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  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
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Final Thoughts and Random Observations:

- 21 drops two subtle allusions about body armor during the episode that suggest Rusty will be fine before the reveal. First and most obvious, he mentions that the Kevlar was flaking and is why he took the suit to Enzo for basic repairs. Secondly, he briefly ponders if the Wandering Spider is wearing a flak jacket before his mechanical legs activate.

- 21's flashback of being kidnapped, ordered dead by the Monarch, but then ultimately spared by henchman, perfectly mirrors his exact actions when kidnapping the Wandering Spider. His life has come full circle. And b/c his backstory was already revealed years ago but went unseen until now... that's some damn good writing, baby!!!

- The moon plays a big role in this episode and it also does in the Highlander films. This is no coincidence, Christopher Lambert played the Highlander and is featured within this episode prominently.

- Doc refrences Lambert's obvious and famous roles from the Highlander franchise and Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes. But he also quickly slips in a Lord Raiden line. A hilarious reference to the cheeky Mortal Kombat live action film Lambert starred in as Raiden.

- Billy is portrayed in an especially repugnant and grating manner in this episode. The way he snaps, "Always a Gloria!" at White, and how he uncharacteristically hammers rum shots down and asks about the Carfax Fox, Rusty's Mom, etc. was just gross to me. First time I've EVER not liked Billy in an episode.

- The beginning of this episode doesn't work well b/c you know some BS reason is coming the entire time to explain how Rusty was fine. It makes the entire episode feel predictable, which is a shame b/c the character life reflections and deep mythos is spot fucking on.

- It feels like bandages were added to Battleaxe retroactively and the grappling hook line was added so this episode would play as a penultimate season episode. The 5.5 suggests Phage has not been re-welcomed yet, an oversight suggesting this episode was written early in the season. And b/c we know how J&D write and often air production episodes in an 'interesting' order, to plug things in appropriately, this realization gels with what we know about how the show has always been made.

- Dr. Mrs. was built up to already wanting Venture dead and convinced he is BM, teehee.
But here it's the opposite. I believe this was (mostly) done on purpose so we'd buy her pulling the trigger. She's very rational in this episode, but it has been built up all season she's fed up with Rusty's affect on her life, and her inner monologue in the limo reflects this. I thought it didn't work... but the more I watch this one... Doc Hammer actually sells it perfectly. She's always been sympathetic to Rusty, hence why she cured his Kafka nightmare, so it'd take a lot of building up and a Wide Wale screaming at her before she'd ever actually shoot. It really works. I'm just trying to say Doc sold it and gave her back her depth and humanity this season, which was needed. BM has stolen so much screen time I'm missing certain characters and character development for others featured less as a result. This episode fixed that, for sure.

- 21 reacts overly nonchalant when a knockout dart is shot into his crotch. I would've fucking yelled out in pain, at least briefly.

- I find it hard to believe Phantom Limb almost defends Rusty during the debates by calling him to much of a loser to be BM, teehee. And for somone who wanted everyone dead in season four... it's a bit odd he isn't on the roof with the other psychotic villains wanting Venture dead. I guess he's actualized as a person and really grown into a sane supervillian not bent on destruction and revenge. Good for him.

- I feel Z would've already mentioned all his BM (teehee) knowledge previously when this all started. But... maybe he was embarrassed about his accidental sexcapades with BM.

- Brock and Dean are painfully silent this episode, it feels like they each had one or two lines that got cut. J&D realized they saved production money by having less actors, and rolled with it. A popular season four practice.

- This episode has a ton of odd animation quirks. Not exactly errors, just weird little things I noticed upon repeat viewings.

- Enzo builds himself up as the god of tailoring... but he's not confirming it. *Spites*

- If Battleaxe saw 21 out in front of her bar he would've presumably been axed to death out of revenge. It also raises questions about whether or not she still wants to kill Venture next season. It all hinges on what happens with the Blue Morpho next.
I.E. if the BM saga (teehee) gets resolved it's likely the Guild would inform her off camera of the resolution.

- Turn Buckle is definitely a fucking douche. Anyone would've shot him.

- The Monarch proved to the council he couldn't be the Blue Morpho through his selfie, but besides Z (barely, briefly suspecting him) he almost did this before anyone even suspected him at all. Venture, as well, was obviously cleared b/c 21struck as the Blue Morpho. This sets the stage for an interesting finale b/c nobody knows who the fuck the Blue Morpho is besides the Monarch and 21.

- 21 was moonlighting as the Blue Morpho... during a lunar eclipse. Think about that. Bravo Doc Hammer, bravo good sir.

- Dr. Mrs. can spot a Lambert a mile away. Not actually, but it was still impressive. He was slightly far away and he had his back turned and she still knew it was him.

- Can anyone identify what film/films this entire episode is a reference to? I can't shake the feeling this entire episode, the opening, the monologues... it all feels like it's a specific reference to some film noir Doc Hammer likes.

- When the Blue Morpho removes his mask after sex with Z it feels like a lazy joke an Austin Powers movie would make. However, the way Z describes everything and is deeply troubled by his encounter for decades is what makes the joke totally work.

- The Dr. Heinie joke felt pretty damn lazy. An ass doctor named Heinie, ugghhh.
I get that the Monarch has to arch a shitty (poophole) doctor to climb in the ranks to get back to Venture, but the joke is just banal, and painfully dumb. Why not have the Monarch arch a gynecologist named Dr. Vgeinie next season? Gimmie a break.

- This is a great episode that's slightly marred by odd jokes, season continuity friction, and somd seriously weird details. I see why I basically don't know how to rate it.

- I thought Jackson was fibbing we he said Vendata and 'that picture' won't be addressed until next season, but I believe he was telling the truth now. Although, all the Blue Morpho stuff has definitely built upon this foundation.

- Even the animation during the flashback of the henchman and Dr. Girlfriend has nods to the original animation cycles of everyone continuously typing in unison. Very nice attention to old details.

- Blue Morpho is once again referenced as being "resplendent".

- Kimson "Always a Gloria" Albert.

- The ratings, once again, did not surpass one million viewers with only a 0.913 rating earned.

- Lease, V ipod, Oxler, Dogs, LV, n&n's, Soup Anywhere.. Everywhere!, Sassy, and Mamguna, are just a few of the visible ads in Times Square.

- Instead of a quick lighting bolt, the moon is present once the title card flashes and the credits roll.

- The TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE PART-Y banner is an obvious reference to the lyrics "...a total eclipse of the heart".

- Hank's strong rum drinks really got Billy buzzed in a bad, bad way. Hank is once again seen wearing a fake moustache when he's in costume as a bartender, a running gag.

- Dr. Venture's drink recipes suck, but man, he can flip a cocktail shaker like a professional bartender.

- All the level ten villains have been punks so far. Thin Tank just wanted to play Chess, Battleaxe's husband just wanted to yell, Wes and co. were just eccentric druggie thieves, and Wandering Spider was a big wussy. Hopefully, Red Death will actually bring some menace this upcoming Sunday.

Welp, that's it. I had a few more notes and tidbits that I can't recall right now, so... this is good enough. Until next time Venturoos!
  • 1
Mar. 16, 2016, 9:44am
Oh, cut Billy a break. He's a cheap drunk, but not an alchie [regular].

Movie references i can thin of: Silence of the lambs when 21 kidnaps WS, SotL itself nods to real-life Ted Bundy's practice of rolling ppl by pretending he had an injury & needed help, sometimes wearing a cast.

Monologue-wise ref to Casino & Goodfellas, both Scorsese films. There's more refs peppered throughout the thread
  • 1
Mar. 16, 2016, 11:01pm
  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
  • Reply
Makes sense, I've only seen one of those films... a decade ago.

Interestingly, if you listen to the commentaries we know Doc Hammer is obsessed with SotL, the General / Carfax Fox commercials, Scorsese films, faking out character deaths, callbacks to previous episodes, fleshing out flashbacks we've heard spoken of but never seen, working Billy and White into an episode at the expense of other characters screen time, and anything taboo related to genitals, sex, and bodily functions.

This episode literally features ALL of that.
  • 0
Mar. 17, 2016, 6:13am

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