Hey There, Mystery Person
Trying to vote on a comment, eh? You need an account to do that! You should totally get one! You'll get your own username and can participate in community stuff. It's awesome! Already have an account? Log in above!

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Eggman1115's Profile »

Eggman1115's Achievements

  • Yakety Yak

    Post in five different, currently active discussion threads.

    Earned: Sep. 30, 2018

  • Smart Talker

    Get ten total positive votes on your comments.

    Earned: Sep. 10, 2018

  • Ten Spot

    Get ten achievements.

    Earned: Aug. 21, 2018

  • Talk It Up

    Post in three different, currently active discussion threads.

    Earned: Aug. 21, 2018

  • Season Fiver

    Posted a comment in at least one season five discussion within a week.

    Earned: Jul. 29, 2013

  • Discuss.

    Post a comment in a currently active discussion thread.

    Earned: Jul. 1, 2013

  • A Good Point

    Get your first positive vote.

    Earned: Jun. 17, 2013

  • Democracy Now!

    Vote on a comment.

    Earned: Jun. 17, 2013

  • Five-cheiver

    Get five achievements.

    Earned: Jun. 17, 2013

  • First Words

    Make your first comment.

    Earned: Jun. 17, 2013

  • One Year Later

    Gifted on the first anniversary of your account's creation (give or take a day).

    Earned: Jun. 17, 2013

  • The Same Jacket

    Enter the signed Shallow Gravy CD giveaway.

    Earned: Nov. 17, 2011

  • Club Member

    Register and verify an account.

    Earned: Nov. 17, 2011