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"The Inamorata Consequence" Discussion

Welcome, friends, to week five of Venture Bros. season seven! This week's episode is called "The Inamorata Consequence". If you're in the United States (or can fake it) you can watch it on right now. It's also airing on Sunday night at midnight on Adult Swim. Feel free to use the comments of this post to discuss the episode, the season, and the series, if you want. As always, there will be spoilers, so don't read the comments if you don't want to be spoiled!
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
Everyone who watches the show has speculated on two things:
1. Are Rusty and the Monarch brothers?
2. Is Rusty actually a clone as well, in a long, sad twisted tradition of family cloning?
This season seems to answer both. However, just not totally definitively... yet.
To me Rusty definitely died multiple times and was cloned. He and Malcom are definitely related. Likely brothers. And maybe BOTH are actually clones. Aug. 31, 2018, 9:17pm
I was wondering why HELPer didn't have a vocalizer, and now we have a model 2 with a vocalizer. Pity he wouldn't join the ventureverse, but like Ben seems to exist solely to pass on information that no one else was in a position to reveal.
I agree that Rusty probably died multiple times. In season 2 when we saw the computers used to program the Hank and Dean slugs they were antique, refrigerator-size tape machines. So probably the original equipment of Jonas' creation.
That Dean is Rusty's clone kind of answers when Ben was looking for signs of that frtus-eating gene in Dean. Rusty obviously had it, was a known problem with the first generation of clones and Ben was looking to see if it had been fixed in the second generation of clones.
And if Ben still has cloning equipment one has to wonder if Jonas will come back as a clone. (Though I think by the time he does Rusty will have concluded that Da-Da was better off dead.
This means that Dermet is the first Venture to have a mother since Jonas.
Back in the 1st ep of this season Jonas said something about how assured his virility was. I've wondered for a time that since Jonas seemed to sleep with any woman around either the world would be filled with a lot of baby Ventures, or Jonas was only shooting blanks all this time.
Loved it when Rusty had the breakthrough that OSI/GCI were just a bunch of children in silly costumes and deadly weapons.
This was my most favorite episode so far this season. Aug. 31, 2018, 10:29pm
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
It's also just hilarious that mountains of flammable jackets survived the fire b/c they were in the hanger.
I'm really pleased with this one. It addressed many things that needed to be touched upon. And it was all a great excuse to hash everything out with the GCI and the OSI, while showing Rusty can call everyone out while actually being competent, but also giving Hank and Dean great adventures that touched upon important things.
Darby did a great job voice acting too!
For an episode with no 21 or Billy or the Monarch... this one rocked!
Oh, and no Hatred in this one. First episode in a long time he wasn't in at all. Sep. 1, 2018, 2:17am
- by cpc65
And both seem intresting. Rusty possibly being a clone is a great plotline and explains a lot, as one of the commenters here showed, and I look forward to seeing the Peril Partnership and an actual fully functioning rival to the guild. How do they work? While why their striking now is pretty damn obvious, a few months ago in-universe the guild had a massive upturn and just went through a crisis where they lost 15 to 20 members and had two hospitalised, how they function and if any of them are familar faces should be fun to sort out.
It was also nice to get a reunion between Hank and Dermott even if Rusty is bribing his son to keep quiet for now, it was still nice to see Dermott, like his brothers, is trying to make something of his life and his new role means we'll hopefully see him again in the future, especially since Hank and him play off each other well, as well as how it subtly shows how hank has changed. While he's always been willing to take the piss out of Dermott, here he not only does so well but actually solves the conflict and gets him promoted. He also has the biggest laugh of the episode with his fucking bizzare fantasy sequence involving pete's dragon, dwarves, and his girlfriend in an american flag dress for some reason, proving that while hank may be growing up he's still Hank.
As a quick aside I did love the whole romance subplot even if it ended sadly and on a wham note as well as the runner about pee on the belts.
WHile I talked abotu the clone side of things a bit, I did love dean's plot, bonding with helper 2, played by the wonderful rhys darby, as we learned ben just sorta fucked off to new zeland but left behind a new friend. And while Dean's new buddy sadly is too afraid of dying to leave, they do leave with Dean promissing to watch skins and Dean, despite his hangups, coming to realize just why his dad's so crewed up.
Finally we have the confrence the entire episode was built around which was just comic gold. Shore Leave's introductions were fucking gold, and I missed the character terribly for most of season 6 and was glad to have him back. Shiela's line about rusty to dean was also the most accurate thing that's been said about the character so far. And Rusty actually gets a moment of triumph, berating the council for acting like squabbling kids and outdoing his dad for once in his life. It was a feel good moment and James Urbaniak really sold the hell out of the moment. There was just too much hilarious about this subplot to get into.
Overall this was an amazing ep, and having finally caught up on the series, this season is proving to be a step up: taking the serilization and underarching plots (Setting up one with the guild and having Dean possibly rush at his dad and grandad's old fraternity in a future ep), but scaling it back, while touching on things they kinda left unreslolved like ben and dermott (even if they still haven't fully dove into Rusty being his dad, they have at least one more season for that and given this show we may never get an answer.) Aug. 31, 2018, 11:04pm
- by Aaaanon
- (unregistered id: 7C3006FBD9)
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
Jonas got Mrs. F drunk and pregnant with his sperm.
Malcom is the real Venture.
Rusty is just a clone of Malcom, and it was the start of all the cloning.
Mrs. F was gonna tell BM everything, or already did.
Next, Jonas crashed the plane to cover everything up, and out of guilt rebuilt BM.
Then... *something something* ... Hank and Dean's mom is revealed. And it is fucking mind-blowing!!! Sep. 1, 2018, 4:55am
- by cpc65
Maybe the rescue of a damsel in distress itself by a celebrity is a reference to an actual event? I wonder if she plays any significant role in the Venture family saga? Perhaps she becomes Mrs. Fitzcarraldo?
Also, H.E.L.P. eR. Mod-2 tells Dean that he cannot go to New Zealand because he is an abomination, and he is voiced by Rhys Darby who is from New Zealand.
I also wonder if Ben's "trip to NZ" is just a cover story, as the timing seems suspect, and he's really at OSI HQ working on cloning Jonas? Sep. 1, 2018, 6:40pm
- by zombiejesus
- (unregistered id: 0298E35A57)
The [AS] feed is in HD. Click the window to pause. Go read those articles.
(I'd screencap and post them all somewhere, but people better than me have more capable hands and skills.) Sep. 2, 2018, 1:22am
- by cpc65
- by zombiejesus
- (unregistered id: 0298E35A57)
Or did they bring Fudgie all the way from the East Coast?
"Forget it, Jake. It's Ventureverse." Sep. 2, 2018, 12:12am
- by Pkmeat
- (unregistered id: 6D56B9E0D5) Sep. 2, 2018, 2:10pm
- by cpc65
Red Means Stop - Col. Gentleman says that Rodney killed a baby. Rodney claims it was a werewolf and Gentlemen says all he saw was a wee little baby with a silver bullet in its BRAIN.
Powerless in the Face of Death - In the 'many deaths of Hank and Dean' montage the boys are apparently mauled to death by what looks like Doc as a werewolf.
Assisted Suicide - Inside Doc's mind, two of the dead Hank and Deans look like they had been mauled. Doc later tells Hank that the Action Man used to wake him up in the middle of the night as a child by putting a gun to his HEAD and pulling the trigger. "Not today, Rusty. Not today." (a silver bullet in the baby's brain)
So if The Action Man had killed a baby Rusty, then Doc would have to be a clone to still be around. Doc must also have been cured of his lycanthropy at some point as there was a full moon in A Party For Taran and he didn't change. He still got shot though. Sep. 2, 2018, 10:42pm
I did immediately think of the video from Now Museum Now You Don't:
Interviewer: Dr.Venture. What would you say was your greatest adventure and, eh, parenthetically eh what is your greatest invention?
Dr.V: Well, Dick, those are both excellent questions. But I'm afraid I only have one answer- My son. Sep. 3, 2018, 11:17am
- by Casey
- (unregistered id: 9B692F5A95)
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
I called and did a bunch of bad voice impressions, go me! Sep. 4, 2018, 3:40am
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
S07, E09 - The Forecast Manufacturer - 9/30/2018 Â
S07, E08 - The Terminus Mandate - 9/23/2018 Â
S07, E07 - The Unicorn in Captivity - 9/16/2018 Â
S07, E06 - The Bellicose Proxy - 9/9/2018
"Arrears" is the only exception... but obviously they had to parody the title from "Careers" in season one. It was too perfect. Sep. 4, 2018, 5:57am
- by cpc65
Thankfully I got an update that it should be delivered tonight by 8 pm (fingers crossed!!!)
It's a little infuriating when I've seen other people on Facebook already posting pictures of getting their shirts from 701 & 702 though. I'm hoping I'll get those shirts tonight in addition to the Rusty's Machine one. Sep. 6, 2018, 9:56am
- by cpc65
- by cpc65
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
This is really good news! Sep. 7, 2018, 12:06am
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11) Sep. 7, 2018, 5:55pm
- by zombiejesus
- (unregistered id: 22A59946A4)
Warning: this is gruesome. Sep. 8, 2018, 12:08am
- by Hank
- by cpc65
- by Mike
Love the reference to the James Bond photo shoot for the poster ("From Russia, with Love"). The gun in the photo shoot was indeed a Walther LP 53 (though not a "BB gun", as Shore Leave said). The actual Walther PPK wasn't available for the photo shoot, but the photographer did have his own personal Walther LP (Air Pistol) model 53, so that is what was used (
Ok, as a guy who actually shoots a Walther LP 201 in competition, I am a bit biased, but I am still impressed. Sep. 18, 2018, 11:08pm
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