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Cash In Those Hankbucks For A Hankbuck Towel
Or more accurately a discount on your very own Hankbuck towel. The Venture Bros. crew at Titmouse are offering up a Hankbuck towel for a mere $25. However if you have any Hankbucks (one came with each Shirt Club shirt) print out this form on Astrobase Go!, fill it out and mail it in with your Hankbucks for a discount. Each Hankbuck is worth one buck off the towel, meaning if you were a subscriber the towel can be yours for only $15!
Film School Rejects Interviews Jackson and Doc
Film School Rejects has a nice post-season 5 interview with Jackson and Doc that delves into a lot of creative process stuff, as well as fan interaction, budgets and so on. It's a good interview as it's not the typical set of standard Venture Bros. questions which is something I always appreciate.
That Is A Missile: "The Devil's Grip" Episode Guide
With the end of the season comes the end of the episode guides. I just finished up the episode guide for "The Devil's Grip" and you should check it out. Feel free to let me know about any omissions, errors or whatever else you think should/shouldn't be in there. You can use either the comments or the old contact form to do that. Enjoy! And don't forget.

Let's Watch: A Very Venture Halloween
The season may be over but that doesn't mean we still can't talk about episodes. To help with the transition from a bunch of brand new episodes to no new episodes for a while, let's watch and talk about "A Very Venture Halloween" together! This is only the second or third time it's been shown on TV, and since it takes place during season five (in fact, it takes place during the season five premiere) it seems like the perfect episode to go out on. Since this isn't a new episode the discussion will probably be smaller than the previous ones, but hopefully just as good! And if you want to look at the original discussion, look no further! Also maybe having seen season five will reveal some stuff about this one, who knows? Either way, enjoy!
Official SDCC 2013 Venture Bros Panel Video
Less than a week later Adult Swim has put up video of the Venture Bros. SDCC panel held last Friday. The panel was series creators Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer along with Brock Samson himself, Patrick Warburton. Come for the discussion about Patrick's son cosplaying as Shoreleave, stay to admire Jackson and Doc's most excellent speedsuits:
Oddly Familiar Yeti Mummy: "Bot Seeks Bot" Episode Guide
The episode guide for "Bot Seeks Bot" is finally up. This guide was one of the more difficult to write since there were so many callbacks to previous episodes, as well as major reveals. As such, I'm sure I missed some things, so if you see anything wrong or think something is missing feel free to post it in the comments here or use the handy contact form if you prefer. Even if it's just to correct a grammar mistake. We should all strive for excellence. Enjoy!
"The Devil's Grip" Discussion
Good evening, Venture fans! Tonight is the night of the big season five finale. "The Devil's Grip" airs tonight... followed by silence. However don't let the impending World Without Venture get you down, tomorrow is a new day! In the meantime, use the comments here to talk about the episode, the season or the series. If you haven't seen it yet, beware, spoilers lie within. Unless you like that sort of thing. Some other items on the agenda:
The SDCC + Season Finale Giveaway is still in full swing, so if you haven't entered that yet you really should. You can win some neat Brock Samson action figures signed by Jackson and Doc, including last year's SDCC exclusive figure that you can't even buy any more. Unless you check eBay, probably.
Don't forget to rate the episode on the guide page after you watch it. And feel free to go back through the rest of the season and score them as well. We need to know where these things stand in Venture History. It's true, that's a real thing that people care about! Or at least I do!
Shirt Club has debuted the final shirt, and it's Calamity Conference shirt as seen in the episode (not really a spoiler).
The SDCC + Season Finale Giveaway is still in full swing, so if you haven't entered that yet you really should. You can win some neat Brock Samson action figures signed by Jackson and Doc, including last year's SDCC exclusive figure that you can't even buy any more. Unless you check eBay, probably.
Don't forget to rate the episode on the guide page after you watch it. And feel free to go back through the rest of the season and score them as well. We need to know where these things stand in Venture History. It's true, that's a real thing that people care about! Or at least I do!
Shirt Club has debuted the final shirt, and it's Calamity Conference shirt as seen in the episode (not really a spoiler).
SDCC 2013 Venture Bros. Coverage
Comic-Con may be over (mostly, anyway) but that doesn't mean you can't find out what went on there! The biggest bit of news is that Dark Horse will be releasing a book called The Art of the Venture Brothers (or similar) some time in the future. We'll likely hear more about that in the future. Below are links to some articles, though you should note that they all contain a fairly minor spoiler for tonight's episode, but you've been warned nonetheless:
Devin T. Quin sent along word that he covered the Venture Bros. panel for Bleeding Cool and naturally he's got info on what went down during the panel as well as some great photos of cosplayers waiting in line to get into it.
If brevity is what you crave then The Outhouse has what you need. If that's still too much, Major Spoilers has an even shorter summary. Thanks to Robert for sending those two links along.
Devin T. Quin sent along word that he covered the Venture Bros. panel for Bleeding Cool and naturally he's got info on what went down during the panel as well as some great photos of cosplayers waiting in line to get into it.
If brevity is what you crave then The Outhouse has what you need. If that's still too much, Major Spoilers has an even shorter summary. Thanks to Robert for sending those two links along.
"The Devil's Grip" Sneak Peeks
Some previews for the Venture Bros. season five finale, "The Devil's Grip" for your viewing enjoyment. First we've got a sneak peek at the opening scene of the episode:
And secondly we have the "next time on Venture Bros." sequence from the end of last week's episode. So if you've already seen it, that's what it is. Still, it might hold you over for the next couple of days. Maybe.
"The Devil's Grip" airs this Sunday night at midnight.
What's Trending: Interview with Jackson and Doc at SDCC
YouTube curation site What's Trending? has an interview with Jackson and Doc that they conducted yesterday live from San Diego Comic-Con. Doc reveals his secret bowel movement Twitter account and, as per tradition Jackson and Doc refuse to answer a spoiler question.
If you're interested in other clips from the same interview, Doc gives advice to Amanda Bynes as Dr. Girlfriend and Jackson performs the monolog from Pacific Rim as the Monarch. Both are recommended.
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