I Know Why the Caged Bird Kills
Original Air Date:September 24, 2006
Written by:Doc Hammer & Jackson Publick
Production Number:23
- ... the wicked lovable SOUL-BOT as H.E.L.P.eR.
The Monarch continues to rebuild his villainous empire with the aid of his shadowy new Number 2, Dr. Henry Killinger, but Henchman 21 is suspicious of the deadly foreigner's unctuous charms. Meanwhile, as Dr. Orpheus attempts to exorcise a Japanese demon from Dr. Venture, a mysterious woman from Doc's past resurfaces. And she'd kill to find out where Hank and Dean are.
An office building. Looks quiet. A shadow looms over them. The Cocoon. Some of the workers go over to the window to examine, only to have them shatter. Hundreds of razor sharp mechanical butterflies pierce the skin of anyone unlucky enough to be in their way. Some henchmen swing in, shooting or capturing anyone they see and planting explosives. The workers scream in horror and flee for their lives. The Monarch walks in, laughing manically.
Where is he?! Where is Venture!! [he chokes a WORKER]
Dude, no, stop!! There's been a mistake!!
Oh what now?
This isn't the secret Venture compound. It's your accountant's office.
[drops the WORKER] Wha- eh- are you kidding?! That was like my best entrance ever!
Yeah that was excellent.
Very impressive.
Sucks. [to the rest of the HENCHMAN] Alright, wrong address. Wrong address. Everybody back in the Cocoon.
Well, uhh, should we, uhhh...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Take the pens and the post-its and some, uhh, copy paper. You always need copy paper. And get that security tape! I want a Quicktime of my minty-fresh entrance posted on my home page by tomorrow!!
Roll opening credits.
In Dr. O's study he is petting his cat when there is a ring at his doorbell. Dr. Venture. Back from Japan. With a guest. An Oni.

A Japanese demon that's usually after some form of retribution. Though Brock can't see it apparently, but Dr. O can. Dr. O goes to his bookshelf and gets out some giant golden tongs. The tongs, however, upset the Oni and he flies around the room, dragging Dr. Venture with him. Dr. Orpheus decides he needs to consult a higher power on the matter.
Wait here while I go to my daughter's closet.
Back in the Cocoon the henchmen and the Monarch are going over their earlier attack, though nobody seems to be paying attention and the Monarch appears bored out of his mind. 24 is giving a lecture and explains that the reason they failed is because they lacked weaponry. 21 takes the floor. He presents 'the petablade'. Two razor sharp blades menacingly attached to not the end of a skinny arm, but the end of a long fat leg. Okay, so they're figure skates. A henchman who is clearly not adept at skating demonstrates the cutting power of the 'petablade' by kicking a sandbag dummy and getting his foot caught.
Wha- what? We raided the wrong address. We need real planning not, what, figure skates?!
Look, I am trying. This is really tough. I know I'm not Dr. Girl-
Forgive me, but the problem is one of planning. Not one of armament. Mister the Monarch already has a dazzling armory. What he needs is a strategist. A man of his prestige cannot simply go after an enemy all willy nilly.
He can't give an enema to Free Willy? What?
Shut up, 21. You might learn something from this guy.
What you need is a second in command who understands the intricacies of organized villainy. This I can offer you.
Perfect. You're hired. Uhh, number...
Number Killinger. Dr. Henry Killinger. And this is my magic murder bag.
Meanwhile at the Venture Compound Hank and Dean are practicing for their upcoming road test. Or rather, Dean is driving incredibly slow and running into cones while Hank complains. Just then Hank notices a broken down car ahead of them. Dean comments that he didn't know they got that much traffic inside the compound. Dean says they should pull over and check for injuries and flag down a state trooper. He then performs an incredibly slow k-turn which Hank decides not to stick around for, exiting the car. Dean freaks out since Hank has just jumped from a moving vehicle, but Hank comes over to the driver's side and turns off the car for Dean so they can check out the other car.
There's a woman laying in front of it, seemingly unconscious! Without warning she spins around and sprays Hank with some kind of... spray... that knocks him out. Same for Dean. Uh oh.
Dr. Orpheus, meanwhile, has found the Master again:
Master? Master are you here? I have need of your counsel. [a horse neighs] Ohh?
Orpheus you're gonna love this, check me out. Huh? I'm Catherine the Great's horse. To teach you a lesson about biting off more than you can chew. My partially lovely assistant, Mrs. Manyface, will be playing the part of Catherine.
Mmm, hi.
Hey enough with the chatter, get under there. [MRS. MANYFACE positions herself under THE MASTER, who is being lowered via pulleys to the ground] Don't wince.
Master, far be it from me to question the relevance of your symbolism, but I'm fairly certain the whole horse thing was an urban legend. [he groans as THE MASTER mounts MRS. MANYFACE]
In the Cocoon the Monarch is showing Killinger around. Killinger tells the Monarch that he's a little overstaffed in his control room. The Monarch responds by telling one of his new guards to kill two of the henchmen in the room. Him, and the dead guy next to him.
This place is all creepy since that mumbly guy just magically showed up.
Totally. Those new black guard dicks took the Tekken 3 game out of the lounge.
Oh those guys are wicked spooky. How unfair is it that they get the cooler uniforms?! I'm still wearing an orange jerkin!
Hey one of you little chatterbugs want to pop open the Venture files? Killinger needs to be brought up to speed.
Yeah, those files are classified.
By whom?
Byyy... uh, you?
Okay great. Well [he hits a button], now they're unclassified.
Back at the compound Brock has found the boys' abandoned car and is searching for them. Dr. Venture and Dr. Orpheus show up following the Oni, though Brock still can't see it. Brock wanders off to look for Hank and Dean. The Oni, meanwhile, has stopped by the abandoned car the boys were driving. Perhaps the car is associated with a recent sin? Dr. Venture says he can't remember the last time he got lucky in it.
Just then Dr. Venture grabs the Oni and stuffs him into the trunk, seemingly victorious. However Dr. Orpheus notes that he's still attached to the Oni by some sort of psychic thread. Seemingly on cue the car starts and begins to drive around, dragging Dr. Venture with it of course. It stops and opens the door.
I suggest we get in and see where it takes us.
What if it wants to go back to Japan!?
At the Cocoon, meanwhile, Killinger is going over the Venture 'problem', when he notes that there are some problems with the Cocoon. 21 and 24 gang up on him for coming in, seemingly out of nowhere, and taking things over like he did. The Monarch finally gets fed up when 24 says that Killinger is trying to destroy them from the inside. He tells the guards to take 24 to the Chamber of 1000 Torments. He'll let Killinger do 993. Killinger comments that the Monarch's methods of torture are too Draconian, and that all he needs is a moment alone with 24. They walk off until Killinger remembers that he forgot his magic murder bag. 21 looks fully unhappy.
Dr. O and Dr. V, meanwhile, pull up to an old beat up motel:
We've stopped. What is this place?
A cheap motel.
Perhaps it wants us to... stay here and rest until morning?
Wait, I know what you're doing. You're trying to get me in the sack!
I beg your pardon!?
No wonder nobody but you can see that head!
[stutters] How dare-
The tights, the jewelry, always tagging along! [doing a bad Dr. O impression] Oh let me get my big gay cloak and I'll join you!
I'm trying to help you!!
Help me out of my speed suit!!
The car starts up again and pulls into a parking space at the motel.
Meanwhile Brock and HELPeR are driving around in search of the boys and listening to Led Zeppelin, or at least something similar that won't cost nearly as much to license. HELPeR turns the volume down.
Jock rock my ass! [he turns it back up] Listen to those lyrics, man! It's all about love, and longing!
Yes, and, and hobbits too.
Look it's a metaphor, they, they wrote about a lot of other stuff. Why am I arguing with a robot?!
[looking at his communicator which is tracking the boys] Shh, they're right up ahead. Don't think we're done talking about this!
He pulls up in front of a dumpster. Located. He jumps in and starts looking for the boys, but only uncovers their communicators. They flash the message "The Boys..." and "Are Mine!". Brock clears away some paper from them. A bomb.
Oh crap, Myra's back.
The dumpster explodes.
Hank and Dean, meanwhile, are in a very dank looking room somewhere. Tied up. Of course. Hank wakes Dean up.
Dean! I smell pee-pee.
Well what are you looking at me for?
Deeean, did you get pee-pee scared again?
No, shut up. Where are we this time?
Just then in the next room over a woman singing a lullaby walks by a broken down door. She appears to be pacing and finally notices the boys are now awake.
Oh, you're up! You can relax. The nightmare is finally over.
Uh, no it isn't.
Hankie, my little snotty-puggy-dinky. Dean, Dean, Dean, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean sausages. [gasps and hugs them both] You're safe now. You're with mommy!
Uhh, I have to bring the prisoner his medication.
[the black guards block 21's entrance to 24's room]
Gimmie the medication, I'll do it.
Okay, but uh, you have to administer it to him. It's a suppository. You know, it's up the butt medicine.
[the GUARDS groan and let 21 pass]
Aw don't knock or anything! It's not like I live with eighty guys and no women. So there is no chance I'm masturbating!
Chill. I thought I was rescuing you. What did he do to you, what's in his magic murder bag?
Dude have you even talked to him? He's great, he's like Mr. Belvedere.
He knows nothing about honor or living by the sword. He is not like us.
What are you talking about?
Seriously, that Killinger guy has brainwashed the whole Cocoon.
Man will you just talk to him already? He's amazing! He cured my herpes! I bet he can even help you with [lowers voice] your problem.
Alright he's already got to you! Don't touch me! Stay back! Stay back pod person!
Alright, whatever.
Hank and Dean, meanwhile, are grappling with the prospect of finally knowing who their mother is. Only she can't be on account of the crazy, right?
If you're supposed to be our mom then why do you got us tied up, huh? People only do that when they want to kill us.
Or hold us for ransom.
Or touch us inappropriately.
What?! When? That never hap-
Sergeant Hatred? What, did you block that out? Oh, no wait. You were passed out from the wine. Most of it was awful. Trust me.
Myra them proceeds to freak the fuck out and then suddenly calms down and asks Hank and Dean if she's ever told them how she and Rusty met.
Back in the Cocoon 21 has snuck into Killinger's room. He yells 'EAT WEB!' and then sprays Killinger's magic murder bag with those Spider-Man web shooters that fire silly string. You know the ones. Killinger wakes up and calls in a black guard (who apparently did not see 21 enter the room at all) who grabs 21.
You can silence me but there will be others!! Semper fidelis tyranosaurus!
It's 'sic semper tyrannous'. You said 'always faithful terrible lizard'.
I did? Cool!
Back at the motel Dr. O enters the room with ice and snacks from the vending machine. Dr. Venture apologizes for earlier and Orpheus accepts. After a brief awkward silence Dr. Venture asks if Dr. O wants to go halfsies on a skin flick. Kay.
Back at the Cocoon again, 21 is warning the black guard about how gassy he gets when he's scared. The guard talks to him and reveals himself to be 24. 21 attempts to free 24 for the 'hypno-spell' he is apparently under. He utters some weird stuff and then runs away while 24 watches in what I guess is either amusement or disbelief (it's hard to tell since you can't see his face under the mask). 21 makes a run for it but trips and lands on his cell phone.
Back in the dank place, Myra is talking to Hank and Dean:
He was my first job. Fresh out of the OSI academy. I was still just a girl, what did I know? Never let your guard down, never let 'em out of your sight, never fall in love. That's what they taught me. But I couldn't help myself! Your father [sighs]. I spent twenty-four hours a day with him. First there were casual glances, the occasional brush of the hand, clever innuendo. It was inevitable. Something would happen sooner or later.

No!! No! It was not ookey! It was the most wonderful, passionate night of either of our lives!! And nine months later? You two perfect little wet pink kittens came into the world. From out of my body.
Aww, double-eww!
21, meanwhile, has enlisted the help of someone. It's Dr. Girlfriend. 21 starts going on about spin-art. Clearly Dr. Girlfriend is not amused. They drive out of frame and Brock and HELPeR, who has deployed his helicopter capabilities, fly into frame. Brock thanks HELPeR for rescuing him.
Yeah I thought she was gone for good after the last time, too, but some crazy people just won't stay locked up, you know what I mean?
[long series of beeps]
That's beautiful, HELPeR, what was that, Shel Silverstein?
Well I don't think Maya Angelou was talking about this chick. She's as deadly as they come. And if she hurts those boys again I'm gonna take her down permanently this time!
No, not Maya Angelou. Look, just keep scanning those tire tracks with your infrared, okay?
At the motel the next morning the Oni is driving the car into the wall in order to wake a very unhappy Dr. Venture up.
Myra, meanwhile, is still going on. Now she's talking about Dr. Venture and how he had her locked up so he could control the boys without her in the picture. Hank and Dean are sleeping. Myra mentions that the boys are nineteen. Dean corrects her, saying they're sixteen. Myra notes that she had to kidnap them in order to save them. Especially from the 'lie machines' Dr. Venture makes them sleep in. Just then five cats come into the room. Hank and Dean's brothers and sisters. Right. Myra says that the cats are hungry, and then freaks out again when she realizes Hank and Dean haven't been fed. She unzips her top and shoves her jugs in Hank and Dean's faces in an amazingly poor effort to breast feed them. A bell rings. Myra stops what she was doing, grabs a shotgun and quickly runs into the next room.
It's Dr. Orpheus! Checking out? Uh oh. Myra notices Dr. Venture sitting in the car outside. She jumps over the front desk and pummels Dr. Orpheus. Dr. Venture, meanwhile, is listening to the radio and totally oblivious to the savage beating his tenant is receiving.
Back in the Cocoon Dr. Girlfriend listens to 21 ramble a little until they come to a hallway lined with a laser security grid. Dr. Girlfriend does a bunch of crazy gymnastic moves and slips by the grid without triggering it. 21 attempts the same but instead falls on his face and of course sets off the alarm.
So, are you as good at fighting as you are at talking?
Hell no, look at me! I'm more of a weapons expert.
Black guards flood into the room and Dr. Girlfriend goes to work. She takes out two, and then does an awesome wallwalk move, but is grabbed by two more guards. A third advances and she kicks him in the face before he can strike and uses him to vault over the two holding her. She grabs their spears while they're confused and stabs them both through the chest. Awesome.
That is so excellent. Well I like to do that too. It's soft!
[DR. GIRLFRIEND is rubbing the wall, she hits a spot on it and a control panel opens]
Do not follow me. Just stay here and do, uh, whatever. [she exits through a door]
Okay! [aside] Yeah, I am totally falling for her. [he farts] Oh thank the maker I've been holding that back for like two hours!
Back at the motel Myra straps the boys into her car. Dr. Venture is in the front seat.
[at the same time] Daddy!
Hello boys, I see you've met Myra. Did she tell you how she burnt down her house yet?
No hellos for me? Oh now, Rusty, is that any way to treat your [pause] forever girl?
Dean, tell this lunatic that my lawyer has advised me not to communicate with her.
My dad's lawyer has advised him not to communicate with you.
Myra clocks Dr. Venture with the butt of her shotgun, knocking him out. Brock lands.
Stay close. Any of your weapons still work?
Alright, well... keep your helicopter blades out and wave your arms around. Squeal a lot. That might be scary.
Myra runs down Brock and HELPeR and drives off. Brock gets up and walks into the street. When Myra notices him in the rear view mirror she does a 180 and guns it towards Brock. Brock just stands there with his back to Myra's car. He breathes deeply and closes his eyes. Right before the car hits him he falls backwards, crashing through the windshield and landing in the driver's seat on top of Myra. He hits the breaks.
Everyone okay?
Everyone except mommy.
Yeah, she'll be alright.
[groans] I feel like Catherine the Great...
Where's Dr. O?
[back in the motel Dr. O is lying on the ground with Myra's cats on him]
[giggles] They smell my cat! [laughs]
In the Cocoon meanwhile, Killinger and the Monarch are in the meeting room discussing Killinger's plans. The Monarch argues with him since they don't involve crushing Venture when Killinger tells him to move to avoid Dr. Girlfriend when she falls from the ceiling. The Monarch doesn't understand Killinger though, so Killinger just pulls him away right before Dr. Girlfriend lands on the table in front of them.
What the hell is she doing here?!
This woman has come to rescue you.
From what?
From loneliness, you silly-billy.
Who the hell are you?
Dr. Henry Killinger. Wait. [he opens his magic murder bag and pulls out some flowers] Here. Give these to the lovely woman. And this is for you. [he hands a book to Dr. Girlfriend] Mr. The Monarch's journal. His love for you is spelled out on every page. And there are some very nice drawings also.
That's private!
Love is not private. Love is to be shared. [he climbs onto the table and points his umbrella at the doors in the room, closing them] I have locked you in. Neither of you may leave until you have reached compromise. Good luck, and may love show you the way. [he opens his umbrella and floats away] Say goodbye to all your pretty children for me.
Can you understand what he's saying?
Like half the time.
[offscreen] My umbrella is stuck on something. I require assistance.
Back in the Venture car:
So? Is she or isn't she?
Okay, Hank, look! She used to be Power Cat on American Gladiators. Show gets tanked, she checks herself into the nuthouse. Every couple of years she puts on the old costume, kidnaps you or tries to kill your dad or burns down the compound. Depends on what meds she's coming off of.
How come we don't remember her then?
Look you don't remember because you're clone- [stops] cloooo...
[at the same time] Clo-clo-cloo...
I can't help feeling like we're just not getting the whole story here, you know?
Right? Maybe she was telling the truth.
Alright, so I fucked her! What of it?!
Roll end credits.
Still in the car, the trunk opens when Killinger whistles. The Oni flies out.
You tried your best. Yes, you failed to reunite them, but look at it this way. You saved his boys, and that's what counts. Compromise, my friend, is the essence of diplomacy. And diplomacy is the cornerstone of love. Sweeeeet love. [he floats away]
- The title of this episode is a reference to the Maya Angelou autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Likewise, she is mentioned in the episode by HELPeR of all people (uh, of all robots?) in reference to Myra and why she continues to bother the Venture family.
- So apparently the Monarch does have a home page with a Quicktime of his minty-fresh entrance? the Internet is an amazing place.
- The Oni of course is based on the same from Japanese mythology. However their behavior has changed throughout the years. Originally they were benevolent creatures said to be able to ward off evil, but over the years their association with evil caused them to become seen as harbingers of evil and calamity. Today they are seen as spirits of the dead (as well as various other things) and are generally to be avoided. I can't seem to find much on Onis trying to get people back together though, so that might be a new job function for them.
- Dr. Henry Killinger is quite obviously based around Henry Kissinger, who was secretary of state under President Nixon (and later Ford) from 1973 - 1977 and before that he was national security advisor under Nixon from 1969 - 1973. Kissinger is most known for his influence in US foreign policy at the time. He pioneered the policy of detente which helped relax US-Soviet tensions and also played a crucial role in the 'opening' of China in 1972.
Kissinger was one of the better liked members of the Nixon administration due to his lack of involvement with Watergate and his intellect and diplomatic skill as a politician. There was even a motion to allow the president to be non-US born (Kissinger was born in Germany) so Kissinger could run.
- Another aspect of Killinger's character not revealed until later in the episode is very reminiscent of Mary Poppins, which is a Disney movie about a nanny that comes from seemingly nowhere in order to fix a family. At the end of the film she is successful and flies away with her umbrella, similar to Killinger at the end of the episode.
- Catherine the Great, or more accurately Catherine II of Russia, mentioned in this episode by the Master (and later Myra) was the Empress of Russia from 1762 until her death in 1796. The actual cause of her death was a stroke while taking a bath (she died the following day without ever regaining consciousness). However the most common urban legend for her cause of death was that she attempted to, uh, get it on with a stallion. However the harness broke and she was crushed to death. This is entirely untrue (and perhaps derived from other tall tales about Catherine stating that she engaged in sexual relations with a horse but at a younger age than 67), though I guess the Master doesn't seem to care. Hopefully Mrs. Manyface will be okay.
- Tekken 3 is a third in the Tekken series of fighting games. Presumably the Monarch's henchmen have the arcade version, though they could also have the Playstation or Dreamcast versions of the game.
- This has been mentioned to me a lot, so here we go. The black guards share a lot of similar design aspects to Cobra Commander, the leader of COBRA in GI Joe. Although Cobra Commander has undergone various redesigns over the years, one of his getups is pretty similar to the black guards, namely the one featured in the TV series. I have no idea if this is intentional or not.
- Brock's love for Zep surfaces again in this episode. HELPeR complains that Zep sings about hobbits a lot, which is a reference to the Zeppelin songs "Over The Hills and Far Away", "Misty Mountain Hop", "The Battle of Evermore," and "Ramble On", all of which contain clear references to Tolkien's works (The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings which Jimmy Page and Robert Plant were fans of).
- Myra's character appears to be at least partly based on Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman/Selina Kyle character in Batman Returns. Both are a bit off their rocker, obsessed with cats and wear a apparently sewn together patent leather suit. Myra's also noted to have been 'Powercat' on American Gladiators by Brock and her license plate says 'PSSYKAT', which further adds to the cat angle.
- No doubt there will be a lot of debate over weather or not Myra is the boys real biological mother or just some crazy lady as Brock said. Jackson and Doc have said they won't drop the 'mommy bomb' until a much later season (they said season five during an Adult Swim panel), and Brock did seem like he was telling the boys the truth since he accidently slipped up and told them they were clones (it's fortunate the boys aren't very bright). However there are certain things that can throw it off, such as Dr. Venture admitting to doing the nasty with Myra and Myra doing the same 'ten and two' thing that Dean did while driving. It's also worth noting that Myra has blonde hair and displays perhaps some similarities to Hank's somewhat off-kilter personality. She also knows about the boys' beds and the fact that they are not actually sixteen (or should not be) which was briefly touched upon in Hate Floats when the Hank questioned the birthdate on their driving permits. All we can really do is speculate though. Speculate away!
- 21's line 'he knows nothing of honor or living by the sword' is a line spoken by Dracula in Blade: Trinity.
- 21's web shooters are available for purchase if you can find it I guess. They were pretty popular when the Spider-Man movies were released. They shoot silly string and in general aren't much fun since you have to clean it all up after you're done. Plus silly string is a poor substitute for webbing fluid.
- In the same scene 21 also yells 'Semper fidelis tyranosaurus!' which is actually translated to 'always faithful tyrant lizard' (tyranosaurus means 'tyrant lizard', not 'terrible lizard', dinosaur means 'terrible lizard'). It's a butchering and combination of the Latin phrases 'semper fidelis' (the US Marine Corp motto) and 'sic semper tyrannis', which was the phrase spoken by John Wilkes Booth after he shot President Lincoln. Those phrases translate to 'always faithful' and 'thus always to tyrants', respectively. Presumably 21 wants to utter just the second phrase.
- Myra's story about how she and Rusty got together has a couple references. First her line 'Never let your guard down, never let 'em out of your sight, never fall in love' is the tagline from the movie The Bodyguard, and likewise the scene where she takes a bullet for Rusty is sort of similar to a scene from that movie (though in the movie the bodyguard is a man and the person being shot at is a woman).
Earlier on she says "So true, funny how it seems, always in time, but never in line for dreams" and "I bought a ticket to the world, but now I've come back again!" which are lines from the song True by Spandau Ballet.
And finally when she says 'Search for feelings, you know it to be true' after the boys refuse to believe she's their mother, this is a reference to The Empire Strikes Back when Vader tells Luke that he is his father.
- Dr. Girlfriend slipping past the laser grid is reminiscent of the scene in Entrapment where Catherine Zeta-Jones character slips past a similar laser grid (though not as quickly).
- HELPeR's weapons being offline is possibly a reference to Victor. Echo. November. when HELPeR was ripped apart by Guild commandos protecting Dr. Venture.
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