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Venture Bros. Movie Greenlit

Doc’s latest invention will either bankrupt the Ventures or launch them to new heights, as Hank searches for himself, Dean searches for Hank, The Monarch searches for answers, and a mysterious woman from their pasts threatens to bring their entire world crashing down on them.
No word on release dates or anything like that, but stay tuned for more news of course. WarnerMedia's programming upfront is scheduled for May 19th and we could learn more then. We're not done just yet!- by Hank
- by cpc65
Very exciting news that a movie is coming! I'm sad that the series won't end on Jackson & Doc's terms (they were writing Season 8 when word on cancellation came in), but at least we'll get some closure. I felt the show was still fresh with no signs in slowing down. The Venture Bros. deserves much more recognition than it ever received (both from general public and within the industry). This show will always be a treasure given all the love put into it. The comedy, world-building, drama, story-telling, artwork, animation, acting, casting, etc. have all been outstanding and it deserves a better fate, but I'm just happy we all got to experience it. All of it was a wonderful gift and I'm thankful for it.
And this will be the ending apparently (J. Urbaniak claimed it on twitter):
Go. Team. Venture! May. 14, 2021, 10:00am
And this will be the ending apparently (J. Urbaniak claimed it on twitter):
Go. Team. Venture! May. 14, 2021, 10:00am
- by cpc65
- by cpc65
Probably- you don't really see agencies working together in most of these shows. OSI could have absorbed some agencies in the past though.
Even if the movie is Gargantua (and PROBLEM- I may have understated that was a pun) free, there's still JJ and General Treister out there somewhere in space. Jun. 21, 2021, 1:45pm
Even if the movie is Gargantua (and PROBLEM- I may have understated that was a pun) free, there's still JJ and General Treister out there somewhere in space. Jun. 21, 2021, 1:45pm
I hope the movie is 8 hours long. This better not be some 68 minute BS.
Also, I have been actively playing the lottery in case I can win 100 million dollars and fund some new seasons.
I thought 2020 couldn't get any worse and then the cancellation came and it felt like the world had actually ended. Seems odd that that was worse than covid for me but we'd already been waiting for like 2+ years per season. Jul. 21, 2021, 5:07pm
Also, I have been actively playing the lottery in case I can win 100 million dollars and fund some new seasons.
I thought 2020 couldn't get any worse and then the cancellation came and it felt like the world had actually ended. Seems odd that that was worse than covid for me but we'd already been waiting for like 2+ years per season. Jul. 21, 2021, 5:07pm
- by cpc65
I felt the exact same way. It was my anchor on a turbulent sea.I had a couple worse things going on but that was the biggest, unexpected gut punch for me.
I was hoping the fellas would have considered continuing the show as a crowdfunded web series, but it seems they are considering the cancellation as a sign to move on as they have other projects they wish to pursue.
If you want a never ending animated series, The Simpsons is starting season 33 soon. That's insane, and way over the hill. People who were born when it first aired now have teenager kids! I stopped watching it after season 9 or so. Jul. 26, 2021, 12:18pm
I was hoping the fellas would have considered continuing the show as a crowdfunded web series, but it seems they are considering the cancellation as a sign to move on as they have other projects they wish to pursue.
If you want a never ending animated series, The Simpsons is starting season 33 soon. That's insane, and way over the hill. People who were born when it first aired now have teenager kids! I stopped watching it after season 9 or so. Jul. 26, 2021, 12:18pm
There’s a petition tying to get more VB as well as on August 13, trying to have a push for as many people as possible to watch VB all day long on HBO Max
It may be for nothing but still worth participating in, in hopes we can get more then just the movie that won’t be able to tie up every storyline Aug. 11, 2021, 9:14am
It may be for nothing but still worth participating in, in hopes we can get more then just the movie that won’t be able to tie up every storyline Aug. 11, 2021, 9:14am
There’s a petition tying to get more VB as well as on August 13, trying to have a push for as many people as possible to watch VB all day long on HBO Max
It may be for nothing but still worth participating in, in hopes we can get more then just the movie that won’t be able to tie up every storyline Aug. 11, 2021, 9:14am
It may be for nothing but still worth participating in, in hopes we can get more then just the movie that won’t be able to tie up every storyline Aug. 11, 2021, 9:14am
- by cpc65
I think at this point the question that needs to be asked is, "Do the show's creators want to continue beyond the movie?" Sure, they were in the middle of writing season 8 when they got the news that their show was being canceled, but I get the feeling that they are now looking to move on and work on other projects, unless I missed some interview where they state the contrary.
Aug. 20, 2021, 5:17am
This has always been my point. I will always want MORE Venture Bros., but I only want more content if Jackson & Doc are inspired to create it. The hard work and love they put into the show is depicted at every level of production and, ideally, they'd be able to create more VB as long as they are inspired to do so. Every bit of VB I get is a gift I didn't deserve. I will gladly buy the movie when it releases and look forward to anything Jackson & Doc make.
Aug. 21, 2021, 9:08am
- by cpc65
Jackson Publick Twitter teaser update -
"Things are happening" - J. Publick
"Long-form Special"? I wonder if that's the actual title of the movie, just a working title until they decide on an actual title or a placeholder name so as not to reveal the title to us yet? Oct. 30, 2021, 5:12am
"Things are happening" - J. Publick
"Long-form Special"? I wonder if that's the actual title of the movie, just a working title until they decide on an actual title or a placeholder name so as not to reveal the title to us yet? Oct. 30, 2021, 5:12am
James Urbaniak confirmed the movie is the series finale =(
<expletive deleted> the new adult swim president who canceled Venture Bros season 8 and instead keeps giving airtime to the immensely terrible and unfunny bojack horseman spin-off Dec. 12, 2021, 5:28am
<expletive deleted> the new adult swim president who canceled Venture Bros season 8 and instead keeps giving airtime to the immensely terrible and unfunny bojack horseman spin-off Dec. 12, 2021, 5:28am
- by cpc65
James had actually let this slip some time go. At least they are recording voices meaning they're pretty well along with production.
I had gotten the impression that DH and JP had taken the cancelation as a sign that it was time to move on to other things, after the movie finale that is. They've mentioned that they had other projects in mind and after 7 seasons and 15+ years working on this show I think they decided to hang it up. Yes, they would have given us a season 8 had they been allowed to continue, but I'm not sure if they would have done another season after that. I initially had hoped they might have continued it for one more season as a crowd funded web series.
As much as it sucks we'll have to accept the movie as likely the final chapter of the Venture saga, but nothing will ever be able to replace this show in my heart. :`( Dec. 13, 2021, 12:07pm
I had gotten the impression that DH and JP had taken the cancelation as a sign that it was time to move on to other things, after the movie finale that is. They've mentioned that they had other projects in mind and after 7 seasons and 15+ years working on this show I think they decided to hang it up. Yes, they would have given us a season 8 had they been allowed to continue, but I'm not sure if they would have done another season after that. I initially had hoped they might have continued it for one more season as a crowd funded web series.
As much as it sucks we'll have to accept the movie as likely the final chapter of the Venture saga, but nothing will ever be able to replace this show in my heart. :`( Dec. 13, 2021, 12:07pm
- by cpc65
Well now I'm hoping even more that the fellas can deliver this baby sometime in 2022. Maybe they'll be giving us a guesstimate on a release date within the next month or two? Or will it be a surprise drop?
CaseCrash, when you walk through the Pearly Gates the first thing you must do is raise your arms and shout "SPANAKOPITA!" Dec. 22, 2021, 5:00am
CaseCrash, when you walk through the Pearly Gates the first thing you must do is raise your arms and shout "SPANAKOPITA!" Dec. 22, 2021, 5:00am
Jackson Publick posted some backgrounds from the movie the other day Aug. 24, 2022, 11:07pm Aug. 24, 2022, 11:07pm
- by cpc65
Billy Smolder (on YouTube and Patreon, and @ ventureverseguide on Instagram) said that James Urbaniak supposedly stated that the Venture Bros. movie would be out next September. How accurate that is, who knows? And this far out there could always be some delays/holdups. At least it won't be up to AS this time, I assume. Well, fingers crossed anyway.
BTW, Billy does some excellent episode reviews/analyses. Nov. 13, 2022, 12:58pm
BTW, Billy does some excellent episode reviews/analyses. Nov. 13, 2022, 12:58pm
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