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Best news ever! What is the best con for Venture fans, Dragon con? My husband and I want to go but don't want to travel too far, we live in KY.
  • 1
Apr. 20, 2012, 1:56pm
Also should I go as casual Molotov, Nikki Fictell, Dr. Quymn or Mz. Quymn??? I'm thinking Dr. Quymn : )
  • 1
Apr. 20, 2012, 2:04pm
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • Reply
This is just my opinion, and I'm probably not going to make it to Dragon*Con, but you should go as casual Mol.
  • 0
Apr. 21, 2012, 2:36am
Dragon*Con seems to be the most fan-oriented, and it's certainly the closest to you. You also stand a chance of seeing Jackson and/or Doc the most since they usually participate in a bunch of other panels compared to only one or two at SD/NY comic cons (they also usually do at least two autograph sessions at any given convention). I have personally never been but it seems like a good time! SDCC is the largest and probably has the best chance of having a ridiculous Adult Swim party like last year, and NYCC is kind of like a smaller version of that.
  • 0
Apr. 20, 2012, 2:17pm
Thank you, that's very helpful! I'll probably do Dragon Con, I've heard it's a blast and I'd love to see Jackson and Doc!
  • 1
Apr. 20, 2012, 4:36pm

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