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Magic Murder Capsule
It's up, though I don't have as many notes as I'd like but feel free to e-mail some to me or post them in the comments. Also I'm trying something new with the screencaps. Instead of just resizing them for the sidebar I'm doing fancy crops now because the resized widescreen shots look too small to me. The full sized ones are unaltered of course. Tell me what you think!
- by Mike
- (unregistered id: 027D18FA77)
Wow, crazy. The only thing I can think of is someone who works at either Adult Swim/Cartoon Network or World Leaders who gets to read the scripts has leaked it. However that doesn't explain the screenshot which I don't recall seeing anywhere else. It's also plausible the episode leaked somewhere due to it being done for so long before airing.
Jun. 12, 2008, 6:51am
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