Five Years Continues: Season 4.2 Weekly Giveaways
As the Five Years of Mantis-Eye celebration and season four both continue, so does the giving away of the stuff. These are what some might refer to as 'minor league' giveaways, in that there will be future prizes that are even better. However these ones are still pretty cool, and you've really got nothing to lose, so why not enter?
Giveaways will start the Thursday before an episode airs at noon eastern and you will have until the following Tuesday (at midnight, so it's technically Wednesday) to enter. After that the winner will be picked and then at noon on Thursday the next giveaway will begin. Easy, right? Remember, you need to enter each giveaway individually!
The final giveaway, however, will start Monday at 9am eastern and end the following Saturday at midnight (yes, technically Sunday). Just in case you're coming back here waiting for a new one.
Giveaway #8 - Official Mantis-Eye Experiment Mug

I wanted to get you guys one of those Monarch logo color change mugs but they only made 50 of them and they're sold out. Plus I don't own the rights to that logo so I can't just go make some. Lawyers. So anyway instead we have what is debatably the next best thing, an official non-color-changing Mantis-Eye Experiment mug! These babies are super rare, only six exist, so you'll be a member of a super exclusive club. A club full of people who have a mug with a non-professionally designed logo on it. If you're such a huge fan of the Venture Bros. that you're also a fan of a non-official web site devoted to the show then this is the giveaway for you. (Also, in spite of the photo, you will only win one mug.)
Sorry, this giveaway has ended!
Giveaway #7 - Season Three DVD

Okay, so this is just like the season three Blu-Ray except without all the blue rays. Which isn't to say that it's bad, it's just not high def. If you're super old school and only have one of those old DVD player antiques but also a burning desire to watch season three then this is the prize for you! Not only do you get all the classic season three episodes but commentary tracks and probably some extras and stuff. I mean what more could you want? Oh yeah, how about the damned thing is free?!
Sorry, this giveaway has ended!
Giveaway #6 - Brock Baseball T-Shirt

Fear not, you don't need to like nor be good at baseball to wear this shirt! Featuring some Bill Sienkiewicz art from the season one DVD , everyone who sees you wearing this will know how much you love Brock, murdering guys, baseball and The Venture Bros.. Alright, you probably don't like murdering guys and you also might be on the fence about baseball, but the other two are true for sure! This normally sells for a cool $25 at the Adult Swim Shop, but it can be yours free if you win!
Sorry, this giveaway has ended!
Giveaway #5 - Season Three Blu-Ray

Did you know that a Blu-Ray has no relation at all to a manta ray or a sting ray? Well now you do! If you've got one of those fancy 'high definition' television sets and something that plays Blu-Rays then you might be interested to know that you can watch The Venture Bros. in high definition on that very TV! Season three was the first one to be produced in HD and now you can own your very own copy of it, the way it was intended to be seen (maybe).
Sorry, this giveaway has ended!
Giveaway #4 - Soundtrack Vinyl

Do you love The Venture Bros. and its music but also don't want to deal with these new-fangled MP3s and CDs and 'casset' tapes? Or maybe you are just charmed by the days of yore when people listened to 'records'. Well then, have I got a deal for you! Enter now to win your very own copy of the mostly complete Venture Bros. soundtrack! Sadly vinyls can't hold as much music as a CD so you'll have to download the last couple of tracks, but that's cool with you, right? Sure!
Sorry, this giveaway has ended!
Giveaway #3 - Season Two DVD

Already own copies of season one and season three but somehow skipped over season two? Were you super bummed that they didn't make any new episodes after season one and then one day you stumbled upon season three and wondered what the heck happened to Phantom Limb? Well here's your chance to find out! Win your very own copy of season two on DVD! Season Two: It's the only DVD not to feature any art by Bill Sienkiewicz!
Sorry, this giveaway has ended!
Giveaway #2 - Monarch T-Shirt

Want your very own piece of Venture Bros. history? This shirt is a rare item! Only some finite amount were produced and they were never sold in stores or online! I think they might have been promo giveaways or something? Also as an added bonus Jackson completely hates them! So if you're ever wearing it in public and he sees you he'll probably totally come talk to you to complain about it. Public conversation with Jackson Publick not guaranteed, but it's probably plausible!
Sorry, this giveaway has ended!
Giveaway #1 - Season One DVD

Somehow a regular on this site but never saw the first season of The Venture Bros? It's now considered to be classic television you know. Anyway, entering this contest will allow you to win your very own copy of the complete first season. Already a huge fan of the show and own if (of course!)? Hell, it's free, why not give it to a friend less smart than you who doesn't own it? Or keep it as a spare in case yours breaks or is stolen! The possibilities are practically limitless!
Sorry, this giveaway has ended!
Contest rules and legal-ish mumbo-jumbo:
- You can enter as many times as you want, but your chances of winning will not be increased.
- The final drawing will be comprised of all eligible entrants with one winner selected at random.
- In the event that the winner refuses or cannot be contacted then another winner will be selected at random and so on until a legitimate winner is picked. Each winner will have seven (7) days to respond before they are passed on. If their email is invalid or bounces for any reason then they will be passed on immediately, so make sure you supply a legit email!
- No prize substitutions will be made. Prizes are as described and in brand new condition as best as I can tell. If there is something wrong with your prize when you get it there's nothing I can do about that, sorry.
- Each giveaway on this page will last six days from the point on Thursday when they commence at noon eastern time (9am pacific) until the following Tuesday night at midnight (technically Wednesday morning). Entries submitted after the cutoff period will not be accepted. When a new giveaway starts you must re-enter if you want a chance to win the next prize as entries from the previous giveaway(s) will not be taken into consideration.
- The exception to the above rule is the last giveaway, which will last six days but from 9am eastern time (6am pacific) on Monday until midnight on the following Saturday night (technically Sunday morning). All other rules still apply.
- Once I mail the prizes it's out of my hands. So if it gets lost in the mail or damaged there's nothing I can do about it. Super sorry, but no replacements will be issued. It's never happened before (as far as I know) so I'm sure this won't be a problem.
- By entering this contest you acknowledge that your e-mail address and name will be stored in a database for future reference. I have a lot of respect for privacy and I hate spam, so I will not sell or give out or otherwise use your e-mail and/or name for anything outside the scope of this contest (which is pretty much limited to contacting you if you win). You'll also have to supply a mailing address via email so I have a place to send it to, but that will not be stored in the site's database and I will also not use that for anything aside from mailing you the prize.
- By clicking the submit button you acknowledge that you have actually read and agree to these rules. Also I reserve the right to change rules or make up new ones as I see fit, though I probably won't do that, so don't worry!
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