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  • by yeah
  • (unregistered id: 58F6BBBD28)
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I think the hatred humor isn't going over anyone's head. That's kinda how it is becoming old. It's too easy.
  • 0
Nov. 24, 2009, 11:21pm
  • by Creepy Crooner
  • (unregistered id: C0BBF56792)
  • Reply
It's not the humor that is going over people's heads, it's the nuances of the character. The pedo jokes continue to be funny due to their context and the development of the character and his plot. Maybe this style of humor isn't your cup of tea? Fair enough, but anyone who honestly thinks that Hatred is just a series of one-liners and gags clearly does not "get it". That's not an opinion. That's just the way it is. It's the exact same thing as saying that Brock is just a series on gags based on killing people and being a badass.
  • 0
Nov. 24, 2009, 11:32pm
  • by Maynard
  • (unregistered id: EC8A279768)
  • Reply
Come on flame war!!! Burn baby BURN!!

Seriously Creepy, this is a great place for VB fans to discuss their opinions on the show, don't destroy it by domineering people who disagree with you or have a different interpretation of the show
  • 0
Nov. 25, 2009, 12:33am
  • by Creepy Crooner
  • (unregistered id: C0BBF56792)
  • Reply
No one is destroying anything. If you read through all this stuff you'll find that I am not the only one who feels this way nor am I the only one that calls others out on their opinions. Its super nice of you guys to come to the aide of our less mentally agile cohorts here on the boards, but you really are being hypocritical about it. You are free to disagree with me all you want AND you are free to ignore me if my attitude offends you. Likewise I can disagree as loudly as I please and *heaven forbid* even imply that some of you aren't "getting it"! *gasp!* which some of you clearly aren't.
Honestly I have no idea why so many people are so fragile here that they can't abide by my "domineering" attitude. I am confident in my opinions and if you are confident in yours than you needn't call me out. These kind of things aren't fun if you have to hold everybody's hand and tell them "it's okay... the mean man didn;t really mean it... your opinion IS valid... there there... etc." Grow some balls, get in the spirit and maybe come at me with an actual reason why my opinion is less valid than someone elses. Hmmm?
  • 0
Nov. 25, 2009, 1:01am
  • by Jess
  • (unregistered id: AEB20DC0D6)
  • Reply
For the record: You're not being domineering, you're stating your opinion. Others are just getting all crappy about it because of the differences in said opinion. This is why flame-wars happen. I do agree with you. Some are just NOT grasping the concept of this whole Hatred thing. I think he's an awesome character, and he has done an admirable job of restraining himself this season. I totally get what you're saying about things "going over" people's heads, but I personally think the smaller changes in characters are escaping their radar. Sure, the pedo jokes can get to be a bit tiring. Like you said, though: Situational humor. You see this type of thing watching Seinfeld. Often, themes are recurring. But, I'm rambling. Point is, your point is valid and no, you're not the only one who this way.
  • 0
Nov. 25, 2009, 1:25am
  • by cpc65
  • (unregistered id: C1880968BC)
  • Reply
"There are as many different versions of reality as there are people in this world. Each one is undeniably true, and all others flawed to some degree, in the minds of their creators. True reality is never a shared experience.”
  • 0
Nov. 25, 2009, 1:52am
  • by Xoinx
  • (unregistered id: 3E935297AB)
  • Reply
Bingo. Superficially, Brock is just a straight man, rarely demonstrating his earlier berserkism anymore--it was funny at the beginning, but we've seen him mature a lot since then, so it's been more rewarding to watch him think silently instead of act. And now that he's apparently pretty self-actualized, judging by his leanness, and having a blast kicking around with Hunter again, his lack of internal conflict would make him less interesting--and less Venturey.

I too miss my favorite characters (24, we hardly knew ye), but I'm enjoying this season a bit more than last overall. Now that most of the backstories have been told, we get to reap the benefits. I even like Hatred, although I don't understand how he made it in the OSI or the Guild--he's barely of henchman caliber.

Does anyone else recall a comment from Hammer or Publick (Hamlick?) from a recent con at which the subject of rape was ominously mentioned? I'm worried--Dean's barely sane as it is. Maybe they were talking about the violation of Billy, but I don't think so. It would be in accord with the show's theme of failure for Hatred to struggle and struggle, make a bit of progress--and then fail spectacularly.
  • 0
Nov. 25, 2009, 10:36am
  • by cpc65
  • (unregistered id: C1880968BC)
  • Reply
While I did enjoy Hatred being the new Venture bodyguard at first, if we can't have Brock back anytime soon that is, I don't feel that he or his problems are worthy of a prolonged story arc. While I am pulling for him to overcome his issues, and even having him go back to being a top notch arch villain again when if he ever gets his act together, I agree with others that it's getting old and it has outlived the funny. Especially when it's a subject where the humor can a bit touchy (emotionally not physically that is).
If they made another character that was a habitual wife beater and made jokes about that over half a season, would we find that funny? “Hey, I only knocked out two of her teeth when I punched her. She's got plenty more left!”
  • 0
Nov. 25, 2009, 12:29am
  • by RW
  • (unregistered id: EC8A279768)
  • Reply
Amen cpc! Great point and example. If he became an arch villain again and got over his issues, I'm sure I'd find his intermittent appearances to be funny again and find him to be a welcome change of pace whenever he made it into an episode
  • 0
Nov. 25, 2009, 12:49am
  • by GilbertSmith
  • (unregistered id: 480A18BFE2)
  • Reply
Like uh... Colonel Gentleman?
  • 0
Nov. 25, 2009, 3:19pm
  • by GilbertSmith
  • (unregistered id: 480A18BFE2)
  • Reply
"If she won't take my name, maybe she'll take a smack in her smart mouth"
"That's for givin' me a coma!"
"A few poppers later, Kiki gave me (a workout) by God."
"Colonel Gentleman's List of Female Celebrities Who Need a Smack Right in the Kisser"
  • 0
Nov. 25, 2009, 5:25pm
  • by cpc65
  • (unregistered id: C1880968BC)
  • Reply
Despite his comments, I still didn't feel that the Colonel was a wife beater. And even if he tried, Ms. Quymn looked like she could handle him.
Kiki is a young adult male.
His list doesn't mean he'd smack them himself. I'd still like to see that list though.
He hasn't suddenly become a main character on the show.
  • 0
Nov. 26, 2009, 12:35am
  • by GilbertSmith
  • (unregistered id: 480A18BFE2)
  • Reply
Nonetheless, it's undeniably jokes about domestic violence. Likewise, Hatred hasn't molested anyone since we've met him. The only incident we can verify took place before we ever saw him onscreen. It's also something he's ashamed of and trying to overcome. He's not a proud child rapist, he's someone who's trying not to be consumed by a serious problem, and that makes him incredibly sympathetic.
  • 0
Nov. 27, 2009, 5:56pm
  • by cpc65
  • (unregistered id: C1880968BC)
  • Reply
-it's undeniably jokes about domestic violence.-

Like "One of these days Alice. One of these days. Bam! Zoom! Straight to the moon!"
And let's not forget
"So tell me. Have you stopped beating your wife?"
Never understood why the audiences always roared with laughter at those "jems". I always found that aspect more horfifying than the jokes themselves. It's like, hello? Think about what you're laughing about for a second people. Would they still be laughing if Ralph really slugged her one and dropped her to the floor?
  • 0
Nov. 28, 2009, 4:08am
  • by sleepy cpc65
  • (unregistered id: C1880968BC)
  • Reply
Spelling error: "horrifying"
I'm really tired. 'Night all!
  • 0
Nov. 28, 2009, 4:12am
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: 2EDBEAB89E)
  • Reply
I know I would.
  • 0
Nov. 28, 2009, 6:56am
  • by cpc65
  • (unregistered id: C1880968BC)
  • Reply
Yeah, yeah. They did the Ralph hitting Alice thing on Family Guy. Was too tired last night to remember that one.
  • 0
Nov. 28, 2009, 5:12pm
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: F826E61DF0)
  • Reply
Oh yeah, forgot about that one. Well, that too.
  • 0
Nov. 28, 2009, 11:41pm
  • by Creepy Crooner
  • (unregistered id: C0BBF56792)
  • Reply
Despite the fact that FamilyGuy is horrible, the point that topics considered horrific in real life can be made light of in fiction to hilarious effect is well recieved. That's why dead baby jokes are so funny but actual dead babies are not. =)
  • 0
Nov. 30, 2009, 9:39pm

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