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"Radiant Is The Blood Of The Baboon Heart" Discussion

Hello, friends. Let's have what is more than likely the final Venture Bros. discussion thread. It's time to talk about Radiant Is The Blood Of The Baboon Heart, the just released movie. You can currently watch it streaming on many of your favorite platforms. As always, you can use the comments on this article to say whatever you like about the movie, or the series in general if you like. Note that if you haven't seen it yet the comments will likely contain spoilers, so don't read them until you've watched, or if you just don't mind that sort of thing.

While this is most likely it for the series, I will still probably update for the site in the future if there's any news I can use.

I will start things off by thanking you, Mike, for creating this place oh so many years ago for us to revel in things Venture. It has been much appreciated.
  • 6
Jul. 21, 2023, 7:58pm
Hey, and thanks to you all for actually using the site and commenting and stuff. Really wasn't sure if that would work out when I spent so much time building it all those years ago, but I'm really happy that people have stuck around for so long (or new ones have shown up, somehow).
  • 4
Jul. 21, 2023, 8:10pm
I second that! Mike, all the hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated! This has been one of the best (IMO) fan sites on the web, with a very high signal-to-noise ratio and some great discussions and analyses of episodes. Thanks for making a neat place for us to gather!
  • 4
Jul. 25, 2023, 1:24am
Also echoing those thoughts as this has been THE Venture Bros. fan hub ever since its creation. Others have risen and fallen, but your site has always been special. Thank you so much for all you have brought, including creating part of the VB fan community. I never understood half of the references made in episode until I read your capsules, which only enhanced my love for Jackson and Doc's work.

Thank you, Mike!
  • 2
Jul. 28, 2023, 9:39am
It was really good, but bittersweet. If after season 7, they were told to end the show with a big finale movie, I think we would have gotten something very different. Instead, what we got was what would have been season 8, compressed into 90 minutes. A lot of fun and some interesting answers to some big questions, but no more of an ending than the end to most seasons.
  • 2
Jul. 21, 2023, 9:23pm
Basically my sentiments as well. I don't want to criticize it too much as Jackson and Doc obviously put a lot of work into it and I feel they tried to do too much. But at least we got an ending. Also, I would have preferred it if Rusty and Malcolm were brothers, full or half, and there was a least some measure of reconciliation between them, but that's just me. And I felt that the whole Mantilla story fell a bit flat at the end. Maybe if they had more time. I'm gonna have to re-watch this a few more times at least to try and absorb it all, but not for a couple of days.

Edit: The Blu-ray is currently at #1 spot on Amazon.
  • 2
Jul. 21, 2023, 11:39pm
  • by Casey
  • (unregistered id: 2D9B171797)
  • Reply
So, so many things that ought to have gotten their own episodes. A whole 25 minutes on the henchbeasts would have been an instant classic, and it would have cemented the thematic core of this whole thing. Namely: Rusty has been making reparations for his father's ego-driven destruction his entire life, and he's a better person for it. Giving money to the St. Simones in exchange for Debbie's inventions enabled him to keep making money that in turn let him support Ben, Dermott, Swifty, etc. The final scene is Rusty completing the cycle his father started with one major change: making sure his sons would always be there for one another.
  • 0
Jul. 25, 2023, 9:29pm
They say as much in the commentary (which I recommend listening to, even if they are both continually a little sad about the show's cancellation and it will likely also make you sad about it). They had a bunch of finished scripts and some outlines for season 8, and while they did rewrite a bunch of stuff for the movie, they essentially tried to cram a bunch of season 8 into this movie. So we'd have gotten a bunch of the jokes in this movie as longer bits in their own episode. Hank going across the country would have been a multi-episode arc, etc. Sounds like it would have been really fun!

Though given the choice between the movie and nothing, I'm glad we at least got this.
  • 3
Jul. 25, 2023, 10:25pm
I love them coming back like they never left. I'm kind of glad it was an ending but not an ending-ending because I want more. I'll have to post longer thoughts later but there was just so much love put into this movie, it made me so happy. I think an ending like this is what I'd prefer and would expect something similar if it gets picked up for more movies or seasons somewhere down the road; Jackson and Doc have said they don't wanna do an ending ending, because life keeps going on for these guys even after they stop documenting them. Also, one of the lines towards the end is maybe the most beautiful line in the series, a mix of super science weirdness and overwhelming love.
  • 1
Jul. 22, 2023, 9:37am
  • by Destroyo
  • (unregistered id: CDC55F233D)
  • Reply
Just watched - it's been a great 15 years with this show, personally. Talk later when everyone has digested it.


Shirt predictions: Dermot, Ben. Bobbi's org, ARCH logo
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Jul. 23, 2023, 10:00am
  • by Marc Bolo & Gaucho T Rex
  • (unregistered id: F6ADA5A78F)
  • Reply
2nd watch. The riff on "Ghost in the Invisible Bikini " 60s flick is top notch! That and the 'dumb logo' for arch made me laugh. A lot of editing on this epic. Wish there was more! You can't have everything tho...so what's next for these guys?!?!
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Jul. 24, 2023, 10:43pm
I finally got a chance tonight to watch it. I thought it was a classic Venture adventure with a satisfying conclusion, which is everything I could possibly hope for. I haven't watched the commentary yet, but I'm sure this fast-paced story had a lot left on the cutting room floor that could have been better told over a full season in episodic format. This has been my favorite show ever to watch, enjoy, binge, etc. I don't think any show will ever top it. I hope that more stories can be told in the Ventureverse, because I will preorder it immediately (just like I did this blu-ray). I crave for more Venture Bros!

SPOILER: I 100% called it that Malcom and Rusty were closer than brothers by being both clones with modifications. It just made the most sense given Jonas's personality/ego/history and their likeness. Given, I suspected they were brothers in season 2 and didn't change my leading theory to both being clones of 1 person until after season 4, but I'm very satisfied with their defined blood relation and focusing on Hank and Dean as the titular Venture Bros.
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Jul. 28, 2023, 10:02am
  • by PromoTheRobot
  • (unregistered id: AA7BA8C1FE)
  • Reply
It's not fair. To put out such an amazing finale, and then tell you "That's it. There ain't no more." When I hit the Powerball, I will personally J&J to create a 100 new episodes.
  • 0
Jul. 29, 2023, 9:11pm
  • by Destroyo
  • (unregistered id: CDC55F233D)
  • Reply
some immediate spoiler refs:

We Blue Mondayed it - New Order's (and Factory Records) best-selling 12" single, it came in an elaborate die-cut floppy disc sleeve that lost money on every copy sold. Of course White would know this.

Jefferson's buddy is a parody of Darkman, with apparent Freddy Kruger and The Shadow, judging by the scarf. The neighbor is Seth Brundle with teleporter pods from The Fly. Everyone knows the Punisher, right?

Bobbi's animal charity seems to be a riff on Brigitte Bardot's own later-life activism.

Mantilla's crazy board has pictures from every significant image in the Monarch's life, including the Blue Morpho events. It echoes Charlie Day's insane Pepe Silvia conspiracy from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
  • 1
Jul. 30, 2023, 7:32am
  • by zombiejesus
  • (unregistered id: 9FB99B9DE8)
  • Reply
You mean this Blue Monday, don't you?
  • 0
Aug. 5, 2023, 2:24pm
And check out this cover version by Orkestra Obsolete using only 1930's instruments.
  • 1
Aug. 12, 2023, 5:06am
Thank you for recognizing that.

My favorite version.
  • 1
Aug. 19, 2023, 12:50pm
  • by Destroyo
  • (unregistered id: CDC55F233D)
  • Reply
Also think Buddy may be an amalgam of the Chuck E Cheese bandmember and this fellow:

  • 0
Jul. 30, 2023, 8:55am
So, lots of answers to many questions in the film, much appreciated!

But, unless I missed it, did we ever get answer to:
Who actually perpetrated the Movie Night Massacre?
And, who is Scare Bear?

Until later, Go Team Venture!
And for the heck of it,
Brrrrick Froggg!
  • 2
Aug. 5, 2023, 8:24am
I believe you are correct that those questions have yet to be answered. I'm more curious what Molotov has been up to since her last appearance (sent on a long super secret mission by O.S.I.?) and see more fallout with Dean/Hank vs. Sirena (and more Wide Wale) than either of those questions being answered.

I still want to see a whole episode of The Monarch in a domestic situation, such as hosting his in-laws (who we have never met) for dinner or something. The Monarch is his most entertaining in scenarios such as these.
  • 1
Aug. 5, 2023, 11:49am
  • by Destroyo
  • (unregistered id: CDC55F233D)
  • Reply
More unanswered questions:

- We know previous Hanks have died from their antics. How are Deans dealt with then? One assumes the brain eraser enters into this but this puts their ages out of synch.

- Was there a Sheila pregnancy storyline that was abandoned?

- Are the Action Man and Phage finally dead? There was no sign of them in limbo but there was also no Team Venture death ritual.

- Why would Mantilla be allowed to work with The Peril Partnership? The Guild is presumably still at war with them and her advanced tech would one-up the Guild.

- Judging by the crazy wall, Mantilla completely figured out The Monarch's con in playing the Blue Morpho to kill multiple Guild members. Who else has figured out his role in this other than Red Death and what consequences will there be?

- Who claimed the bounty on the Blue Morpho? Bowie presumably didn't need the cash due to his deal with the Investors.

Any post-movie interviews with Doc and Jackson out there that address these issues?
  • 1
Aug. 9, 2023, 7:42am
- What happens to Brick Frog and the other Guild deserters once it's revealed that ARCH was just a sham? If the Guild doesn't let them back in they might move to Canada and have PP on their belts.

- Did it mean anything when Dean admitted to H.E.L.P.eR. Model 2 that he was unable to understand H.E.L.P.eR. 1 when we have seen Doc. Hank, Dermott and even Brock have conversations with him?
  • 0
Aug. 10, 2023, 1:00am
Ack! It double posted my comment and there's no delete option. All I can do is edit.
  • 0
Aug. 10, 2023, 1:00am
  • by Dean
  • (unregistered id: DA7F65CB37)
  • Reply
Fort Ross sounds like a reference to "Thunderbolt" Ross, yeah? I liked how much Jefferson Twilight was in this season. The art was also the best it's ever been, really absolutely gorgeous. Laughed some of the hardest I've ever laughed. Also Dr. Quimn is absolutely just Rusty without the y gene, ha!
Absolutely needs to be more. There's so much more!
  • 1
Aug. 12, 2023, 2:17am
Gentle-Team, it has been an honor to hang with you all!
I dearly hope we get more episodes, but even if we don't, it's been totally cool. Many thanks to all my bros and sisters taking this wonderful walk down memory lane, and so many props to Doc and Jackson and Co. for making that happen!

Go Team Venture!

I will see you when I see you, and it will be fun!
  • 1
Aug. 19, 2023, 8:21am
I enjoyed it, particularly some prominent voice actors they got back like That Guy from Highlander who can totally imitate Christopher Lambert – seriously, look it up! – and That Guy Psychiatrist from Law & Order . . . and some minor movie about a spiderman or something . . . was it whiplash?

I am sad there was not more: another season.

At least we had this. We had some interesting answers:

The MONARCH [! – Ed.] Hatred of Rusty: this has long been an intentionally unanswered question – parodied by Dr. Mrs. the Monarch Sheila . . . Venture? not really answering it. If Doc 'n Jason gave an answer we would all be disappointed. I personally thought it was that Rusty laughed at one of Malcolm's "butterfly stories" in their creative writing class, but, hey, it was just as bad: Malcolm thought Rusty stole his girl!

A girl he has forgotten about, has more than adequately replaced, BUT YOU FUCKED MY GIRLFRIEND!

I liked his reaction when Rusty tells him that, no, that never happened. So the point of his vendetta? Still there! It needs no point!

Hank and Dean's Mom: well, I guess it makes . . . sense? Just do not ask where the other half of the chromosomes came from . . . unless they are clones of . . . but why is Hank "Tow-headed?" Anyway, if Doc 'n Jason picked someone . . . or introduced a character . . . fans would complain.

I am glad they could involve a lot of favorite characters. They could not bring them all back, but those they did were great.

Still . . .

. . . about that Homicidal Bear with the Knife?
  • 0
Aug. 19, 2023, 1:00pm
My take on the "Hank and Dean's Mom" deal is, Mantilla gave Rusty her eggs (since she "wasn't planning on using them anyway"), in exchange for the transfer of her Mom's Inviso-powers to her. Rusty likely used Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatic_cell_nuclear_transfer) to clone himself using Mantilla's eggs. That technique does not transfer the mitochontrial DNA of the donor, but keeps the mDNA of the egg cell. Thus, the copy made is not a perfect duplicate genetically. That could account for Hank and Dean having differing characteristics.

That, and Monarch's baboon DNA, would also explain why he couldn't pass the retinal pattern scanner in the elevator in an earlier episode.

Or maybe I'm just over-analyzing stuff. Darn, I will miss this!
  • 0
Aug. 21, 2023, 3:46am
Recall that when Dean got testicular torsion in season one Doc said to Billy that he could have corrected that in the prototype phase. So he likely did do some tinkering with the boys' DNA, possibly with Ben's help.
  • 1
Aug. 21, 2023, 5:45am
No need for a DNA difference for the retinal scanner. Just a like fingerprint, retinal layout is different between people with the same genetics (identical twins).
  • 0
Aug. 21, 2023, 5:53am
  • by CookieMom
  • (unregistered id: 987756208D)
  • Reply
Finally had a chance to watch this last night, and I really enjoyed it. Not a lot of *laugh out loud* moments, but just excellent character beats throughout.

With everything wrapped up, I consider the show a solid third on my "Best TV" list. Behind The Good Place and Babylon 5, but ahead of Lucha Underground and The Wire. The characters grew, and many tried to make up for their fuck-ups and undo the damage they've done. Others steered into it because it was who they were. Or maybe it was the baboon DNA.

The penultimate scene in Ben's house was excellent, and Doc's answer to the boys about their mother followed by the final scene was a real great way to end it. I'll miss this show, but well done Team Venture.

Finally, thank you Mantis Eye Experiment for being here for years. You've been a great resource, and a boon to the internet. If you do any super science in the future, let us know.
  • 1
Aug. 22, 2023, 5:07am
I will dig deep, and say one of the fond memories I have of the series, is learning of, and learning to cook, Spanakopita!

I will cop to never having made it with phyllo dough: I just used plain old circular pie crust, which makes it closer to Spinach Quiche than the Greek savory pastry, but darn it, it's still delicious! Served it with Thanksgiving Dinner once. Family enjoyed it (there was still turkey, stuffing, potatoes and pumpkin pie, dude, I'm not stupid!), had an interesting discussion about where it would fit in. None of them were Ventureoos, so I didn't expect a lot.

Anyhow, I also ran down the particulars of all Doc's "Doctales". Yeah, didn't make any of those, they all sound gross. Sorry.
  • 1
Aug. 25, 2023, 9:02am
Professor Ian Wilmut, the first scientist to clone a mammal, has died:

  • 0
Sep. 14, 2023, 1:33am
I'm sure he made plenty of clones of himself a la Boys from Brazil style.
  • 0
Sep. 15, 2023, 5:21am
And, we've lost Dr. Kissinger too.


I always got a kick out of Dr. Henry Killinger and his Magic Murder Bag!
  • 1
Nov. 29, 2023, 7:59am
"Magic Murder Bag" was appropriate for that guy for sure.
  • 0
Dec. 1, 2023, 2:33am
Just got my 5 RitBotBH shirts in the mail today. These are likely to be the last ever Shirt of the Week Club shirts. I have them all now. My collection is complete!
  • 1
Oct. 23, 2023, 8:05am
That is awesome!

Just saw that Aqua Teens get five more episodes on Adult Swim.

Now, why must they taunt us like this?! Ok, I get it, shows that make money, get shown. If they make it in a reasonable timeframe.

But one of AS's shining stars, that paved the way... Well, I would love five more eps of VB, so say we all?
  • 1
Oct. 31, 2023, 10:32am
This topic really struck a chord with me. Thanks for putting it into <a href="https://csnbk.com/">?? ????</a> !
  • -1
4 months ago
  • by myusername
  • (unregistered id: F16BD04085)
  • Reply
I'm excited to see the Venture family back in action, and the plot of the movie seems to promise plenty of twists and turns. The addition of new characters and the return of old favorites has me eagerly anticipating the release. What are everyone's thoughts on the movie's synopsis?
  • 0
3 months ago
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Apr. 19, 2023, 12:53am
First footage! Title revealed! https://youtu.be/eXJ5OM9RfV8 Synopsis and cast too! “In The Venture Bros.: Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart, a nationwide manhunt for Hank Venture leads to untold dangers and unexpected revelations, while the Monarch is literally out for Dr. Venture’s blood. An imposing evil from the past reemerges to wreak havoc on the Ventures, the Guild, and even the Monarch marriage—it will take friends and foes alike to restore the Ventures’ world to order… or end it once and for all.” The voice cast includes the returning James Urbaniak as Dr. Venture, Patrick Warburton as Brock Samson, Michael Sinterniklaas as Dean Venture, Chris McCulloch as Hank Venture, and The Venture Bros. co-creator Doc Hammer as Dr. Mrs. The Monarch. (Hammer and series co-creator Jackson Publick also wrote the script, and Publick directed.) Other voice cast members include Nina Arianda as Mantilla, Clancy Brown as Daisy and Red Death, John Hodgeman as Snoopy, Hal Lublin as Clayton, Jane Lynch as Bobbi St. Simone, Charles Parnell as Jefferson Twilight, Jay Pharoah as Nuno Blood, Steven Rattazzi as Dr. Orpheus, JK Simmons as Ben, and Dana Snyder as The Alchemist. A project of Titmouse, Adult Swim, and Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment, all that radiant baboon heart blood will be gushing forth later this year. Go Team Venture! https://gizmodo.com/venture-bros-movie-adult-swim-warner-bros-animation-1850353234


Jul. 4, 2019, 11:34pm
It's a month old but there's not much news here for two years at a time, so whatever :) https://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/the-venture-bros/281421/the-venture-bros-season-8-jackson-publick-doc-hammer


Jun. 7, 2019, 9:33pm
Okay, Venturoos. Here's what ya get for the Extras, at least on the DVD version. I felt it was a little light, but that's just my opinion. Deleted Scenes (as always) - Some are B&W sketches with the dialog, others are animated with the dialog. Ghost in the Pro-Blem - An extended view of the distorted images of events from the Pro-BLEM's point of view. Maybe there are some clues hidden in it if you like frame-by-frame advancing. Maybe not. Sirena Goes Off... - Cristin Milioti ad-libbing way more dialog than the script calls for. Poor Rocco. Promo - Basically the season 7 promo. Maybe there's Easter Eggs to find. I haven't done any extensive searching yet. If anyone finds any feel free to post them here!

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