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  • by Creepy Crooner
  • (unregistered id: 298DE469DD)
  • Reply
Another great episode! Season 4 is shaping up to be just what was promised! A total return-to-form in terms of the stand-alone comedy episodes (a la season 1) but with all the rich character development we have come to love in seasons 2 and 3! My only complaint so far is where are the Moppets? They're my favorite and I was hoping that the overwhelming hatred of them would inspire Doc and Jackson to use them even more this year! Oh well. There's a lot of season left. Here's to hoping they get their own episode!
All the prog rock stuff was hilarious - of course that's how Doc gets his inspiration! Classic! Hatred is shaping up perfectly as a new addition to the Venture clan and any ep with flashbacks to Doc and Brock's early years is highly regarded by yours truly.
Joe - I believe the hairball was just some of Dean's hair which he lost in the shower. This served as a reminder to him and his father that the boys are actually growing up now.
ZJS - I have found these first three episodes joke-for-joke funnier than the first batch of Season 3 eps. This, of course, is a matter of opinion or what we find funny. So far season four has been exceedingly dark - which I can't get enough of!
Chris - You're crazy. Dermot is completely hilarious! Sure, his voice kind of sounds like every other character Doc does but the delivery is priceless and his dialog is among the best for any character in the show's history. Plus he works really well as a foil for the naivety of the Venture twins as they usually buy into his rediculous claims and stories.
Also, unless they do some sort of non-linear thing (which is definitely not out of the question), I wouldn't count on seeing any more of reject clone Dean as he was presumably incinerated after hugging the exploding Doc decoy.
  • 0
Nov. 2, 2009, 11:16pm
  • by Pvt. Schwa
  • (unregistered id: 465CD30CE9)
  • Reply
Am I the only one around here who doesn't enjoy the stand-alone episodes as much as the plot-heavy episodes? Personally, I'm a bit tired of the pattern of all the plot development crammed into the first and last couple episodes of every season, then put on hold.

This show struggles with balance. The first episode of season 4 had too much plot, and the subsequent ones don't have enough. Is it too much to ask that this show have plot development and character development at the same time?
  • 0
Nov. 2, 2009, 11:25pm
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: 2B2DEC558B)
  • Reply
I second that.
  • 0
Nov. 2, 2009, 11:29pm
  • 0
Nov. 2, 2009, 11:35pm
  • by Mike
  • (unregistered id: 1810A2A1DF)
  • Reply
What, these last two episodes have been HUGE as far as the development of Hank & Dean goes. They are finally starting to not be ridiculous 16 year olds and are actually growing a little. Granted there's no backstory revelations but developing the titular characters in hilarious ways is not exactly standalone. People watching these last two episodes for the first time without any previous episodes seen would have a much different interpretation than long-time viewers.
  • 0
Nov. 3, 2009, 12:30am
  • by the Venturer
  • (unregistered id: 20BA929C58)
  • Reply
I think that with a 22-minute timestamp, instead of trying to cram too much into one episode in terms of combining plot and character development, Doc and Jackson are doing the right thing by developing characters with totally one-off episodes of specific moments in the characters' lives. When the 'main plot' of the series picks back up, it's a richer experience because we know so much more about where the characters are coming from.

They don't have much time, so they zoom in on the important stuff. It might be a little esoteric or confusing, and you might not ever have all the info, but it does a great job keeping my interest.

Can't wait for the next one!
  • 0
Nov. 3, 2009, 7:58am
  • by Doctor X
  • (unregistered id: A87B9D4923)
  • Reply
Everyone is a critic. I find the Moppets generally about as funny as paint drying and I never liked Sgt. Hatred--though he has improved. I do not mind Dermott.

So there you go.

We are becoming Prog-fans where the 30+ year old bands alienate one half the audience if they play the older stuff and the other half when they play the newer stuff.

I am just enjoying the season.

Okay . . . the bits with the Moppets and Dr. Girlfriend are funny.
  • 0
Nov. 2, 2009, 11:50pm

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