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"The Unicorn In Captivity" Discussion

Welcome back, friends! This is your weekly discussion thread for this week's episode of Venture Bros., which is called "The Unicorn In Captivity". You can stream the episode over on Adult right now or watch it Sunday night at the usual time and place, if you prefer. Either way, use the comments to talk about the episode, season or series. For the uninitiated, there will be spoilers in the comments, so you know the drill. Have an awesome weekend!
- by Casey Roberson
- (unregistered id: 9B692F5A95) Nov. 4, 2018, 1:02am
- by Hank
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
Pirate Captain teleported into history. Although, Rusty dimension jumped through Fat Chance previously. But it is ultimately different.
RIP Tiny Eagle? Maybe he was just very, very badly injured and didn't bleed to death?
This episode was in fact, a game-changer and a bit of a unicorn, in that it was soo good.
But VB is always good. Probably the most consistent show ever.
Dot Com got a new voice actor. Seems SNL stars get busy w/ films and ditch the show. Hader also eventually ducked out. Anyway, the new VO did a great job.
I wonder how much Rusty experienced was actually in VR?
Brock blindfolded him, so... it's implied the whole orgy was a VR dream.
Good to see Manolo again.
Two films are the basis for the A and B plots. The heist is an Ocean's parody / while the Orgy is an 'Eyes Wide Shut' parody.
Red Moco Cooler returns.
The Illuminati members include many recognizable silhouettes. The Mexican doctor from "Dia" is the most interesting one to me. Brizzby (spelling?) is the most obvious. He even wears a bee mask.
This episode in particular is hilarious and felt somewhat like a season finale.
21 is almost always more capable and competent vs. The Monarch.
The Monarch is accidentally indestructible, just like his bro Rusty, and always survives disastrous falls.
Orgy Dr. Mrs. is surprisingly hot!
Copycat has his logo on his helicopter, not great for a heist. Even if you frame bozos.
Mark Hamil was really great as Presto. And Presto was damn funny.
Brock stuck on stairmaster Presto was hilarious!
RIP most of the crew from the heist. But... Copycat and Presto may have lived...
we'll see. Presto may get brain damage and live. Maybe he'll be extra psychotic and more Joker esque perhaps?
If an episode has teleportation... you must make an 'The Fly' joke.
Both Rusty and Malcom are unicorns. Ventunicorns.
The Driver X (non-existent) character is a Speed Racer parody.
Dummy Corp is an OSI dummy corporation that "makes mannequins" as the cover. I just got that.
Presto never changes into a Man Truck during the heist.
While obviously not intentional; Presto is very Meatwad like and the portals are very similar to Rick's portal gun.
I think next weeks episode is the black widower/gold digger storyline.
So maybe Venture realizes he didn't actually get laid.
(Part 1 of 2) Sep. 14, 2018, 7:52pm
- by zombiejesus
- (unregistered id: BDD6637EEC)
Glad to see the lesser villains get some extended play. And good to get the clever throwaway names they give to them. I want to know the name of the guy with the stovepipe hat and the radiation symbol:
I was anticipating some Larry Niven stuff on the teleportation. Or maybe Tron. Or a quick Portal gag of someone falling infinitely.
And, hey, didn't Rusty have his dad's old prototype teleporter? Or did JJ build that first one, from S02E01? Did he actually make a teleporter himself, or did he just reuse his predecessor's achievements?
I am curious of when the vr session started. I hope we never know.
R.I.P Ramburglar. Sep. 15, 2018, 1:01am
- by cpc65
- by Casey Roberson
- (unregistered id: 9B692F5A95)
- by cpc65
- by cpc65
I'm a little confused as I never saw the movies you guys reference. So was EVERYTHING after Doc got shackled to the chair fake or just his personal experiences and the heist was still real?
I was guessing that Driver X was really Molotov infiltrating the team for the OSI. Oh well. Sep. 14, 2018, 9:24pm
- by cpc65
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
But this one, this one I love tremendously.
Anyway, Monarch and 21 making off with the teleporters will likely be very important.
We can assume Monarch may use them as bargaining chips to get his level bumped up very high, or perhaps he'll use them for something even more sinister and clever.
I assume the heist stuff played well with everyone.
And surely everyone can agree Mark Hamil did great with his roles. Sep. 15, 2018, 6:07am
- by cpc65
But I thought it was an apt metaphor for both Doc and the Monarch having something special about them which sets them apart and gives them power only to be corralled by both the OSI and the GoCI. In fact I'm beginning to think that maybe that was the point of the GoCI in the first place, not to be "evil" but rather to take powerful antagonistic people and make sure they DON'T cause too much trouble in society by reigning them in with rules and regulations. Sep. 15, 2018, 7:06pm
- by cpc65
"not to be "evil" but rather to take powerful antagonistic people and make sure they DON'T cause too much trouble in society by reigning them in with rules and regulations." - Precisely! Some of the "bad" guys even do charity work. Recall Phantom Limb's "What do you know of evil?" speech to a young Sheila in the Shadowman 9 episode. Sep. 16, 2018, 8:28am
- by cpc65
I favor the former. Jonas, we gather has had sex with lots of woman, You would expect in that situation that he would have had lot of illegitimate children. Lots of super-geniuses. Unless the enture Guild is Jonas's extended family it looks like Jonas was shooting blanks. So the only way Jonas could guarantee Blue Morpho a child is if he cloned himself. And remember Ben examined Dean for two features, a tendency for one fetus to eat another fetus, and weird hair growth around the eyes. This last indicates that Ben and hence Jonas, know about these side effects from experience. And that indicates that Rusty and Monarch were both clones. Sep. 16, 2018, 4:55pm
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
Plus, they look so much alike it seems obvious. But we don't really know for sure.
Jonas was all about being a biological father to other peoples kids.
Isn't that right.... Blue Morpho?!?!?!?? Dun Dun Duuunnnnn!!! If it really is you! Sep. 18, 2018, 12:22am
- by EJ
- (unregistered id: 73F36BDC4C)
- by Juggly
- (unregistered id: 7B04B40BDB)
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
Brock = Doc Savage. Venture = Quest. Orpheus = Doctor Strange.
And almost everything is a reference to something else since the pilot fifteen years ago.
It's not a revelation (Juggly) or something to complain about (Beb)... it's literally what V Bros. is and has been... forever.
I just meant the plotlines are especially all movie based this particular season perhaps a bit more than normal.
Or maybe the movie references are more obvious to everyone this season.
The show is in season seven after fifteen years and slowly approaching 100 episodes.
Maybe people are just moving on.
The lack of advertisement and ratings seems to suggest [AS] has lost some interest too.
Regardless... I'll keep watching. Sep. 17, 2018, 10:32am
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
DS looks like Jonas and ORB here -
DS looks more like Brock here -
Again, I'm pretty sure Doc and Jackson mix influences together like paint on a canvas. Shades of many characters may be influenced and informed by numerous things. Sep. 18, 2018, 12:31am
- by Homeless Blixa Barfgold & his dirty pillow posse
- (unregistered id: 2B947AD5A2) Sep. 17, 2018, 12:29am
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11) Sep. 17, 2018, 1:04am
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
The number 4 repeating can foreshadow death. And Copycat's apartment number... 44-44. In Japanese culture the number four sounds similar to death, allegedly where this all originates from. Or just new age internet culture in general.
Anyway, Copycat and everyone on the team besides Monarch and Dot Com appears to die, (at least gravely injured) and the heist was in fact planned in apartment 44-44.
The Illuminati silhouettes and voices are all just taken from Doc's subconscious mind. Likely, the second Brock and Hunter leave the advanced VR simulation begins.
According to the simulation Doctor Venture's most desired woman appears to be Dr. Mrs. the Monarch.
Gary is a nerd and has on a 20 sided die (dodecahedron) t-shirt.
Gary Fischer = Gary Gaygax, the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons.
The Monarch lands on the very bed he was talking about earlier.
Apple experiment #6 is the one that actually worked.
Snow seems to only appear at The Monarch's in NJ and not anywhere in NYC in this episode. Although, a big chunk of the episode was a simulation.. so I'll let it pass.
But man, they are really building up to the big snowstorm episode. You can tell.
May even be the season finale.
The main trailer and especially the SDCC exclusive trailer apparently contained scenes from the final three episodes, as we haven't seen bloody penthouse Brock yet or Scare Bear, on and on like that.
Copcat's (Copy Cat's?) real plan is in fact entirely foreshadowed by the Monarch.
Hunter once again has a secret base on Venture compound, well, VenTech Tower technically.
Couldn't Hunter have just "washed" Rusty's brain clean with the "washing machine"?
I thought OSI had the too. I know Sphinx got blown up. I just meant wouldn't the OSI have one. Didn't Sphinx steal it from the OSI in the first place?
Are White and Billy liabilities? Since they clearly did most/some of the work on the teleporter?
The teleporter was probably something Jonas Jr. started and put away, and Rusty and crew picked it back up and finished it.
With only three episodes left... the teleporter pads could play a big role in the finale.
Particularly, with regards towards The Monarch getting everything he wants.
The upcoming "The Terminus Mandate" is about a black widower. Get it? Terminus Man Date.
This episode rocks and the heist stuff makes me laugh every single rewatch, especially towards the end when everything goes off and gets insane.
The Monarch survives astonishing accidents and both 21 survive a car crash relatively unscathed. Go Team Invincible Plot Armor!
I hope Mark Hamil returns in season 8. He's damn good and I'm not even a Star Wars fan.
The Monarch drops breaks his cool phone with the phone case I want in real life.
Ramburglar is the most brilliantly / most ridiculously named character this season.
The Monarch clearly dislikes him now, but it's great that he still thinks his apartment and style are cool. Good writing and characterization.
I love every episode where Pirate Captain appears, even if only briefly.
Since Brock keeps Tiny Eagle's carcass in his pocket... I'm guessing he's totally dead.
I want the Monarch's finished kitchen. Gorgeous! Maybe not in blue... but more or less.
The giant hand holding the world in front of Tophet Tower finally comes into play. This is of course a real world reference. What's interesting? The Hand literally delivers the Monarch the teleporter at the last second. Thus, granting him all the power in the world.
I.E. he's got the world by the balls now, errmmm, ball now.
Manolo appears briefly in the Monarch Cave / Basement but does not speak.
"Looking at me like a Johnny-stupid." - The Monarch
I've honestly never heard that one liner before.
Rated for broadcast TV-MA LS.
The eye patch strap on the back of Billy's head briefly disappears. He also wearing goggles. So, I see why it happened.
Boh Pirate Captain and Billy have similar eye patches. Counting Moltov and others.. this is a show full of eye patch people. It's just that kind of universe. Cigarette holders and eye patches.
This entire episode is Poetry in Motion.
Not only is "game-changer" said several times, so is the word unicorn.
Dot Com's real name is probably Dorothy or just Dot. Could be an accidental "The Tick" reference. Jackson wrote for every single iteration of "Tick" ever made. Even when it was a comicbook, he wrote some early issues. And Ben Edlund of course did help write a few early V Bros. episodes as well.
When the chair unlocks, Venture is still likely in the simulation, or they just put in back in, b/c the next shot he has a blindfold on. Meaning the VR simulation has definitely started.
I wonder who previously spray painted the big red X on the subway wall that Tunnel Vision drills into upon arrival? CC duplicate?
The Owl, often representing wisdom, an item associated with The Illuminati and other secret societies, appears in the episode. The fountain has an Owl atop it fr example.
Abort!! Abort!!! You're being set up!!! You're decoys!!!!
Dr. Venture laying down in his underwear, awaiting sex, is very similar to a poster from VB6.
Ramburglar's nickname is... Rambo... of course.
Sgt. Sloppy falls in the pool mid chase. Thus, he lived up to his new nickname.
Again, Driver X = Racer X.
Damn good traditional animation in this whole episode, but great CG animation too.
I love how 21 and The Monarch greet eachother nonchalantly after crashing.
Anyway, the most disturbing shot of the episode is the final beat. Dr. V hooked up to a sex machine... *shudders* two times.
And lastly; Night Dick finally returns next week.
(Part 2 of 2) Sep. 17, 2018, 2:26am
Drive X must have been one of Copy Cat's clones because just as Monarch warned that the team was a decoy Driver X's uniform collapsed, as if the body had been recovered.
Your comments about the number 4 in Japanese culture and Copy Cat's room number (44-44} was really interesting.
And speaking of Japanese anima / Manga -- there are a lot of one-eyed people in action-adventure stories. It's you can't be a bad ass without losing an eye. Sep. 17, 2018, 5:57pm
Experiment 1: red liquid - Dr Horrible style (smells like cumin)
Experiment 2: neatly cubed - makes me think of the digitizing laser from tron
Experiment 3: teratoma apple
Experiment 4: a neat cube - like one of those japanese molded watermellons
Experiment 5: "The Fly" apple
Experiment 6: Success? In my Venture Brothers? It's more likely than you think. Sep. 17, 2018, 3:51pm
Hunter uses "Group Therapy" as euphemism for an orgy. I'm so stealing that.
Monarch's cape wings are for showing not for going. Gary/21 said his were "for showing, not for blowing" in Showdown at Cremation Creek part 2, only to find out he was wrong. "This changes everything!" says 24. Gamechanger!
Human sashimi would be a terrible idea even if you could ethically source the meat. The wikipedia article on cannibalism specifically flags prions (twice under #Medical_aspects, the brain diseases in the second paragraph are also prionogenic), but most pathogens could be transferred this way. Always cook your long pig thoroughly.
What is Gary's "Ph" bag and uniform a reference to?
I think the whole Eyes Wide Shut sequence feels a lot like Metalocalypse stuff (titmouse FTW). People eating, gratuitous and kinky sex, metal-ass costumes with a red tinged black color palate Tiger's knife strap-on has that show's groin-based-weaponry thing going on. Just ring your death bell! Sep. 17, 2018, 4:32pm
- by cpc65
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
Cable TV Sunday 9/16 Top 25: #14. - V Bros. - 0.680 million viewers.
I hope the numbers get back up to 0.700 soon!
Even if cable is dead... TV ratings are still important to networks... until cable TV totally disappears. Which seems like it'll be pretty soon. Sep. 19, 2018, 10:32am
- by EJ
- (unregistered id: 73F36BDC4C)
Heck, he's Copycat. He could have one body with the Guild and one with the Partnership and he'll just pick the side that comes out on top. Sep. 20, 2018, 8:12pm
- by Mike
- by Aaaanon
- (unregistered id: 7C3006FBD9)
Oh, and the Monarch also takes some glass stabbing, like Rusty previously. Doppelganger much? Sep. 24, 2018, 8:18pm
- by The Anonymous Benefactor
- (unregistered id: 000BE692F3) Oct. 29, 2018, 5:36pm
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