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There’s a petition tying to get more VB as well as on August 13, trying to have a push for as many people as possible to watch VB all day long on HBO Max

It may be for nothing but still worth participating in, in hopes we can get more then just the movie that won’t be able to tie up every storyline

  • 0
Aug. 11, 2021, 9:14am
I think at this point the question that needs to be asked is, "Do the show's creators want to continue beyond the movie?" Sure, they were in the middle of writing season 8 when they got the news that their show was being canceled, but I get the feeling that they are now looking to move on and work on other projects, unless I missed some interview where they state the contrary.
  • 1
Aug. 20, 2021, 5:17am
This has always been my point. I will always want MORE Venture Bros., but I only want more content if Jackson & Doc are inspired to create it. The hard work and love they put into the show is depicted at every level of production and, ideally, they'd be able to create more VB as long as they are inspired to do so. Every bit of VB I get is a gift I didn't deserve. I will gladly buy the movie when it releases and look forward to anything Jackson & Doc make.
  • 3
Aug. 21, 2021, 9:08am

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