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A cliffhanger? That was unexpected.

There too many subplots for this to be an enjoyable episode. Too often I was wishing for a fast-forward button so I could get to something interesting.

With all the money Rusty is supposed to have I'm surprised he doesn't go the Trump and hire Playboy models to have sex with him. Playing around with a black widow type seems stupid as well as dangerous. But then Rusty, like his "sons" is a death-prone guy.

This seemed like a eulogy type episode. The whole season seems like a Eulogy. We finally learn about Jonas's death, and who the Blue Morpho is. Rusty's origin is mostly clear. Then there's so many members of the council retiring and so many ofo the rank and file membership getting killed this year. It's hard to see the Guild going on.

There little things in the episode that I enjoyed, like the dick measuring contest between Col. Gaithers and Phantom Limb. Considering that the Col. had his dick removed at one point I was surprised that he had one to measure, then wondered if when he had it re-installed he asked to have it .... enlarged. There were other little bits I enjoyed.
  • -1
Sep. 22, 2018, 2:59am
  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: 03A96A9F11)
  • Reply
It accidentally (maybe intentionally) feels like the penultimate season in a weird way, doesn't it?

I earnestly feel like this season could be setting up a final season.

Maybe, behind-the-scenes, Mike Lazzo told Jackson to start wrapping up the series, and that season eight could be the last.

The higher ups (and Adult Swim) may want to move on and make new shows and such.
It has been fifteen years. Seventeen years by the time a possible season eight would release.
  • 0
Sep. 22, 2018, 3:22am
  • by Sannom
  • (unregistered id: 9D1CFD76D5)
  • Reply
"With all the money Rusty is supposed to have I'm surprised he doesn't go the Trump and hire Playboy models to have sex with him."

He probably doesn't trust paid women, not after the prom. Since Brock most likely didn't tell him that they were actually hired assassins, he still believes that he was shut down all night by prostitutes. And he isn't about to use his special "spanish fly" again.
  • 0
Sep. 24, 2018, 8:03am
We are dealing with a man who purchases a mail-order Korean bride. Unfortunately, they forgot to put holes in the box: "Assassinanny" with Molotov!

An episode with extended Clancy Brown? Awesome.
  • 0
Sep. 25, 2018, 3:56am
I believe the expired "bride" was Chinese.
  • 0
Sep. 26, 2018, 9:13pm

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