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Thanks for the link, Mike! Another great Jackson & Doc interview! I hope these guys continue their passion to make more Venture Bros for the next 10 years!
  • 0
Aug. 10, 2013, 12:31pm
Or at least until their heart and soul are no longer in it. I'd hate to see the show be the next Simpsons or Family Guy, though I have faith that Doc and JP wouldn't let that ever happen.
  • 0
Aug. 11, 2013, 11:17am
I think a huge difference is that the worlds of The Simpsons and Family Guy remain static, which sort of limits what you can do with them (with a few exceptions). They're also smaller scale; everything is centered around a single family. Jackson and Doc have shown that they're not only willing to change things up as far as the world goes, but also they are remarkably good at switching up a character when they become boring. If the show was still a goofy Jonny Quest parody with Hank and Dean failing to understand anything and Brock killing twenty guys every episode it certainly would have gone the way of those shows, but thankfully it did not!
  • 1
Aug. 11, 2013, 2:47pm
Damn it, now I'm wishing I had thought of that point for my Hatred piece. Damnit Mike...
  • 0
Aug. 11, 2013, 5:55pm
I agree, which is why I have faith that they would never let that happen and why they'll end it when they decide it's time to do so and on their own terms. They'd never keep it going just to milk it for all they can.
  • 0
Aug. 11, 2013, 7:30pm

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