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  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
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2018 Series Rewatch Notes:

- Albino bomb. Will this backstory for Pete White ever get explored further?

- The boys mother. Will we ever get real answers? Do we even want all the answers?

- Is Rusty just a clone? Or does he have a mommy? The clone theory explains Jonas Jr. and why he looks just like Jonas. Rusty was one messed up clone. Damn.

- Moppets big revenge? They can't be dead. Right.....?

- The villain dubbed Wall-Flower. Will he ever show up in a big way?

- Fat Chance... where art thou?

- Baron Underbheit? Where'd you go? They finally made him awesome around VB4... then he stopped appearing after the move to NYC. He robbed a space casino... Isn't That VVild... enough for a return!!!?!?!

- Girl Hitler and Catclops? Gone forever???

- Billy is stated to be 35. Then in VB4 (not many episodes later) he is stated to be 37.

- The shrink gun will always return. Always a Gloria!

- Hank is actually diagnosed as a "crybaby" in VB3 before being called a crybaby in VB4 by Rusty.

- Hatred mentions blowing up the Monarch's house in VB4. It was foreshadowing, he does just that in the final episode of VB5.

- Hatred mentions burning the compound down in VB5. Foreshadowing in motion, he eventually fails to stop the fire set by the Monarch and the compound is burnt to cinders.
He destroyed the fire trucks due to negligence with the security lasers. It was his ultimate fault.

- The PROBLEM Light is visible in certain shots for all of VB6. Simply sublime subtle foreshadowing. Almost feels like an easter egg in a weird way now.

- The Peril Partnership and the teleporter pads could definitely play huge roles in the VB7 finale.

- The disembodied Jonas head is most certainly coming back.
  • 0
Sep. 24, 2018, 12:12pm

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