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  • by kijunshi
  • (unregistered id: 0E2BDA0AF2)
  • Reply
I am more excited for this upcoming season than should be legal. Here's some wild mass guessing based on the screenshots:

1: The whole Venture family giving orders to... workers? They don't seem to be part of the Guild or whatever. And if they're making something to order why the heck is everyone there, instead of just Dr. V and maybe Hatred at the most??

2: There's a new special division in the OSI! I cannot wait to learn about Shoreleave's new team. Looks like they are rescuing the good Doctor, as Dean looks very confused in the background (and why else would he be there, except to ask them to save his dad?). And... where is Brock?

3: Dean in front of SUSPICIOUS TUBS. Are those... more clones?! A super science project, perhaps one he is participating in...?

4: Ah, there's Brock... hmm, got nothin' for this one. Backgrounds sure are gorgeous this season.

5: Doc and Jackson just like to confuse us as much as possible.

6: I don't... what... good god what is going on here? I mean, heck, Doc being Doc aside, what would *I* be thinking if I came into my son's room and found him wearing a pink shirt/sneakers/headband and sitting on a bed with his friend who appears to be naked except for a leather jacket, lace-up bitch boots and a lot of sweaters tied around his waist...? (I'm sure this is a band reference and all, but I just don't even....)

Something else I've noticed: It appears that there's only one twin bed now in the boys' room. Where is the other twin sleeping? Has Dean moved out? (And who the heck redecorated?)

7: This smells of shenanigans to me. Poison gas?

8: OK, this shot is legitimately exciting. Updated X-1 getting loaded with Venture goods by the two guys Rusty kicked out of his lab in Season 1. Guess we know where they went - those 4 people in the background are almost certainly Doc, Billy, Jonas Jr. and Dean. (So Dean is still associated with super science, even as a goth?) No doubt, then, that the thing in the box is made by Jonas Jr., is thereby functional, and as such perhaps might drive a more serious plot. AAAAHHHH I WANT TO KNOWWW.

.... will do the rest in another post later *shifty eyes*
  • 0
Dec. 29, 2012, 10:51pm
Re #8. I think that's the XX-1, JJ's jet. That would make sense as Hector and Swifty work for him now since ol' Doc fired them both in the season 2 premier.
  • 0
Dec. 30, 2012, 10:25am
  • by kijunshi
  • (unregistered id: 0E2BDA0AF2)
  • Reply
Aha... somehow I missed that JJ had hired those two... ^^;

Also, quick edit: that's not Dean standing there, but Pete White. Changes the scene a bit...
  • 0
Dec. 31, 2012, 12:48am
I think it could be Billy and White as the new Cardholder and Doe! Just think, Billy doing his private dick stick the whole time, lol!!
  • 0
Jan. 2, 2013, 11:01am
  • by beb
  • (unregistered id: A678E20E7F)
  • Reply
In answer to 6, other picture Jackson has released seems Dean in a garret somewhere. Since his bed has the Venture Enterprises crest on it I'd guess he's still on the compound. And it's not the sleep learning bed, either.
  • 0
Jan. 7, 2013, 8:16am

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