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On Jackson's Tumblr there's a picture of goth Dean standing next to a tank with two bodies in it. Bo clue who's in the tanks one could be Doc, the other doesn't seem large enough to be Hatred, but I could be wrong. It does suggest that Doc maybe be almost dead at some point. I doubt that they will kill off Doc this early in the series since there are so many mysteries surrounding his life yet to unveiled.

I was looking for the second image of the villain disco club where we're supposed to see Dean sitting at a table. Never found that, But in the image of Blue Man and Blue Robot in the Chinese restaurant there is a guy in a grey speedsuit and reddish hair who could be a non-goth Dean. Or just a guy. I'd vote for the latter.
  • 0
Jun. 30, 2013, 12:49pm
I had to back and check because I didn't remember a picture of Dean next to a tank...

Then I realized I was thinking of the wrong kind of tank. :)

Here's the direct link for those curious:
  • 0
Jun. 30, 2013, 1:19pm
I'm hoping Dean is laying next to a tank with some "precogs" in it.
  • 1
Jun. 30, 2013, 2:00pm
This is just a guess, but maybe the O.S.I. is messing around with cloning. I mean if you think about it, it kind of makes sense. After the O.S.I. found out that Doc was working with clones in the Season 3 finale, they might want to try using it to their advantage. You can see O.S.I. guys loading the dead clones into the back of their van in the Season 4 premiere. Who knows if they were just getting rid of them or if they were using them for their own clone research. Look at the picture of Dean in front of the tanks. The bodies are in a tank and you can see the veins in the legs of the closer one. Another reason why I'm thinking clones is because Dean is there. After his discovery that he is a clone in the Halloween special, it would make sense that he is put in a situation that makes him deal with the fact that he's a clone and gives him a way to talk to people about this. Maybe after this he'll get out of the goth phase.
  • 0
Jun. 30, 2013, 1:31pm
He's wearing a 'visitor' nametag, which is the same one Hank is wearing in some of the "OSI Love You" clips, so I assume that is from tonight's episode. It's probably some kind of weird OSI thing.
  • 2
Jun. 30, 2013, 7:32pm
  • by Captain V Bro.
  • (unregistered id: FBE7D11BF3)
  • Reply
Well... I see Hank and Dermott team up with Gary "Viceroy" and become criminals next week!
  • 0
Jul. 1, 2013, 12:35am
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • Reply
Yup, it was precogs.
  • 0
Jul. 1, 2013, 12:41am

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