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  • by reynolds
  • (unregistered id: A42934BD62)
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I have to say, I'm actually really disappointed with the "kitschy" (or whatever you want to call it) direction they've opted to go in as far as merchandising. Personally, I've never ever understood the allure of the bobble-head doll, and while the mego style is all "retro", the whole "doll" style doesn't interest me. I'd really hoped for some proper figures ala McFarlane or similar 6" versions.

Love this show dearly, and I'd really hoped I'd one day be able to begin assembling the entire strange and hilarious menagerie in the disused credenza in my office. Instead, this is what we get. This, to me, was a real missed opportunity to capitalize on the demand built up over the last 6+ years which they have deliberately created by releasing next to nothing.

For my money (or in this case, not) this is a merchandising fail. Too bad. If they'd done REAL figures, I'd have bought every single one.
  • 0
Apr. 28, 2010, 8:55pm
Alternatively, I feel the opposite. I think the style of the products they have chosen match the same feeling I get from watching the show. I can't really see see any of the VB crew as highly detailed 12" figures permanently stuck in one "action" posse, with the exception of Brock, since hes a Bad Ass.

Granted, I actually like the throw back to vintage and retro toys, considering the setting of the show. In a way, I almost consider these toys and bobble heads like props, in the sense that they look like they could appear in the show themselves.

If Jackson and Doc wanted to make your stereotypical 3 inch figures with 8 points of articulation they could have, and it probably would have saved them a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. But rather they decided to make a product that to me is almost like a continuation of the show, that you can take and hold in your hands.

I will not go as far as to say these toys are a success. Not a lot of people share my high regard of the toys, and I am not trying to say anyone who does not is wrong. The reality is these toys have divided fans, and because of that this may indeed be a participial merchandising failure. But I know I am going to buy as many of the bobble heads and figures as my wallet can allow.
  • 0
Apr. 28, 2010, 10:30pm
  • by Hardy
  • (unregistered id: FFF530337A)
  • Reply
I completely agree that the style of toys has created a divide in the VB fanbase. And I honestly hope they turn out fantastic.

BUT, I can pretty much guarantee that if they had gone the 6" tall McFarlane, fully articulated route, no divide would exist. People would be falling over them left and right.

I still have high hopes for the action figures.....and really really want one.
  • 0
Apr. 28, 2010, 10:47pm
  • by Rosoefink
  • (unregistered id: DCB78A4C3D)
  • Reply
Have to agree. I'm not a fan of the Toys. Personally, I have no need for Venture Action Figures, and Bobbleheads don't much interest me, so I'll stick with spending my pennies on the DVD's, and leave the Merch to the rest of you.
  • 0
Apr. 29, 2010, 12:14am

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