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  • by kijunshi
  • (unregistered id: A3B6538697)
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And... another thousand word comment coming right up!

Overall - Awesome, gets better every time I rewatch it. I will admit it felt a bit fast-paced the first time through. Since it's both the beginning and the end of the season, I guess I can even look forward to the next season too?

I freely admit I didn't get half of the sci-fi references made in this show until I looked them up. My nerdiness is insufficient to the task...

The art in this is SO COOL. That first warm-up of the machine or whatever? SO COOL!!!

Dean's crush on the girl (Talia?) was kind of adorable. I expected it to either go farther or not quite so far somehow... he got a legitimate make-out, but I'm pretty sure that's all? Not that he's ready, even now - he pretty clearly doesn't have any concept of sex beyond "pretty" "kissing" and "touch a boob". Oh, and "maybe a pretty girl will touch me where I touch myself" (that was hilarious! agree with above comment, the robot made the joke.) He also still has a good deal of shame mixed in with the raging hormones - he couldn't even look directly at her when he thought she was undressing. A good, if rather sad, connection to his own dad's "needless shame"...

I have to comment that Dean in the completely ridiculous "Indian" competition was almost certainly in the best shape of his life. Quite a contrast to the pudge he was starting to sprout in Season 4. Wonder if there's a reason for that?

In non-relationship development: Burning the learning bed was awesome, I was hoping for that for half of last season. Boy Detective bit it - Did Mr. Reachy survive?! And he has the same room now that the clone had in Season 4... that's pretty legit dark tbh.

He and Hank nodding to each other as they go to their separate rooms was both completely accurate and strangely melancholy - nothing will ever be the same again.

And how about Hank!! He was awesome here, painting his room rad colors, running Hank Co like a boss (can we doubt that his future is in business any more at this point??) and managing to stay out of trouble somehow. Actually I credit that more to...

Dermott - still around, seemingly in a hell of a lot more danger than usual. We didn't see a ton of him, because he was keeping his head low this entire episode. There was a power shift somewhere over the season - he is definitely second-place to Hank in every scene. Bet we'll go into that at some point! Though to Dermott's credit (I can't believe I wrote that) I think he has significantly more survival instincts than, well, Hank, and possibly Dean too. I think he's the only brother who inherited any of Rusty's survival sense.

NIkki is kind of a creepy creeper mccreepersson in this, frankly. I don't begrudge Hank his conquest or whatever, but I seriously hope he doesn't ever sleep with her again.

Billy and Pete getting an arch was best thing. Best! St. Cloud's outfit is the most hilariously lame thing I've ever seen, I love him just for that alone. And the pennies joke, Eat the pennies!

21 getting left in the dust by OSI was kind of sad... but he seems to be used to being sh!t on, yet another legacy of the Monarch no doubt. When he finally steps up to try to fix the mess of the episode, he is truly awesome! I hope he really becomes a leader of men - one one side or the other - before the end of the series...

Monarch is pretty much a gag character in this episode, but his "Your'e my best friend!" realization towards his wife at the end of the episode was genuinely heart-warming. Hopefully he'll, uh, treat her a little bit better next season? I admit it's the first time I've really "got" their relationship on anything other than intellectual terms *ducks*

Dr Girlfriend kicked major ass, of course. She's the one who actually solved the problem! And she did it... with an actual practical usage of the butterfly theme! Come to think of it, isn't she always the one who solves the real problems?

Who have I left out? Uh, Hatred, Courtney Hatred. I'm sure that name explains all his issues. And the boobs seemed to have been growing throughout the episode? I still believe they were brought on by meds, I will believe unless told otherwise.

Rusty is Rusty. He'll be the one thing at the end of VB that never changes.

Okay, enough, I loved the episode, and they managed to fit in every single damn Star Wars reference in this one episode they couldn't get to in the previous 4 seasons. Kudos, and can't wait until next week!!
  • 0
Jun. 3, 2013, 11:42pm
  • by Descriptor
  • (unregistered id: EC140B15E2)
  • Reply
I dunno, even Rusty has grown very slightly. I mean, he actually completed a project and had a staff! He did horribly as a boss, but it's honestly more than we've seen him do in years. Heck, he's even fixing up the compound.
  • 1
Jun. 4, 2013, 11:44am
  • by kijunshi
  • (unregistered id: A3B6538697)
  • Reply
You have a point there...I wonder if this is a high water mark for him, or a sign of things to come?
  • 0
Jun. 5, 2013, 11:47pm

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