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maybe some people have noticed this already, but in the season 5 trailer doc is still wearing the suit from this episode and some bandages on his head when the monarch is drilling his teeth. so i guess that rules out the possibility of him actually being dead. however, if everyone believes he is, that means the government(or possibly the guild) could come and seize the venture compound and put rusty out on his ass. as far as more expose on the guild/osi goes, i think they've shown the bulk of that for this run. i bet we won't see the revenge society again this season either. also it looks like the action man is in this next one quite a bit. i smell death
  • 1
Jul. 18, 2013, 8:15pm
Orpheus told the action man he was going to die in 2 years and 17 days from a stroke.. and that was season 1..
  • 1
Jul. 19, 2013, 7:20am
  • by Ghobbi
  • (unregistered id: DE783BC2F2)
  • Reply
Based on Wonderboy III's monument, season 1 ended in 2006, so I reckon Rodney somehow dodged that stroke-bullet.
  • 1
Jul. 19, 2013, 7:30am
Good point.. I never really noticed the Wonderboy monument. then again, the time between season 1 and 2 was only a month VB time.. It was 2 years for us
  • 1
Jul. 19, 2013, 9:37am
It's too bad Boggles didn't have a date on his headstone...
  • 1
Jul. 19, 2013, 9:55am
There was a date of 2004 on Crime-O-Dile's headstone which Wonderboy was dancing on. Not that it helps much as his death was mentioned in season 2.
  • 1
Jul. 19, 2013, 4:38pm
Rusty was 43 in season one. Assuming that only two years have gone by he's only 45, the same age as the Monarch.

Vendata was constructed in 1976 if I recall last weeks episode correctly. If the monarch was 8 back them, the he and Rusty were born in 1968.

However in the first season, when Rusty was 43, the year was 2003 so Rusty was born in 1960. This is why series fiction tried to avoid being nailed down by dates. It just messes things up when there's no year-to-year continuity.
  • 0
Jul. 20, 2013, 10:15pm
season 2 came out in 2006, but by the sound of it Crime-o-dile had died recently.. also they mention in season 2 that hank and dean are 16 years old (Would be 19 but they were clones).. and season 4 Hank wasn't able to join Sphinx because Brock said he had to be 18.. that's less than a 2 year span between 2 seasons
  • 0
Jul. 21, 2013, 10:04am
but he's an fart, so this doesn't excuse him from the grave
  • 0
Jul. 19, 2013, 9:28am
*old fart
  • 0
Jul. 19, 2013, 9:28am
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • Reply
Maybe it wasn't Rodney's death he predicted. Did we ever see his wife past Season 1? Makes you think, doesn't it?
  • 0
Jul. 20, 2013, 1:27am

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