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Hey There, Mystery Person
Commenting anonymously is cool and all, but you should register an account! You'll get your own username and can participate in community stuff. It's awesome! Already have an account? Log in!

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Your Comment:

  • by Marcus
  • (unregistered id: E1236BDA28)
  • Reply
I'd be happy if you added a forum.
  • 0
Sep. 8, 2010, 12:00pm
  • by Roscoe
  • (unregistered id: D3BBAB044C)
  • Reply
Agreed, I've always thought a forum would be nice on the site, for off season, and random-news-type stuff.

That said, I've ALSO always thought this site was Top-Notch! No other fan site of ANYTHING comes close to being as informative, thurough and friendly as this one, so I say just keep up the good work, Mike.
  • 0
Sep. 8, 2010, 3:11pm
  • by Hardy
  • (unregistered id: FFF530337A)
  • Reply
At first glance, I agree with you. But after some thought, this is a much cleaner setup without a forum. If I want to go to a Venture Bros. forum, I'll jump over to PRoV, which already has a community established.
  • 0
Sep. 8, 2010, 3:55pm
  • by Donkiku
  • (unregistered id: A4C9665458)
  • Reply
I personally tend to stay away from forums because usually people in forums get angry and stuff like that. And it's easier for me just to read the news in the front page instead of having to go to different threads.
  • 0
Sep. 8, 2010, 4:27pm
  • by Mike
  • (unregistered id: DA1A2954DF)
  • Reply
Yeah people have requested forums before but I actually intentionally don't have forums here for a number of reasons. I think forums are great but the site is intended as a news/info site and I want people commenting on the news/info. Second is that the site is 100% custom built so I'd either have to find a way to integrate some pre-existing forums which I think would feel disjointed or be a huge amount of work, or I'd have to write my own, which I don't really want to do because forums are immensely complicated.

But I think the main reason is that this keeps things 'fresh', so to speak. There's a news thing, or a discussion about an episode and people say what they need to say for however long and then move onto the next thing. With forums things can fester, or you end up with a lot of off-topicy stuff (which I am not against, mind you). When stuff hangs around there's also more potential for silly drama.

I also want the point of entry to the site to be pretty low. There aren't even any user accounts, you just enter your name and post and that's it. The current system seems to work pretty well and it's actually pretty low maintenance. I'm the only person with any sort of admin/moderation abilities and I barely ever have to kill posts and I also think a forum would suck up a lot of time.

I will say that I have some plans for the future of the site (I don't know when, after 4.2 wraps for sure) that will give you guys more interaction and stuff to do, which will hopefully be cool, but that's kind of off in the distance for now.

Also if you want a VB forum PRoV is a super good place to go to: http://forums.venturefans.org/ Everyone is pretty friendly there and the forum format allows for lots of stuff that I can't accommodate like fan art and reviews and stuff (that's sneak peek at some of my ideas for yet another site revision for those of you who bothered reading this).

So yeah, forums probably won't happen, at least not in the immediate future!
  • 0
Sep. 8, 2010, 5:18pm
  • by Marcus
  • (unregistered id: E1236BDA28)
  • Reply
I definitely respect your opinion, and I see exactly where you're coming from. Ultimately, I disagree, but I assure you that I do so with the greatest respect.

I also want to stress that the site is great, regardless of whether or not I want a forum or some other gadget or doo-dad. In the end, it keeps me coming back, and I enjoy visiting it regularly. So thank you. :)
  • 0
Sep. 8, 2010, 8:49pm

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