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"Radiant Is The Blood Of The Baboon Heart" Discussion

Hello, friends. Let's have what is more than likely the final Venture Bros. discussion thread. It's time to talk about Radiant Is The Blood Of The Baboon Heart, the just released movie. You can currently watch it streaming on many of your favorite platforms. As always, you can use the comments on this article to say whatever you like about the movie, or the series in general if you like. Note that if you haven't seen it yet the comments will likely contain spoilers, so don't read them until you've watched, or if you just don't mind that sort of thing.
While this is most likely it for the series, I will still probably update for the site in the future if there's any news I can use.
- by cpc65
- by Mike
Thank you, Mike! Jul. 28, 2023, 9:39am
- by Mecha-Shiva
- by cpc65
Edit: The Blu-ray is currently at #1 spot on Amazon. Jul. 21, 2023, 11:39pm
- by Casey
- (unregistered id: 2D9B171797)
- by Mike
Though given the choice between the movie and nothing, I'm glad we at least got this. Jul. 25, 2023, 10:25pm
- by Hank
SPOILER: I 100% called it that Malcom and Rusty were closer than brothers by being both clones with modifications. It just made the most sense given Jonas's personality/ego/history and their likeness. Given, I suspected they were brothers in season 2 and didn't change my leading theory to both being clones of 1 person until after season 4, but I'm very satisfied with their defined blood relation and focusing on Hank and Dean as the titular Venture Bros. Jul. 28, 2023, 10:02am
- by Destroyo
- (unregistered id: CDC55F233D)
We Blue Mondayed it - New Order's (and Factory Records) best-selling 12" single, it came in an elaborate die-cut floppy disc sleeve that lost money on every copy sold. Of course White would know this.
Jefferson's buddy is a parody of Darkman, with apparent Freddy Kruger and The Shadow, judging by the scarf. The neighbor is Seth Brundle with teleporter pods from The Fly. Everyone knows the Punisher, right?
Bobbi's animal charity seems to be a riff on Brigitte Bardot's own later-life activism.
Mantilla's crazy board has pictures from every significant image in the Monarch's life, including the Blue Morpho events. It echoes Charlie Day's insane Pepe Silvia conspiracy from It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. Jul. 30, 2023, 7:32am
- by zombiejesus
- (unregistered id: 9FB99B9DE8) Aug. 5, 2023, 2:24pm
- by cpc65 Aug. 12, 2023, 5:06am
- by Destroyo
- (unregistered id: CDC55F233D) Jul. 30, 2023, 8:55am
I still want to see a whole episode of The Monarch in a domestic situation, such as hosting his in-laws (who we have never met) for dinner or something. The Monarch is his most entertaining in scenarios such as these. Aug. 5, 2023, 11:49am
- by Destroyo
- (unregistered id: CDC55F233D)
- We know previous Hanks have died from their antics. How are Deans dealt with then? One assumes the brain eraser enters into this but this puts their ages out of synch.
- Was there a Sheila pregnancy storyline that was abandoned?
- Are the Action Man and Phage finally dead? There was no sign of them in limbo but there was also no Team Venture death ritual.
- Why would Mantilla be allowed to work with The Peril Partnership? The Guild is presumably still at war with them and her advanced tech would one-up the Guild.
- Judging by the crazy wall, Mantilla completely figured out The Monarch's con in playing the Blue Morpho to kill multiple Guild members. Who else has figured out his role in this other than Red Death and what consequences will there be?
- Who claimed the bounty on the Blue Morpho? Bowie presumably didn't need the cash due to his deal with the Investors.
Any post-movie interviews with Doc and Jackson out there that address these issues? Aug. 9, 2023, 7:42am
- by cpc65
- Did it mean anything when Dean admitted to H.E.L.P.eR. Model 2 that he was unable to understand H.E.L.P.eR. 1 when we have seen Doc. Hank, Dermott and even Brock have conversations with him? Aug. 10, 2023, 1:00am
- by cpc65
- by Dean
- (unregistered id: DA7F65CB37)
Absolutely needs to be more. There's so much more! Aug. 12, 2023, 2:17am
I dearly hope we get more episodes, but even if we don't, it's been totally cool. Many thanks to all my bros and sisters taking this wonderful walk down memory lane, and so many props to Doc and Jackson and Co. for making that happen!
Go Team Venture!
I will see you when I see you, and it will be fun! Aug. 19, 2023, 8:21am
I am sad there was not more: another season.
At least we had this. We had some interesting answers:
The MONARCH [! – Ed.] Hatred of Rusty: this has long been an intentionally unanswered question – parodied by Dr. Mrs. the Monarch Sheila . . . Venture? not really answering it. If Doc 'n Jason gave an answer we would all be disappointed. I personally thought it was that Rusty laughed at one of Malcolm's "butterfly stories" in their creative writing class, but, hey, it was just as bad: Malcolm thought Rusty stole his girl!
A girl he has forgotten about, has more than adequately replaced, BUT YOU FUCKED MY GIRLFRIEND!
I liked his reaction when Rusty tells him that, no, that never happened. So the point of his vendetta? Still there! It needs no point!
Hank and Dean's Mom: well, I guess it makes . . . sense? Just do not ask where the other half of the chromosomes came from . . . unless they are clones of . . . but why is Hank "Tow-headed?" Anyway, if Doc 'n Jason picked someone . . . or introduced a character . . . fans would complain.
I am glad they could involve a lot of favorite characters. They could not bring them all back, but those they did were great.
Still . . .
. . . about that Homicidal Bear with the Knife? Aug. 19, 2023, 1:00pm
That, and Monarch's baboon DNA, would also explain why he couldn't pass the retinal pattern scanner in the elevator in an earlier episode.
Or maybe I'm just over-analyzing stuff. Darn, I will miss this! Aug. 21, 2023, 3:46am
- by cpc65
- by CookieMom
- (unregistered id: 987756208D)
With everything wrapped up, I consider the show a solid third on my "Best TV" list. Behind The Good Place and Babylon 5, but ahead of Lucha Underground and The Wire. The characters grew, and many tried to make up for their fuck-ups and undo the damage they've done. Others steered into it because it was who they were. Or maybe it was the baboon DNA.
The penultimate scene in Ben's house was excellent, and Doc's answer to the boys about their mother followed by the final scene was a real great way to end it. I'll miss this show, but well done Team Venture.
Finally, thank you Mantis Eye Experiment for being here for years. You've been a great resource, and a boon to the internet. If you do any super science in the future, let us know. Aug. 22, 2023, 5:07am
I will cop to never having made it with phyllo dough: I just used plain old circular pie crust, which makes it closer to Spinach Quiche than the Greek savory pastry, but darn it, it's still delicious! Served it with Thanksgiving Dinner once. Family enjoyed it (there was still turkey, stuffing, potatoes and pumpkin pie, dude, I'm not stupid!), had an interesting discussion about where it would fit in. None of them were Ventureoos, so I didn't expect a lot.
Anyhow, I also ran down the particulars of all Doc's "Doctales". Yeah, didn't make any of those, they all sound gross. Sorry. Aug. 25, 2023, 9:02am Sep. 14, 2023, 1:33am
- by cpc65
I always got a kick out of Dr. Henry Killinger and his Magic Murder Bag! Nov. 29, 2023, 7:59am
- by cpc65
- by cpc65
Just saw that Aqua Teens get five more episodes on Adult Swim.
Now, why must they taunt us like this?! Ok, I get it, shows that make money, get shown. If they make it in a reasonable timeframe.
But one of AS's shining stars, that paved the way... Well, I would love five more eps of VB, so say we all? Oct. 31, 2023, 10:32am
- by csnbk
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