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  • by EGrise
  • (unregistered id: FF2B60208B)
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Does anyone know why they're changing from World Leaders to Titmouse?
  • 0
May. 12, 2011, 3:49pm
  • by Hardy
  • (unregistered id: FFF530337A)
  • Reply
I'm not sure why...I just hope they still use the same animation company (which is not being used for the 15 min. special), their work is so clean now, and have already gone through all the growing pains of communication to have animated what they ask for. No one would want to go through all those pains again unless they had to.
  • 0
May. 12, 2011, 5:08pm
They say in the interview that the company in Korea that does the actual animation is staying the same, just that the pre-production (storyboards, backgrounds, character design etc) is being done at Titmouse. I would also wager that the majority of the people who worked on season four (at least the director-level people) will be back in the same capacity since they generally are contractors and don't work for a specific studio but rather on specific projects (with each episode being a project).
  • 0
May. 12, 2011, 6:59pm
  • by Hardy
  • (unregistered id: 5B18DA78F8)
  • Reply
Yeah, that was how I read it too. There just wasn't confirmation of that in the article (you'd think that'd be a basic followup question to the change of pre-production).
  • 0
May. 12, 2011, 7:14pm
  • by DalekEmpress
  • (unregistered id: B30CE4C5DE)
  • Reply
As I read it, it seems like they are only switching over for pre-production (the results of which we've been seeing in eBay auctions) and the special, plus they're taking some of their old crew with them. All the frame by frame stuff on the actual series will still be done with the company in Korea which seems to be on the same page at this point.
  • 0
May. 12, 2011, 7:01pm
  • by beb
  • (unregistered id: A678E20E7F)
  • Reply
A quick google search indicates that Titmouse just opened a new NYC studio so I'm guessing better facilities, space, equipment than what World Leaders has to offer. Then there's that Superjail is produced there so I'm thinking they're looking for a little synergy between the two shows. With Superjail's season two airing and waiting for renewal there are a lot of people with time on their hands who could work on VB now, just as the boys helped on Superjail when they weren't busy with VB.
  • 0
May. 13, 2011, 8:14am
  • by Mike
  • (unregistered id: 6F41F7AB19)
  • Reply
Might be more along the lines of a deal adult swim has with Titmouse. The studio already produced Metalocalypse and Jon Schnepp (who directed a ton of episodes in season four) works there.
  • 0
May. 13, 2011, 1:15pm

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