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  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
  • Reply
I really, really don't like that every new episode will feature an epilogue now. If season six ever gets released on blu-ray it's likely these could be forgotten about. But mostly, I don't enjoy that parts of the new episodes are broken up and put on the internet.
Why not have two end tags? One after the credits and then one after the astrobase logo? I just don't appreciate having new episodes endings spilt up on the internet to eventually get lost forever. It seems pointless and annoying that I pay for cable only to have AS put exclusive content up for the internet only... so oddly, less people will actually see it. I never would've know about the epilogue if I didn't come here... that's total bullshit.

I've spoken my peace.
  • 0
Feb. 1, 2016, 10:34am
  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
  • Reply
The epilogues fucking rock! So don't get me wrong... they just... keep having my favorite jokes of the new episodes in the epilogues.

I wish they were attached to the episode. So, I hope these epilogues don't get lost.

The part about Hatred being a homeless vet was hilarious... and the headline: Bad Boy Billonaire Rains Robots On Homeless; absolutely genius!

These epilogues are far too good not to run contiguously with the body of their episodes.
  • 2
Feb. 1, 2016, 1:56pm
  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
  • Reply

Warner Home Video is responsible for releasing everything. J&D can submit the epilogues for release... but that doesn't mean Warner will include them on a bluray set. Heck, many shows are getting physical releases cancelled altogether.
The new season is beyond gorgeous... so Warner probably won't even release a bluray set... just a dvd one... if we're lucky.
Robot Chicken and Mike Tyson got their bluray releases cancelled... they now go straight to dvd only.
Rick and Morty & V Bros. are the only two AS shows left that get bluray releases now. I'm soo fucking afraid they'll end them (and dvd) and go all digital.
Adult Swim has nothing to do with what Warner Home Video wants or does.

This is why I have issue with epilogues. I hate content that could easily get lost. Especially content I absolutely adore! B/c the epilogues rock!
  • 1
Feb. 1, 2016, 2:58pm
Yeah I hope they are included. It'd be stupid not to but you never know with Warner.

Also I'm disappointed that warringtonwebnews.com isn't up.
  • 1
Feb. 1, 2016, 3:01pm
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • Reply
I was looking for that one as well.
  • 0
Feb. 1, 2016, 3:56pm
  • by Brian
  • (unregistered id: 2B32EB375F)
  • Reply
Captain V - Thank you! I could not have expressed that opinion any better my self. I love showing Venture Bros to new people, and subsequently have physical copies to binge watch on. With all of this "extra content", I don't want to have to cut out from my Blu-Ray over to YouTube just to show someone, or watch for myself, an epilogue. And for every episode? This is just inconvenient, I'm sorry. I'm not knocking the content of the epilogues at all, I LOVE every little bit of Venture content. I just share the same fears that these epilogues are going to get lost over time.

On the same note, I'd hope that these epilogues could be added to Amazon or iTunes, so those of us without cable following along don't have to go to two different sources for content from one episode. Just a minor inconvenience I guess, I'm just so happy that Venture is back baby!
  • 1
Feb. 2, 2016, 12:50am
  • by Captain
  • (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
  • Reply
Exactly. You said it perfectly friend!
  • 1
Feb. 2, 2016, 11:59am
  • by Captain V
  • (unregistered id: BD4F09BE4B)
  • Reply
Unlike J-bot, Helper can't clean the dishes or make the food correctly.
In the epilogue dirty dishes are stacked up and entire unopened ketchup packets are cooked right into the food by Helper!

But apparently these hilarious jokes aren't good enough for television!

C'est la vie.
  • 1
Feb. 4, 2016, 3:51pm

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