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  • by Red Menace
  • (unregistered id: A4D2FB9244)
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While I am thrilled to have the show back and really enjoying the episodes, I am having more and more of a problem with the animation. They seem to have acquired these overly round, disneyesque features at times IE Hunchback Deans' Smile, Allergy Monarch etc. Not bitching, I just prefer their old harder look.

Love 21 talking to the skull
  • 0
Nov. 9, 2009, 7:46pm
  • by JOK
  • (unregistered id: AD3A8B7B0C)
  • Reply
I completely agree. My biggest complaint is how different Brock's facial structure is now. He doesn't look nearly as badass anymore.
  • 0
Nov. 9, 2009, 8:16pm
  • by Jory
  • (unregistered id: E2A0D77274)
  • Reply
You have a problem with the designs and the drawings, not the animation. Unless you're a fan of the much more static and tweened look of season one, it's hard to argue that the actual animation isn't better than ever.

That said, I can understand how the new designs wouldn't be to taste, but the characters are simply better- and more carefully- modeled and structured than ever before, particularly Brock, whose head design was completely flat and frankly pretty stupid-looking, in retrospect. In fact, Jackson has said that before Season 2 Brock didn't even have a real model and the construction was just made up to fit the layouts.

The show's style is still extremely "hard" and linear where it counts, but the balance between rounded and straight lines is much more controlled, now. The compositions, layouts, and character construction are stronger than ever; while still retaining a pretty unique look, the inking and design are closer than ever to the Alex Toth projects which are arguably the series' main inspiration-- with animation, color design, and production quality worlds beyond anything those shows could have ever hoped for.

Not trying to bicker or devalue your opinion, though. It's just that I feel that the show looks better every episode, and for pretty objective reasons. The artists on this show impress the hell out of me.
  • 0
Nov. 9, 2009, 11:42pm
  • by Chris98vf
  • (unregistered id: C668D0EDEC)
  • Reply
I completely agree. Not only all that was said above but over time the budgets get bigger and they can spend more than in season 1,2, ect...
Also, they did say the characters are aging now and that can be seen in growth of character and such and more specifically the boys who are physically growing past age 16.
This only being season 4 and the artwork to improve this much is great. Look back at season 1 of any of your favorite cartoons, the art was nowhere near season 5 or where ever. Look at the Simpsons or Family Guy to name a few well known ones.
  • 0
Nov. 9, 2009, 11:49pm
  • by Chris98vf
  • (unregistered id: C668D0EDEC)
  • Reply
Forgot to mention, I love it that the henchmen are starting to look like someone other than 24. Look at the bar scene with 86 & 87, two completely new characters!
  • 0
Nov. 9, 2009, 11:55pm
  • by jesuskilledmason
  • (unregistered id: 97D80B824E)
  • Reply
I think the best art in any episode is the brisby episode in season 1. It has a very "hard" style but looks kinda static and fake in some parts. The molotov fight is bad ass though and they havn't had a scene that looks that cool in season 3 or 4
  • 0
Nov. 10, 2009, 1:32pm
  • by Jory
  • (unregistered id: CF81B6A46C)
  • Reply
It sure is classic material, and I think it is definitely a highlight of those early episodes. They were at least able to employ the series' then much-more-extremely-limited style to humorous effect in that scene, with Molotov's high kicks, etc., but I never felt like the scene was very exciting because of how obviously jokey it is. I also wish that episode didn't inexplicably look terrible on the DVD.

The show has obviously changed a lot since then and its stance on action vs. comedy has clearly dissolved a bit, but personally I think the most exciting action scenes they've ever done are the finale of Showdown at Cremation Creek, the chase with Herr Trigger, and the whole SWAT invasion/peoplemover chase from Perchance to Dean.

The show's direction has gradually become (to me) less about weird comic syncopation and instead focused on half-believable, anecdotal humor and carefully-crafted set-pieces, which is fairly awesome (especially since they're doing a better job of it now than in Season 3.) Still, I think part of what makes Return to Malice so interesting is the way it inverts the show's newer edge yet again by belying the obvious frenetic potential of the episode's rising action by making the second half of the episode become mostly depressing dialogue.
  • 0
Nov. 10, 2009, 4:23pm
  • by Mike
  • (unregistered id: 1810A2A1DF)
  • Reply
Yeah, Malice is a very Doc Hammer type of episode in that way. He seems to tend towards more wordy types of episodes. Tag Sale, Your It was possibly the first episode to showcase this and while that episode does have an action sequence at the end it's 95% just characters talking to each other and it's one of the best episodes of the series. Victor Echo November is the same way, it's a ton of dialogue all building up to the shit hitting the fan.

And the great part about those two episodes is you, as a viewer, know the shit is going to hit the fan, you just have to wait to see when it will happen and what will come from it.

What makes Return to Malice so interesting is it's the same style, but nothing ever explodes at the end, and I think maybe that's why some people are a little disappointed in it. It all makes sense 100% and honestly I can't even see how it could ever end with an explosion. It's very much a characterization of the Monarch's life and the random shit they have to deal with when they're not actually arching.

That's another thing I love about the show, is how it's clearly about this group of ridiculous people; adventurers, super scientists, secret agents, super villains, and so on, but half the time it's just about their regular lives when they're not off doing the thing you'd expect them to be doing.
  • 0
Nov. 10, 2009, 6:46pm
  • by Jory
  • (unregistered id: D2BE6778A1)
  • Reply
Surely. Especially on second viewing, the episode's dialogue and character really pop. The dialogues between Dr.V and Hatred, Dr. V and Dr. G, Monarch and 24; even the surprisingly haunting rainfall scene outside Princess Tiny Feet's house are way more compelling (to me) than any Brock Samson killing spree--entertaining as those really, really are.

I think Brock's absence is a great opportunity for the show, and obviously one both Doc and Jackson are excited about. He may have landed a shitty gig, but bodyguarding was at least one that Brock was exceptionally good at. Without him, these larger-than-life characters seem just a little bit smaller but retain some of their absurdity, which makes the episode's moments of genuine pathos hit home quite well without seeming too canned.
  • 0
Nov. 10, 2009, 10:15pm
  • by Xoinx
  • (unregistered id: 3E935297AB)
  • Reply
Weird: the best-drawn characters lately seem to be 21 and Hatred.
  • 0
Nov. 10, 2009, 12:44pm

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