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  • by ChebGhobbi
  • (unregistered id: 688F541D81)
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Hey guys, good to be back, and good to see so many familiar names. Just caught the episode, and let me tell you, it's been hard not to look up spoilers all day while at work.

************SPOILERS AHOY***********

So...first off..man that was good! Although I feel bad for the dead Councilmen, especially Steppenwolf just because he was my favourite, and I thought Don Hell went in a really grisly manner. As soon as I saw The Nerve back in season 5 I thought he looks incredibly vulnerable to anything that shatters his glass body, and it looks like I was right. Feels like we spent so long waiting for those guys to get IDed, and just as we get a tiny, tantalising glimpse into who they really are...they're all gone. Doc and Jackson are teases of the highest order. Plus, we still don't have a name for Councilman 10.

I was hoping Councilman 11 would turn out to be a previous Mommy Long-Legs, may be a Grandma Long-Legs. Would have explained how she could be at the Council meeting in Shadowman 9 while still being at the Coccoon, although she is part of a colony, as we now know, and we also know that the Council used telescreens to communicate at a distance.

Did anyone notice the name of the OSI agent who lost Red Mantle and Dragoon? Henderson - the bedwetter from OSI Love You.

When we saw Jonas Senior, I couldn't believe it, but in a weird way it felt somehow perfect, even though it wasn't him. It was a fantastic twist even though wasn't.

Trying to get my head around the plot - someone correct me if I'm wrong on anything here. So, the Sovereign had made some sort of deal with the Investors (possibly to attain his position; maybe that's how Force Majeure died?), but he knew that they would collect on the debt, so his plot was to destroy them. To do that, he promised Phantom Limb a place on the council for he and his teammates, so he knocked off five Councilmen to make room (this last part is speculation), which had the added bonus of getting rid of five guys who'd disobeyed his orders not to meet and risked exposing their identities, allowing the OSI to get closer to him (this may have been his main motivation for the murders; Gathers seemed to think it was because OSI was getting close to him, and the surviving Councilmen obviously feared for their lives, in any case they were expendable as far as the Sovereign was concerned). Limb's part of the bargain was to destroy Gargantua 2, and in doing so eliminate the Investors.

The Investors are the same as Killinger, whatever that may be. Gods? Are they aware of the Master, and is he aware of them? Killinger seems to be comfortable in the role of a facilitator of evil, someone who takes a bad person and makes them better at what they do, whereas the Investors apparently want control.

It's pretty clear the Sovereign killed off the Council, so I'm guessing now that the Investors' purpose in visiting the OSI Hoverquarters was simply to off Monstroso. For a while I thought that perhaps they wanted to know the identities of the Council too.

That's as much as I can think of for now. Finally, great shout to whoever it was that surmised that the Monarch's childhood home was the same building Limb and co. were squatting in! Once that was pointed out I couldn't unsee it. Was it the same building he used for surgery on Mantle and Dragoon in The Revenge Society? It certainly looked the same in the outtake from Bright Lights, Dean City.
  • 0
Jan. 20, 2015, 3:20pm
The Investor's names match minor winds ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anemoi#Minor_winds ) from Greek mythology. That would make Killinger Apeliotes, the gentle SE wind.
  • 1
Jan. 20, 2015, 4:14pm
I believe it's more likely that the council was killed off because they would have stood against the Sovereign in his ploy to destroy the station. Red, Dragoon, and Z all mentioned that the "Old Guard" wouldn't stand for his behavior. The Sovereign broke *a lot* of rules in his attempt to do away with the Investors.
  • 1
Jan. 20, 2015, 4:29pm

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