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  • by Tess
  • (unregistered id: F52A294169)
  • Reply
It's great that, so far, Venture Brothers has been such a unique quality program that it has been acceptable to wait for long periods of time before a new season is finished. I think, though, as the shows fan base increases, if it becomes more popular, is allotted a larger budget... that fans can expect more "normal" release times for their seasons. I don't think it's "impatient" to ask that a program that has 14 episodes per season manage to come out with a new season once a year. That's 4 months of actual new episodes and a whole 8 months to get 14 new episodes together. I'm not saying putting together a show like this should be easy, but lots of other good shows manage to make seasons come out once a year. I'm concerned that if they don't stop making their fans wait like this, then eventually people will stop following the show. And then it will end. And that's it.
  • 0
Sep. 6, 2012, 12:41am
  • by Tess
  • (unregistered id: F52A294169)
  • Reply
I mean... the show has been around since 2003, and they are just going to begin airing season 5 in 2013. That's 10 years. 5 seasons in 10 years. They're lucky they are so awesome, and that season 2 was so completely unforgettable and completely worth the wait... because people would have forgotten about a lesser show. And they might still... :(
  • 0
Sep. 6, 2012, 12:45am
I mean they do have a bigger budget than previous years but it's still not a huge amount. I don't know the specifics but they probably get like 1/10 what an episode of Family Guy or The Simpsons gets (generally those cost around $1m per episode). They also don't have a team of writers, but rather just two guys who write 1/2 of the episodes per season. And one of those guys also directs every episode, and one of them also edits every episode... and then they both voice the majority of the characters in the series. Normally that stuff would be like 20 - 30 different people but it's just two guys.

A lot of Adult Swim shows operate in that way with similar budgets, crews and casts, but they're produced differently and have different formats. This show is way more ambitious than anything else on that network and probably couldn't exist without Jackson and Doc dedicating a year or more of their lives to each season.
  • 0
Sep. 6, 2012, 1:18am
I'd say The Boondocks is just as ambitious. But that's picking nits. ;)
  • 0
Sep. 6, 2012, 11:02am
  • by TheEvahPopulahPeteWhite
  • (unregistered id: 1F1C367A69)
  • Reply
Arguably true... but it's taken just about as long for new Boondocks as it does for new Venture Bros. 45 episodes in 7 years since Boondocks premiere vs. 55 episodes in 8 years since Venture Bros. premiere (one of them an hour, plus Xmas and Shallow Gravy mini specials)
  • 0
Sep. 6, 2012, 2:07pm

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