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"All This And Gargantua-2" Discussion

Also after you watch the episode, Adult Swim has put up a five minute epilogue that also contains a brief glimpse of season six. Again, watch the episode before you watch the epilogue, but you should totally watch the epilogue.
- by Hank
- by policegirl01
- by policegirl01
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
Yeah... was that setup for something?
Because I thought some deal was going to happen between JJ and the investors.
Also what happens to the OSI now?
It looks like Brock is finally back with the Ventures too.
Three predictions I got right... Killenger was connected to the investors (being bros.), JJ got cancer, and it seems like Brock is back with the Venture's now fully.
Oh, oh, and I guessed that last season the Ventures compound would burn down... guess I got that right in the emd.
No evil Rusty or good Monarch or aliens... so some of my guesses were crap.
It actually raised as many questions as we got answers to. Jan. 20, 2015, 3:58am
Yeah... was that setup for something?
Because I thought some deal was going to happen between JJ and the investors.
Also what happens to the OSI now?
It looks like Brock is finally back with the Ventures too.
Three predictions I got right... Killenger was connected to the investors (being bros.), JJ got cancer, and it seems like Brock is back with the Venture's now fully.
Oh, oh, and I guessed that last season the Ventures compound would burn down... guess I got that right in the emd.
No evil Rusty or good Monarch or aliens... so some of my guesses were crap.
It actually raised as many questions as we got answers to. Jan. 20, 2015, 3:58am
Would anyone happen to know if there's a way to stream this not-live? (is that even streaming? Whatever)
I found out too late that my DVR hadn't recorded the special after all. Would there happen to be a way to watch this from the beginning?
I can't watch the 2:00am showing because of adult responsibilities, but I'm too impatient due to childish excitement. Jan. 20, 2015, 12:42am
I found out too late that my DVR hadn't recorded the special after all. Would there happen to be a way to watch this from the beginning?
I can't watch the 2:00am showing because of adult responsibilities, but I'm too impatient due to childish excitement. Jan. 20, 2015, 12:42am
- by AldusValor
- by AldusValor
- by policegirl01
- by policegirl01
- by policegirl01
I think because The Monarch[!--Ed.] says, "The Monarch is on the Council of Thir" just as he turns the chair and Killinger says, "Not you," this means he is not on the Council at all.
So everyone can count out who the other 13 are:
1. Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
2. Phantom Limb
3. Radical Left
4. Fat Chance
5. Red Mantle
6. Dragoon
7. Dr. Z
8. Prof. Impossible/Incorrigible--assuming he is still a part of it.
If the Baron survived that means 9. If Killinger is on it, 10--though I would not be surprised if he is not. Watch and Ward? Which, assuming I did not miss some obvious ones, there are between 2-5 empty chairs upon which to speculate.
But not The Monarch[!--Ed.] Jan. 28, 2015, 1:31am
So everyone can count out who the other 13 are:
1. Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
2. Phantom Limb
3. Radical Left
4. Fat Chance
5. Red Mantle
6. Dragoon
7. Dr. Z
8. Prof. Impossible/Incorrigible--assuming he is still a part of it.
If the Baron survived that means 9. If Killinger is on it, 10--though I would not be surprised if he is not. Watch and Ward? Which, assuming I did not miss some obvious ones, there are between 2-5 empty chairs upon which to speculate.
But not The Monarch[!--Ed.] Jan. 28, 2015, 1:31am
- by AldusValor
- by policegirl01
- by policegirl01
Jan. 20, 2015, 1:06am
- by policegirl01
- by Hank
- by cpc65
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
I'm just wondering what if the whole season is great and wild as hell.. but by the end of it; will Rusty run the company into the ground, lose all the blood money, and force the Venture brood into going back to the old compound?
Which obviously was rebuilt with the original blueprints from funds from the JJ memorial... unbeknownst to them while they've been away in New York.
Thus, what Archer did basically... a reset of sorts. Jan. 31, 2015, 9:52am
Which obviously was rebuilt with the original blueprints from funds from the JJ memorial... unbeknownst to them while they've been away in New York.
Thus, what Archer did basically... a reset of sorts. Jan. 31, 2015, 9:52am
- by DJ
- (unregistered id: F44BE2AFF6)
Additional footage and season 6 teaser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jan. 20, 2015, 1:37am Jan. 20, 2015, 1:37am
- by AntonSolo
- (unregistered id: AA7A496667)
Oh that whole sequence where the Monarch realized that Phantom Limb was in his house had we laughing as loud as I could without waking the wife who was already asleep while I watched on the cable app on my tablet. The Dean and Deluca reference nearly made me fall out of bed and the Wusthoff one nearly woke her up.
Jan. 20, 2015, 2:31am
Definitely a good one. A lot of predictions that we made at the end of last season came true. It wasn't as epic as I was expecting, though (at least not until I saw the epilogue- definitely worth watching). I'm actually surprised more people didn't die. It made sense to kill some of them though- the Ventureverse was getting kind of crowded and some of them (like Scott Hall and most of the Council) had over-lasted their humor. Also, kind of a shame Hader wasn't there for Phage and his others, though very glad Stephen Colbert was Professor Impossible at least once more.
Definitely looking forward to Season 6. Until then, Go Team Venture! Jan. 20, 2015, 1:59am
Definitely looking forward to Season 6. Until then, Go Team Venture! Jan. 20, 2015, 1:59am
- by Mike
- by Snoopy
One guy thinks so - he wrote an interesting essay that concludes sovereign has just as ignominious a death as was his beginning. If anyone would like to check it out, I couldn't recommend it more. Feb. 28, 2015, 12:42pm Feb. 28, 2015, 12:42pm
- by AldusValor
New Merch at the Astrobase!
Two Hats, and a HOODIE! Jan. 20, 2015, 2:31am
Two Hats, and a HOODIE! Jan. 20, 2015, 2:31am
- by AldusValor
- by Captain V
- (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
Epilogue -
AS put this on youtube too.
More convenient as youtube works on more of my devices, and in HD on my TV. Jan. 20, 2015, 8:45am
AS put this on youtube too.
More convenient as youtube works on more of my devices, and in HD on my TV. Jan. 20, 2015, 8:45am
- by Anonymous
- (unregistered id: AD5501930A)
huh? I haven't picked up any non-religiousness in the series at all. Religious stories (in particular judeo-christain ones) have been referenced throughout the series. God if referenced as well. Hunter himself has called Rusty a Godless idiot (not in a good way,) Brock has quoted a psalm, The brothers have called on Jesus, Rusty has used God as a threat.
Jan. 21, 2015, 1:09pm
- by AldusValor
A great day for super scientists and ambitious costumed villains everywhere!
Lots of unanswered questions:
- will Gary finally get a working lightsaber?
- how will Billy react to his mother being a former...professional dancer?
- will Gathers allow the zebra on the helicarrier?
- does Hanks shuttle trip on Amber's lap foreshadow a love trapezoid with Headshot and Brock?
- will Colbert have Doc and Jackson on Latenight? Jan. 20, 2015, 12:07pm
Lots of unanswered questions:
- will Gary finally get a working lightsaber?
- how will Billy react to his mother being a former...professional dancer?
- will Gathers allow the zebra on the helicarrier?
- does Hanks shuttle trip on Amber's lap foreshadow a love trapezoid with Headshot and Brock?
- will Colbert have Doc and Jackson on Latenight? Jan. 20, 2015, 12:07pm
- by ChebGhobbi
- (unregistered id: 688F541D81)
Hey guys, good to be back, and good to see so many familiar names. Just caught the episode, and let me tell you, it's been hard not to look up spoilers all day while at work.
************SPOILERS AHOY***********
So...first that was good! Although I feel bad for the dead Councilmen, especially Steppenwolf just because he was my favourite, and I thought Don Hell went in a really grisly manner. As soon as I saw The Nerve back in season 5 I thought he looks incredibly vulnerable to anything that shatters his glass body, and it looks like I was right. Feels like we spent so long waiting for those guys to get IDed, and just as we get a tiny, tantalising glimpse into who they really are...they're all gone. Doc and Jackson are teases of the highest order. Plus, we still don't have a name for Councilman 10.
I was hoping Councilman 11 would turn out to be a previous Mommy Long-Legs, may be a Grandma Long-Legs. Would have explained how she could be at the Council meeting in Shadowman 9 while still being at the Coccoon, although she is part of a colony, as we now know, and we also know that the Council used telescreens to communicate at a distance.
Did anyone notice the name of the OSI agent who lost Red Mantle and Dragoon? Henderson - the bedwetter from OSI Love You.
When we saw Jonas Senior, I couldn't believe it, but in a weird way it felt somehow perfect, even though it wasn't him. It was a fantastic twist even though wasn't.
Trying to get my head around the plot - someone correct me if I'm wrong on anything here. So, the Sovereign had made some sort of deal with the Investors (possibly to attain his position; maybe that's how Force Majeure died?), but he knew that they would collect on the debt, so his plot was to destroy them. To do that, he promised Phantom Limb a place on the council for he and his teammates, so he knocked off five Councilmen to make room (this last part is speculation), which had the added bonus of getting rid of five guys who'd disobeyed his orders not to meet and risked exposing their identities, allowing the OSI to get closer to him (this may have been his main motivation for the murders; Gathers seemed to think it was because OSI was getting close to him, and the surviving Councilmen obviously feared for their lives, in any case they were expendable as far as the Sovereign was concerned). Limb's part of the bargain was to destroy Gargantua 2, and in doing so eliminate the Investors.
The Investors are the same as Killinger, whatever that may be. Gods? Are they aware of the Master, and is he aware of them? Killinger seems to be comfortable in the role of a facilitator of evil, someone who takes a bad person and makes them better at what they do, whereas the Investors apparently want control.
It's pretty clear the Sovereign killed off the Council, so I'm guessing now that the Investors' purpose in visiting the OSI Hoverquarters was simply to off Monstroso. For a while I thought that perhaps they wanted to know the identities of the Council too.
That's as much as I can think of for now. Finally, great shout to whoever it was that surmised that the Monarch's childhood home was the same building Limb and co. were squatting in! Once that was pointed out I couldn't unsee it. Was it the same building he used for surgery on Mantle and Dragoon in The Revenge Society? It certainly looked the same in the outtake from Bright Lights, Dean City. Jan. 20, 2015, 3:20pm
************SPOILERS AHOY***********
So...first that was good! Although I feel bad for the dead Councilmen, especially Steppenwolf just because he was my favourite, and I thought Don Hell went in a really grisly manner. As soon as I saw The Nerve back in season 5 I thought he looks incredibly vulnerable to anything that shatters his glass body, and it looks like I was right. Feels like we spent so long waiting for those guys to get IDed, and just as we get a tiny, tantalising glimpse into who they really are...they're all gone. Doc and Jackson are teases of the highest order. Plus, we still don't have a name for Councilman 10.
I was hoping Councilman 11 would turn out to be a previous Mommy Long-Legs, may be a Grandma Long-Legs. Would have explained how she could be at the Council meeting in Shadowman 9 while still being at the Coccoon, although she is part of a colony, as we now know, and we also know that the Council used telescreens to communicate at a distance.
Did anyone notice the name of the OSI agent who lost Red Mantle and Dragoon? Henderson - the bedwetter from OSI Love You.
When we saw Jonas Senior, I couldn't believe it, but in a weird way it felt somehow perfect, even though it wasn't him. It was a fantastic twist even though wasn't.
Trying to get my head around the plot - someone correct me if I'm wrong on anything here. So, the Sovereign had made some sort of deal with the Investors (possibly to attain his position; maybe that's how Force Majeure died?), but he knew that they would collect on the debt, so his plot was to destroy them. To do that, he promised Phantom Limb a place on the council for he and his teammates, so he knocked off five Councilmen to make room (this last part is speculation), which had the added bonus of getting rid of five guys who'd disobeyed his orders not to meet and risked exposing their identities, allowing the OSI to get closer to him (this may have been his main motivation for the murders; Gathers seemed to think it was because OSI was getting close to him, and the surviving Councilmen obviously feared for their lives, in any case they were expendable as far as the Sovereign was concerned). Limb's part of the bargain was to destroy Gargantua 2, and in doing so eliminate the Investors.
The Investors are the same as Killinger, whatever that may be. Gods? Are they aware of the Master, and is he aware of them? Killinger seems to be comfortable in the role of a facilitator of evil, someone who takes a bad person and makes them better at what they do, whereas the Investors apparently want control.
It's pretty clear the Sovereign killed off the Council, so I'm guessing now that the Investors' purpose in visiting the OSI Hoverquarters was simply to off Monstroso. For a while I thought that perhaps they wanted to know the identities of the Council too.
That's as much as I can think of for now. Finally, great shout to whoever it was that surmised that the Monarch's childhood home was the same building Limb and co. were squatting in! Once that was pointed out I couldn't unsee it. Was it the same building he used for surgery on Mantle and Dragoon in The Revenge Society? It certainly looked the same in the outtake from Bright Lights, Dean City. Jan. 20, 2015, 3:20pm
The Investor's names match minor winds ( ) from Greek mythology. That would make Killinger Apeliotes, the gentle SE wind.
Jan. 20, 2015, 4:14pm
- by AldusValor
I believe it's more likely that the council was killed off because they would have stood against the Sovereign in his ploy to destroy the station. Red, Dragoon, and Z all mentioned that the "Old Guard" wouldn't stand for his behavior. The Sovereign broke *a lot* of rules in his attempt to do away with the Investors.
Jan. 20, 2015, 4:29pm
- by FrostlyKnight
- (unregistered id: 43A3FF83E1)
Color me a little suspicious of the lack of corpus delicti on the Sovereign, J.J, and Treister. I mean there was some secret business that JJ had with the Investors... and they basically spurred the Sovereign into action in this episode. Also the bird, unless its some weird animation fluke, doesn't seem to be the same bird as it has white feathers on most of the breast of the bird where in the previous scene it was only around its neck area.
Jan. 20, 2015, 3:24pm
- by ChebGhobbi
- (unregistered id: 688F541D81)
(dons dirty mac, inserts glass eye)
One more thing...
Something I found quite touching about this episode was that JJ, for all his bluster and all his success, actually felt in the end like he lost to Rusty. I've hated the way many fans will just say 'the show is about failure' and leave that as an explanation for the things that happen in it, and from what I've read from Jackson and Doc it's a bit of an albatross for them too.
The last couple of seasons, we've seen over and over how, despite everyone on the show being a failure and a mess to some degree, they can all succeed in their own right - think Dean coming out of his shell, Hank finally admitting that Hatred is part of the family...and now Doc getting the justification from the brother, whose shadow he spent the last X years in, that he beat him, in his own faily way.
I'm struggling to put into words what I'm trying to say here, really. There was just something terribly satisfactory about the way the Venture family dynamic changed in this episode.
Maybe it's each character's slow realisation that they don't have to live in the box that they've been put in - Rusty can be a father, and doesn't have to be a swashbuckling superscientist adventurer (remember his brief conversation with Dean at the end of The Better Man?), Hatred can explore his nurturing side rather than being a supervillain (he obviously loves being a parental figure, and got a kick out of being a cook in Everybody Comes to Hank's). Or maybe not, because that doesn't apply to so many of the characters - it looks like Dean may be quite the boy adventurer, future scientist after all. Jan. 20, 2015, 3:35pm
One more thing...
Something I found quite touching about this episode was that JJ, for all his bluster and all his success, actually felt in the end like he lost to Rusty. I've hated the way many fans will just say 'the show is about failure' and leave that as an explanation for the things that happen in it, and from what I've read from Jackson and Doc it's a bit of an albatross for them too.
The last couple of seasons, we've seen over and over how, despite everyone on the show being a failure and a mess to some degree, they can all succeed in their own right - think Dean coming out of his shell, Hank finally admitting that Hatred is part of the family...and now Doc getting the justification from the brother, whose shadow he spent the last X years in, that he beat him, in his own faily way.
I'm struggling to put into words what I'm trying to say here, really. There was just something terribly satisfactory about the way the Venture family dynamic changed in this episode.
Maybe it's each character's slow realisation that they don't have to live in the box that they've been put in - Rusty can be a father, and doesn't have to be a swashbuckling superscientist adventurer (remember his brief conversation with Dean at the end of The Better Man?), Hatred can explore his nurturing side rather than being a supervillain (he obviously loves being a parental figure, and got a kick out of being a cook in Everybody Comes to Hank's). Or maybe not, because that doesn't apply to so many of the characters - it looks like Dean may be quite the boy adventurer, future scientist after all. Jan. 20, 2015, 3:35pm
- by Hank
I thought it was really cool that the Guild fallout is a parallel to Hunter taking the OSI; where the rebel group that splits off (SPHINX, Revenge Society) ends up proving their worth to the original group and "coming home" to it. That "send them off somewhere, let them grow, then they come home" is kind of a motif for the show, with it happening at least to Brock, Hank, Dean, and now 21.
Also I loved Treister saving Dean and Doc, Dean met probably his most famous/important fan and didn't even realize it! Jan. 20, 2015, 5:21pm
Also I loved Treister saving Dean and Doc, Dean met probably his most famous/important fan and didn't even realize it! Jan. 20, 2015, 5:21pm
- by Hank
- by cpc65
Did anyone save the squid?!
How did the OSI get the intel on the remaining council members? Maybe Brock snagged a CPU from Vandata?
Did anyone else let out a cheer when Brock snapped Zero's neck?
When Zero said, "I hench... for NO man." I think that was a take on a line from The Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "I move... for NO man." Jan. 20, 2015, 9:12pm
How did the OSI get the intel on the remaining council members? Maybe Brock snagged a CPU from Vandata?
Did anyone else let out a cheer when Brock snapped Zero's neck?
When Zero said, "I hench... for NO man." I think that was a take on a line from The Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "I move... for NO man." Jan. 20, 2015, 9:12pm
- by cpc65
True for some of the council members, but they weren't all there at the club. And Dr. Z's pic up on the big board was a much older photo from about when he made that Stop That Blundering video. And I was thinking the same thing about Vandata when they said he was still M.I.A. Would there be a reason Brock didn't want to tell Hunter that he killed him?
Jan. 21, 2015, 10:16pm
I would imagine that it's against the O.S.I. - Guild of Calamitous Intent treaty for Brock to kill Vendata under such circumstances (probably allowed only in certain situations, such as during an 'arching' where the villain uses high level weaponry/intent to kill). I always assumed Brock just beat him to hell, not killed him.
Jan. 24, 2015, 12:58pm
- by Snoopy
I disagree. The Cocoon is shown hiding out in the Grand Canyon (Arizona) and it seems near to the Venture Compound. Billy and Peter's trailer is located in a desert locale. And when Rusty needed some daily labor physicists he went to a street corner and tried to hire some Mexicans. So I think the Venture Compound is located in the Southwest.
Jan. 25, 2015, 4:28pm
- by AldusValor
- by cpc65
- by cpc65
How practical is it to have secret headquarters in outer space? Without teleporter technology it would take a long time to assemble all the members by rocket. Plus rocket launches are kind of noticeable.
And a nit: So the interns building the shield built four-handed manual reset. Fair enough but their hands are two pair set above each other. The shield has two sets of hand holes next to each other. Shouldn't the second set of hole been above the first set? Jan. 21, 2015, 6:13pm
And a nit: So the interns building the shield built four-handed manual reset. Fair enough but their hands are two pair set above each other. The shield has two sets of hand holes next to each other. Shouldn't the second set of hole been above the first set? Jan. 21, 2015, 6:13pm
- by AldusValor
- by vet_boy77
- (unregistered id: D05BE1BBCB)
Loved it.
We're lead to believe that JJ was in league with the Investors and perhaps why he wanted to downplay the who Guild-OSI thing. Also, with Killinger being opposed to the investors, could this is why he was trying to get Rusty to arch JJ in "The Dr. is Sin"- perhaps too much of a stretch. Jan. 24, 2015, 2:16pm
We're lead to believe that JJ was in league with the Investors and perhaps why he wanted to downplay the who Guild-OSI thing. Also, with Killinger being opposed to the investors, could this is why he was trying to get Rusty to arch JJ in "The Dr. is Sin"- perhaps too much of a stretch. Jan. 24, 2015, 2:16pm
I never liked the Investors. On one level their goals were never clear. So they give money to people but since they're villains what is their payoff? They could be related to Mephistopheles and are out to collect souls. But that is never made clear, Maybe like Lucy from Peanuts they exist to torment people by promising them one thing and pulling the rug out from under them in the end? And since they can pass through walls and don't seem limited by things being in the air how does one fight them? They're just too far out for the rest of the Ventureverse. While I'm glad Killenger eliminated the Investors Killenger has the same problems and I'd like him gone as well.
Jan. 25, 2015, 4:47pm
I was with you until the end: Dr. Killinger is awesome.
I think his brothers are like what you describe--meddlesome. They collect debts and collect on them. See what happened to King Gorilla and Monstroso.
Dr. Killinger, on the other hand, offers to bring a person to his potential--whatever it is. He does not force people into things. So he helps Dean and Hank, and Brock financially, all the way to Dr. Venture, but he does not push him into being a Super Villain. One might also say he inspired Henchman 21/Gary to be more independent by opposing him.
His only "failure," thus far, was his attempt to reconcile Mira and Dr. V. Perhaps Mira was just too f'd up?
Unlike him, The Investors DO meddle. Hence his admonishment to them.
He also allows favorite characters to exist--like Phantom Limb. Is he going to go after "Shelia"--Dr. Mrs. The Monarch[!--Ed.] as before? Without him, PL is just either psychotic and pathetic or hunted down by the Sovereign.
Anyways, I think they nicely tied up some "loose ends" which will allow the show to progress.
And now . . . a moment of silence for Scott. . . . Jan. 26, 2015, 1:16am
I think his brothers are like what you describe--meddlesome. They collect debts and collect on them. See what happened to King Gorilla and Monstroso.
Dr. Killinger, on the other hand, offers to bring a person to his potential--whatever it is. He does not force people into things. So he helps Dean and Hank, and Brock financially, all the way to Dr. Venture, but he does not push him into being a Super Villain. One might also say he inspired Henchman 21/Gary to be more independent by opposing him.
His only "failure," thus far, was his attempt to reconcile Mira and Dr. V. Perhaps Mira was just too f'd up?
Unlike him, The Investors DO meddle. Hence his admonishment to them.
He also allows favorite characters to exist--like Phantom Limb. Is he going to go after "Shelia"--Dr. Mrs. The Monarch[!--Ed.] as before? Without him, PL is just either psychotic and pathetic or hunted down by the Sovereign.
Anyways, I think they nicely tied up some "loose ends" which will allow the show to progress.
And now . . . a moment of silence for Scott. . . . Jan. 26, 2015, 1:16am
- by Wally Bollywood in S.A.S.E.
- (unregistered id: 4791A66B9E)
so, Half Jackal is Radical Left.. right? so sad to see all those weirdo villains go so suddenly as their oddness was handed to us last season with snips of intrigue & freakishness. viva Phin Phage tho, glad you made it you crippled bio hazard.
the fishing boat submarine(?) was brilliant left field ...weird.
Killinger voice-"Vee are not like other men, vee are German Fürthvolker." Feb. 5, 2015, 7:33am
the fishing boat submarine(?) was brilliant left field ...weird.
Killinger voice-"Vee are not like other men, vee are German Fürthvolker." Feb. 5, 2015, 7:33am
- by Nordman
- (unregistered id: F3ADF8DBEE)
So, does anyone know if the big spaceplane that Doc, Hank, Dean, etc. took to Gargantua 2 was supposed to be the X-30/NASP? Sure looks like it:
I can't believe that project was over 20 years ago. Would have been so cool if they had built it. Feb. 15, 2015, 11:06pm
I can't believe that project was over 20 years ago. Would have been so cool if they had built it. Feb. 15, 2015, 11:06pm
- by Nordman
- (unregistered id: 5AB100E9F8)
Thanks. The other thing I was wondering about was the lounge singer during JJ's commercial: he seems to look a lot like Dean Martin. Of course, Martin was in the original Ocean's 11 movie, where he played a member of a gang who rob casinos, and masqueraded as a lounge singer.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it :-). Mar. 4, 2015, 11:50am
Maybe I'm reading too much into it :-). Mar. 4, 2015, 11:50am
- by Nordman
- (unregistered id: 3D4088043A)
Found another one:
Looks like the design for several of other other spaceplanes flying to G2, and how can you not love the name? Mar. 11, 2015, 3:21pm
Looks like the design for several of other other spaceplanes flying to G2, and how can you not love the name? Mar. 11, 2015, 3:21pm
- by Snoopy
Same here. I'm sure Mike has a day job and this isn't his top priority, but I do want to say that I also really enjoy the capsules, notes, and all the trivia that he collects and adds to the capsules. Despite growing up on good old American TV, there are a lot of references I miss. Good job!
Mar. 14, 2015, 12:38am
- by Snoopy
Trying to vote on a comment, eh? You need an account to do that! You should totally get one! You'll get your own username and can participate in community stuff. It's awesome! Already have an account? Log in above!