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Hey There, Mystery Person
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I wanted to watch the re-air but had another important commitment. I just watched the episode again on iTunes, though, and was absolutely blown away by Dr. Orpheus's episode-ending speech about the true meaning of Halloween. It was, to my mind at least, the most moving scene of season five.

I was also impressed by the way Doc Hammer handled Dean's discovery that he and Hank are clones. In the past, I've been critical of Doc's [increasingly] soap opera-esque tendencies, but I found the Big Reveal in this episode to be perfectly executed. It didn't feel like it was forced, or like it was a substitute for good writing. It just felt . . . right. And I thought Dean's reaction was spot-on, too. As perfectly true to character as Hank's reaction on learning the news in the season finale.

Other things I loved:
1. Dermott's lines. Pretty much all of them. "I'm the Crow. Drink it up, Hank."And how about, "Go home, put on the Kids Bop version of 'Thriller,' and watch the Peanuts special like every year." Classic teenage jack-ass dialogue.
2. The conversation between Hank and Dermott about Chex Mix.
3. The boys' makeshift haunted houses, particularly the haunted pyramid one. In an older interview--I think on the public radio show "The Sound of Young America"--Jackson talked about his childhood attempts at do-it-yourself haunted houses. I'd bet that's where Doc Hammer got his inspiration.
4. The designs of the interior of Ben's house. Very cool, particularly when lit only by Dean's flashlight.

All in all, a very good episode. Except the part about "pleasure toast," which was f@<king disgusting!
  • 0
Aug. 2, 2013, 10:05pm
  • by Ghobbi
  • (unregistered id: A5F508A7DA)
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Howdy, Lightning. Did you notice what looked like clone slug incubators in Ben's house? Also, a small error in the opening (superb as it was). They show us Halloween four years ago, three years ago, two years ago, then skip straight to this year.
  • 0
Sep. 26, 2013, 10:07am

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