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Scheduled Downtime
Hey folks! Once again my awesome host (that link might not work) will be moving to a brand new space on the internet. What does that mean for Mantis-Eye? Well for starters there will be some downtime in the week ahead. We're not sure how long but hopefully not too long. Other than that nothing should change for you folks, though the new server will be better for all involved behind the scenes.
So, keep checking back for updates and if the site doesn't work one day, don't freak out, because I promise it'll be back! That's about all I have for now, I'll be sure to post here if any new stuff comes up.
So, keep checking back for updates and if the site doesn't work one day, don't freak out, because I promise it'll be back! That's about all I have for now, I'll be sure to post here if any new stuff comes up.
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