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  • by mogo
  • (unregistered id: D23FAB3B59)
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Sorry about not being back last week. forgot and with episodes no longer being put online on fridays, I can't just quote directly anymore. Anywho great episode and as for the previous comment, i think captain sunshine is a combo of the following:
1.Superman:super strength, flight, throwing enemys directly in the prison yard(like a lot of siver age heros), getting his powers from the sun.
2.Batman:Giant Penny, Butler, teenage sidekick, homosexual undertones with sidekick(there were acusations of this in the 50's) having his previous sidekick die tragicly, hanks haircut
3.Micheal Jackson:farris wheel and arcade, brining young boys home, not getting the fact that his actions are boredring on pedophlic, pedofila acusations, slumber partys.
There you have it folks as for his powers, they could be any energy based hero anyways, but I'm likin that this season our heros are growing, hanks becoming rebelious and changed his look and deans grown a mustache though he hasn't changed much other wise. I can't wait for next week with clone dean, the stuff from the trailer and more!(more meaning triana, she showed up twice and once got fanboys and shippers hopes up, then she disapeared though she really wasn't needed last season.
  • 0
Oct. 27, 2009, 1:38am
  • by Grethiwha
  • (unregistered id: E22C4F2CF3)
  • Reply
Yeah, I think he's supposed to be like Michael Jackson and not a full pedophile. That might explain Publick pointing out on his blog that the episode was written before Michael's death.
But still. I didn't like the whole pedophile thing. Hatred is a hilarious pedophile, but he's enough, and Sunshine is more confusing and creepy. Other than that though, the episode was hilarious, and a good stand-alone episode, even if, after last week's episode, I want something that will continue the plot.
  • 0
Oct. 27, 2009, 2:30am

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