Season Four, Volume One DVD Giveaway
Welcome to the fourth in what is now a classic Mantis-Eye giveaway! For those of you who were around during the release of previous season DVD sets, you know that this is the old way we do things around here. No more simply entering your name and email to win, no, you have to do some work for this prize!

As always there are some rules below the questions, and you ought to read them if you want to be well-informed but I'll summarize anyway. The contest is open until midnight, November 12th (the night of November 11th). You can enter multiple times but only your last entry will be accepted and if you win you have seven days to get back to me before I select a new winner. Have fun, and remember the answers should be discoverable on this site, so if you aren't sure do some research. There's no reward for rushing it!
The Quiz!
1) What is the final value of 21's Marvel #1 comic after it passes through the Venture household?
There was some minor confusion as to the original wording of this question and weather it meant chronologically, which would be $0, or based on episode order. which would be $500,000. So if you answered either of those you got the question right. For the record the intended answer was $0, which is hopefully reflected by the reworded question.
Kansas was the only band not mentioned or implied. Dr. Venture mentioned 'the court of the crimson king', refering to King Crimson, Dean was in a 'Floyd hole', refering to Pink Floyd, and Yes was featured as a good 'starter' band for Dean's journey into progrock.
King Crimson
Pink Floyd
In "Return to Malice" Dr. Venture and Sgt. Hatred stop by Hatred's old house and Dr. Venture spies Private Schwa and Princess Tinyfeet. Private Tilde is one of Hatred's former henchmen but he was not mentioned in that episode. The other two guys I just made up!
Private Tilde
Private Schwa
Private Rafe
Private Patach
Sneaky! The psychiatrist seen in "Self-Medication" was also seen in season two's "Powerless in the Face of Death" at a henchman group therapy session. Monstroso and Captain Sunshine were mentioned by name previously but never seen until this season and The Outrider is a brand new character (though he was vaguely mentioned by Dr. Orpheus as a 'young necromancer').
The Psychiatrist
Captain Sunshine
The Outrider
Frank & Joe and Lyle & Erik were dual parodied by Dale & Lance Hale in "Self-Medication" and Captain Sunshine & Wonderboy are of course a parody of Batman & Robin (among other things). Kissinger is of course parodied by Henry Killinger, but he didn't appear in this season, and Nixon has never been parodied on the show.
Frank and Joe Hardy
Batman and Robin
Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon
Lyle and Erik Menendez
Brendan Small played Action Johnny in "Self-Medication", Kevin Conroy of course played Captain Sunshine in "Handsome Ransom" and Patton Oswalt was Wondebroy in "Self-Medication". Toby Huss plays General Teister and Scaramantula but neither of those characters appeared in season 4.1.
Brendan Small
Toby Huss
Kevin Conroy
Patton Oswalt
Bowie should of course be obvious. It was established pretty well that Red Mantle is Buddy Holly in "The Revenge Society" and we also see Brian Eno later on in the same episode (though he is refered to as Eon). Dave Gahan, lead singer in Depeche Mode, does not appear to be in the Guild, though he was possibly spotted in season one's "Tag Sale, You're It!".
David Bowie
Buddy Holly
Dave Gahan
Brian Eno
Semi-trick question! Chuck and 'a toaster' are of course the same thing, and Wisdom is a coffee cup. Lady Nightshade is a member of The Revenge Society, and she is a shoe, but a quick cut in the episode reveals her to be Dr. Girlfriend's shoe, not Molotov's.
A coffee cup
A toaster
Molotov's shoe
From "The Better Man" we see Jefferson has the ability to exist between worlds, thus allowing him to pull Al, The Outrider and Dr. O out of hell. The other choices I just made up, though I did enjoy thinking of 'power of attorney' and 'sight beyond sight' is from Thunder Cats for those of you who remember that show. Awesomly this was the most correctly answered question, with almost 93% of entries getting it right.
The power of sight beyond sight
The power to exist between worlds
The power of attorney
The power to hear those who cannot be heard
As seen in "Pinstripes & Poltergeists", 24 is now friends with Woodrow Wilson.
Abraham Lincoln
Woodrow Wilson
Teddy Roosevelt
James K. Polk
Sadly this was the most commonly wrong question, which is a shame since the second to last note in the "Return to Malice" capsule gives the answer. Happenstance, suicide and a shape-shifting nightshade are all on 21's list. Shoddy bomb construction is not on the list. 38% of quiz-takers got this question wrong.
Shoddy Bomb Construction
A Shape-Shifting Nightshade
'Bruise' is the only of these four words that did not pop up during that bar fight.
Note: This question has apparently been debunked by Doc Hammer in the commentary, so it will not be graded. You win this round, Hammer!)
As mentioned, Doc says in the commentary that he didn't base The Outrider on Solomon Kane, just on someone who was more or less the opposite of Dr. Orpheus (so as to cause his wife to leave him for this man). So no matter what you answered here you got credit, though the originally intended answer was Solomon Kane.
Abraham Van Helsing
Ichabod Crane
Solomon Kane
Indiana Jones
As seen in a flashback during "The Revenge Society" (after Phantom Limb tries and fails to activate it), Sandow breaks the ORB in order to avoid killing Lloyd Venture.
Phantom Limb
Dr. Venture
As noted in the credits (and during the events) of "Perchance to Dean", the rejected clone slug was D-19.
Sorry, the contest has ended! The winners will be announced shortly, so keep and eye out!
Contest rules and legal mumbo-jumbo:
- You can enter as many times as you want, but only your last entry will be accepted.
- You have to answer all the questions right to have a chance to win. In the event that nobody answers them all correctly then the people with the highest score will be entered in the final drawing. If only one person gets the highest number of correct answers then he will automatically come in first.
- The final drawing will be comprised of all eligible participants (those with the most right number of answers) with one winner selected at random from the pool.
- In the event that the first place winner refuses or isn't able to be contacted then a new person from the winners pool will be picked. If there are no more people in the winners pool then the person with the second highest score will become the winner and the process will repeat until someone finally wins.
- The DVD is region one, so if you live outside the US or Canada you probably won't be able to watch it unless you have a region-free player. You can of course still enter if you are outside the US/Canada, but I make no guarantee that it will work.
- No prize substitutions will be made. I can't swap it out for anything else, so just be glad you won! The item you receive should be unopened so at the very lest you might be able to get store credit for them at Best Buy or something maybe (not that I condone that or anything).
- You must enter a valid e-mail address. When I pick the winner I'm going to e-mail them and if the e-mail bounces I'm going to pick a new winner. You should also enter a name of some kind because if you don't I'm just going to make up a name for you and it might not be nice!
- The cutoff for entering is midnight (EST) November 12th, 2010. After that you can't submit any more entries and if any are submitted after that time they will not be accepted. The winner will be picked and answers will be posted shortly after.
- Once I mail the prize it's out of my hands. So if it gets lost in the mail or damaged there's nothing I can do about it. Sorry, no replacements will be issued. It's never been a problem before so I'm sure this won't be an issue, but just in case.
- By entering this contest you acknowledge that your e-mail address and name will be stored in a database for future reference. I will not sell or give out or use your e-mail and name for anything outside the scope of this contest (which is limited to contacting you if you win). You'll also have to supply a mailing address via email so I have a place to send it to, but that's not stored anywhere except for my email I guess.
- By clicking the submit button you acknowledge that you have actually read and agree to these rules. If you don't like them then don't submit. Also I reserve the right to change rules or make up new ones as I see fit, though I probably won't do that, but just so I have all my bases covered. You know how it is
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