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  • by tsox
  • (unregistered id: 51510D6B75)
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The folks at MoCCA said they'd be uploading a video of the event in a week or so. Honestly, if I knew that I probably wouldn't have even made the trip. I just got home, it's about 1:30 AM, and I'm exhausted.

It sort of sucked. Jackson (and Doc!) were awesome, but the guy interviewing them was not so much. He kept showing really old sketches and asking questions about them. Jackson and Doc kept requesting to move on past that and the guy just didn't get the message. This was basically a live version of that Toyfare article from like a year ago.

Far and away the best part of the event was a collection of clips that were shown from upcoming episodes...I'll maybe write about that a bit tomorrow.
  • 0
Apr. 23, 2010, 7:27am
  • by tsox
  • (unregistered id: 51510D6B75)
  • Reply
A couple things I remember from the clip reel.

Watch and Ward read to a new character and Professor Impossible a list of side effects to a drug that they want one to volunteer to take.

Black Mantle and Dragoon are called Kenan and Kel by General Treister. They complain that they don't like their code names.

Dr. Venture is talking to the boys about college and encouraging that they go to state school. Billy Quizboy is also present and when the boys leave the room he tells Doc that they are grossly underprepared for adult life. He also states he doesn't think they'll be able to find a school that takes transcripts from a bed.

There was some Hatred-Brock interaction. Brock tells the boys not to play football in the house and Hatred tells Brock "that's sort of my job now."

Oh, there's also a shirts vs. skins football game going on outside incorporating SPHINX and random folks from the compound. I don't remember much about the scene but it was sort of funny to see that Orpheus was playing and that he was on skins.

21 gives a presentation on a new super cool uniform for the henchmen which Dr. Girlfriend says seems to pricey. At that exact moment, Monarch flies in on a brand new glider a la Green Goblin.

Doc is frozen solid in some sort of coma. Monarch, believing he's frozen in fear takes him on his glider.

We see a scene I assume that takes place in Dr. Venture's mind. Where he as a child commands Billy Quizboy and Pete White, dressed as love and death respectively to kiss. They don't want to. Dr. Orpheus is there too. Theory: Orpheus is astral projecting into Doc's mind while he's in that coma thing.

There were a bunch more clips, but these stuck out to me.
  • 0
Apr. 23, 2010, 5:18pm

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