dead. Season six.
- In Sgt. Hatred's starfucker conversation with Pete the beginning part is a reference to the ending of "The Revenge Society" where we see Sgt. Hatred and Billy wake up together. This happened after Billy spent the majority of the episode in a bag which ended with him getting accidentally knocked out by Red Mantle. He was left in the guest room of the Venture Compound and Sgt. Hatred and Hank found him shortly after. That ending left a little up to the imagination, but now we find out that Hatred didn't really do anything aside from cuddle Billy.
Also the term 'starfucker' is a derogatory term for a groupie, though generally it means someone who wants a sexual relationship with usually a musician but sometimes other celebrity purely for their celebrity status. The Rolling Stones wrote a song in 1973 that was initially titled "Starfucker" but was later renamed "Star, Star" at the insistence of their record label, Atlantic Records. The song is notable for being one of the most explicit in the entire Stones catalogue. Nine Inch Nails also wrote a song in 2000 called "Starfuckers, Inc." which was also had a radio edit called "Starsuckers, Inc." Neither of these really have much to do with the episode but they're notable examples of the usage of the term.
- At the end of Billy's last conversation with Monstroso he says "Alright baby Fae, it's Billy time. Let's make history." Calling Monstroso 'baby Fae' is a reference to Baby Fae who in 1984 became the first infant subject of a xenotransplant procedure. Specifically, like Monstroso, she was given the heart of a baboon to replace her own underdeveloped heart. The procedure was thought to be successful but Fae died of a kedney infection 21 days later. Thanks to Gumby in the comments for this tidbit!
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