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  • by Jory
  • (unregistered id: 253E4B0099)
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Man, what the hell justifies this episode being one of the LOWEST-RATED of the entire series? The episode was well-paced, funny, and full of great characterization. Does everybody hate Sgt. Hatred THAT much? Does everybody miss Brock THAT badly? Is it bad just because it doesn't have some kind of "epic" storyline?

Since there's no 'sode this weekend, I'VE GOT A WHOLE EXTRA WEEK TO WHINE ABOUT THIS.
  • 0
Nov. 28, 2009, 9:15pm
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: F826E61DF0)
  • Reply
I think we had a rash of trollishness here earlier this week. I might be wrong though.
  • 0
Nov. 28, 2009, 11:45pm
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: F826E61DF0)
  • Reply
What I don't get is why ORB is so high. I mean, it's alright but there were definitely much better episodes. Then again, different people have different preferences.
  • 0
Nov. 28, 2009, 11:49pm
  • by Agent No
  • (unregistered id: 3CCC597331)
  • Reply
Some like the episodes that are all backstory, some like the ones that pay homage to older shows/pop culture, etc. Then you have your character marks, Hatred Lovers, Hatred Haters, Dean Heads, Hank Heads, and those that would like each episode to be 22 minutes of dialogue between The Monarch & Dr. Girlfriend.

Looking at it, ORB has the same "rating" as V.E.N, so a couple of votes the other way will swing it back. As for Self Medication I'm sure more fans will come back from their Thanksgiving comas and put that closer to a 4.
  • 0
Nov. 29, 2009, 2:38am
  • by Mike
  • (unregistered id: 00360BBA91)
  • Reply
I really wonder if people understood the point of Orb or that it's highly rated because it's full of super mystery reveals (most of which are bullshit). I am almost leaning towards 'missed the point' just due to how many people were upset that Phantom Limb didn't make the universe implode when he activated the orb.
  • 0
Nov. 29, 2009, 6:54am
  • by Mike
  • (unregistered id: 00360BBA91)
  • Reply
Also it's worth mentioning that ratings on this site are really not any sort of accurate gauge. They're for entertainment purposes at best, but voting is based on IP address so conceivably one could vote for whatever they want any number of times. There's also things to take into account such as people voting for old episodes that can often be seen through rose-colored glasses or whathaveyou. Reaction to an episode you see might be one thing but upon repeat viewings you might change your mind and the system doesn't let you change your vote from a 3 to a 5. So knee jerk voting can have an effect on people too.

Self-Medication, for example, is brilliant (I've already written the capsule, which requires rewatching scenes a few times; I'm on vacation though so I can't get any screenshots until Monday night at earliest) but many people might only be thinking "I HATE HATRED" and give it a two or three. It's not really science or definitive at all, just a fun thing to do.
  • 0
Nov. 29, 2009, 7:04am
  • by Agent No
  • (unregistered id: 3CCC597331)
  • Reply
I still am not sure what the original intention of the actual ORB was, but I was glad it was treated as it was in Revenge Society.
  • 0
Nov. 29, 2009, 7:57am
  • by Creepy Crooner
  • (unregistered id: C0BBF56792)
  • Reply
Totally agree! I still don't understand how people that have been watching VB since the beginning are shocked like, every time Doc and Jackson defy the obvious conclusions and expectations that they have previously set-up. It would seem that most fans of the show would have figured out that this is their modus operandi and really what makes the show what it is.
Of course, whenever I imply that people are missing the point or not getting it, I get yelled at by other posters. Perfectly stated point though, Mike.
  • 0
Dec. 1, 2009, 2:33am

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