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  • by cpc65
  • (unregistered id: 9A3244A2F9)
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I also find it odd that they'd have two pedophile characters on the show at once. South Park already did a NAMBLA episode. Is it possible that he's just misunderstood, like still a big kid inside himself? And / or he's just being way too overprotective of Hank because of what happened to the previous Wonderboy (or Wonderboys maybe)? Maybe the lube really was for the costume (the Monarch didn't have any on when he went down the chute. Wedgie!) and maybe the slumber party was just that. Captain Sunshine seemed shocked and taken aback by the Monarch's comments at the end. I'm probably wrong, but I just think Doc and Jackson are too creative to be redundant like this.
  • 0
Oct. 27, 2009, 12:47am
  • by Mike
  • (unregistered id: 1810A2A1DF)
  • Reply
I want to think Captain Sunshine isn't actually a pedophile, because nothing ever seemed to happen outside of that weird kiss at the end. Hank was the 4th Wonderboy though, the statue in front of Sunshine's house said "Wonderboy III", so it's possible he was being crazy and overprotective.

It was certainly left far more ambiguous than Sgt. Hatred ever was though.
  • 0
Oct. 27, 2009, 1:51am
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: 6D34F80146)
  • Reply
Wonderboy III is a nic reference to how there have been several Robins in the comics, by the way.
  • 0
Oct. 27, 2009, 3:57am
  • by Pvt. Schwa
  • (unregistered id: BB7AC5FBA9)
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My impression of the episode was that Captain's Sunshine was not a pedophile. I saw his and Hank's relationship as a general parody of the often homoerotic superhero-sidekick relationship (especially Batman and Robin). The running gag was that although Sunshine wasn't actually sexually interested in Hank, basically everything about his behavior made him appear that way; much like Batman's behavior toward Robin would be extremely creepy outside the context of the comic. The crowd of people who say "I wouldn't want him playing with my kid" in that early scene represent our reaction to these homoerotic overtones in comics.

That's not to say that he didn't have some serious emotional problems, though.
  • 0
Oct. 27, 2009, 8:32am
  • by Doctor X
  • (unregistered id: A87B9D4923)
  • Reply
As I comment above, I do not think he is--he is just careless with side-kicks and everyone knows it. They talk around it like any other "character flaw." So when the guy on the street says, "keep him away from my kids," it means he does not want his kid to get killed. Obvious double-entendre. I think Capt. Sunshine's behavior is more psychotic concern with "not losing another one!" and trying to make up for the other three he got killed. The kiss, as others have noted, is a Godfather II reference: "Fredo! You broke my hear!" Makes one wonder if Capt. Sunshine will take revenge? Probably just a reference.

Hank and Dean are "Gee Whillikers!" innocent about sex. They have the idea--Dr. Venture explains it to Dean but then wanders into a Whitesnake love triangle! It seems to me that they have "an idea," but do not quite "get it."

So I do not think the younger Hank really understood Sgt. Hatred's "creepy touching."
  • 0
Oct. 30, 2009, 4:16pm

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