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  • by WorstServedCold
  • (unregistered id: 9C9A58C61F)
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Jesus, how many shows can you think of off the top of your head where at least one out of every two new episodes released rekindles the debate of "best episode ever?"

It's not even like each is a vast improvement, you can go back and watch the prior "best" episode and it's STILL great. I love South Park, and even they in their later seasons (where they are at their best) can only pull a brilliant one out of the hat every 3 or 4 episodes, and THAT used to seem like such an accomplishment to me.
Speaking of South Park, what was done with cartoony sounds in this episode is what's done with animation and context there. Like, they can have a boy on steroids beating up his girlfriend and mother, and no matter how serious it's played or how shocking it COULD be, it's just funny as hell because it's a cartoon kid (a crippled one, no less). In this, all the most horrible or dramatic parts were overlayed by these goofy noises (*boink* when Ted was bullying Sonny stands out to me in particular) and it totally changed the tone without changing the scene. I love it.

I also agree that all of these episodes could spend some more time in the sound mixing booth. Some music is just too loud, and some lines just aren't clear. I know they are rushed and all, but really how hard would it be to have a couple outsiders that don't know the lines by heart come in and watch it and make note of anything they didn't quite catch? Of course, some things you couldn't even catch with this system “I never drive mad/men”, but it would probably help overall.

By the by, I think everyone here should make a point to bring this show up whenever possible to people or groups who perhaps don't yet know about it. It's got adult-oriented humor to the degree that most of it's target audience probably wouldn't find much else on AS (not including Family Guy) their cup of tea, and thus don't even know what they are missing.
I mean, I guess this show isn't going to be canceled any time soon (I swear at this point I can't remember if I heard season 3 was probable), but I still think we should do our parts to grow its' collection of loyal minions. Let us go spread the good word.
  • 0
Oct. 2, 2006, 1:36pm
  • by TheHumanStain
  • (unregistered id: BB000E7478)
  • Reply
Thank Cthulhu other people have noticed the poor sound quality - I thought I was just turning into an old fart!! Rushed production might have been a viable excuse 20 years ago, but with modern digital recording technology that no longer flies. It's either not caring or blatant incompetence at this point.

What did you say sonny? What's this I hear about endangered FECES??
  • 0
Oct. 2, 2006, 2:24pm
  • by Mr. Flibble
  • (unregistered id: 0A24E2C76D)
  • Reply
I'm glad I'm not the only one.

The audio mix on this episode was even more messed up than in "State Dinner". This is the second time the dialogue levels have been way below what they should, and I haven't got a clue what the hell they did to the sound effects tracks to make them so "echo-ey". I almost sounded like one of the channels was out of sync with the other.

It was too distracting, and then add the fact that I had to concentrate so much on the dialogue to fingure out what the hell anyone was saying, and I couldn't enjoy it at all.

I just hope they get it fixed for the DVD's.
  • 0
Oct. 2, 2006, 3:12pm

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