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  • by green_lantren_mogo
  • (unregistered id: 2A4FFB3F55)
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With obama's victory it's finally time! and I'm gonna give you three including an election themed one!
the venture bros
Episode 40:Stages of greif
Scene 1:Funeral for a friend
(24's funeral,The monarch,21,dr.mrs.the monarch,the few hench man not slaghtered in the battle from the season finale,the moppets,his stepmother and several super villans(as well as some unamed people))
dr.mrs.the monarch:(to the monarch)I can't belive we got such a turnout.
the monarch:Well I callled in a few favors. And a lot of peoploe knew him.
dr.mrs.the monarch:it's just that henchmen funerals don't happen very often.
the monarch:Well he was one of my 2 longest lived henchman. Now he's just my second longest.
(an organ begins to play and the monarch beings a eulogy)
the monarch:24 was one of the best henchmen I ever had. In fact he was the first. I'll always remember the times we shared. Attacking venture,going to dinner,garage sales,he was one of the only two to stick by me after they left me when I did some time in the prison.(leers at monstrsso who we see for the first time,he's a giant whale/man) And i'll always remember his ray ramono esqe voice and his friendship.
But now I think it's time we heard from the pearson who knew him best,21.
(The monarch steps down from the podium and 21 steps up)
21:(He's silent for a moment,then begins to speak)What can I say that hasen't already been said. He was like a brother to me. He was my comrade in arms. He was there for me my first day at the cocoon after the monarch kidnapped me. No offense. He tought me how to be a henchman and with him gone I don't know what to do.
(24's casket is lowered into his grave)
monarch:Now for the 24 dart gun sulute.
(The henchmen,including 21,fire there darts into the air much like a 21 gun sulute. only they fall back to the ground and go into the crowd,injuring them.)
(Title sequence)
Scene 2:The reserection of h.e.l.p.er
(The venture compound,dr.venture's lab doc puts a chip in guardo and the picture of dr.venture changes into a picture of h.e.l.p.er)
dr.venture:there all better.
dr.venture:well i'm sorry but it's the best I could do on such short notice. You should be lucky I could bring you back at all. Plus I need you to guard me until the O.S.I sends me another bodyguard.
(dean and hank enters,hank is wearing brocks clothes,although they obviously dont fit so there just sagging of him)
dean:Is H.e.l.p.er gonna be okay?
dr.venture:Yes dean,he'll be okay. Hank what are you wearing? You look like a three year old wearing daddys clothes.
Hank:I'm wearing them until brock comes back.
dean:he's not coming back hank.
hank:yes he is! he was just kidding!, kidding!
dean:You're in denial.
hank:I'm not in the first stage of greif!
dean:First theres denial,then theres anger,then bargning, depression and finally exceptiance.
hank:He's coming back!
dr.venture:(Sighs) H.e.l.p.er take the boys outside would you?
scene 3:who dunnit?
(the cocoon, after the funeral, the monarchs talking to 21)
the monarch:So what I can't figure out who did it.
21:did what.
the monarch:Pulled the trigger on the explosives. I mean who coul've wait.(to dr.mrs.the monarch) sweetness did you see the moppets anywhere during the explosion?
dr.mrs.the monarch:What are you implying?
the monarch:(Sighs)How can I put this delicatly?(Yells) YOU'RE MINITURE MURDEING PSYCOS KILLED HIM!
dr.mrs.the monarch:Now lets not jump to conclusions,lets ask them. tim-tom, kevin could you come here a minute.
(they do so)
dr.mrs.the monarch:Did you kill 24?
tim-tom:uh.(points) Look dr.venture!
(they look, it's just a henchmen eating the dip. they look back and there gone)
24:Okay. that's a sign of guilt.
dr.mrs.the monarch:maybe they were just nervous.
the monarch:Nervious? ha! come on 24.
dr.mrs.the monarch:Where are you going.
the monarch:If you won't belive us were going to prove it.
scene 4:untitled
(dr.orpheous appears in dr.venture's lab)
dr.venture:great what do you want?
dr.orpheous:I was awoke form my sleep by the thunderous sonds of battle!
dr.venture:What else is new?
dr.orpheous:Let me finissh. Off course as I brushed it off as usual. I mean it happens almost every day. You just get used to it.
dr.venture:whats your point?
dr.orpheous:I Felt as though I heard thousands of screams as they were silenced one by one. But I heard the boys. I heard hank and deans screams over and over again! It was mading!
Dr.ventures:Well hank's bright idea was to sen each and every one of my creations that I worked hard on iinto the battlefield. So the boys are fine. But my life's work and body guard are gone, and the only thing between me and the grave is a whiny nanny in a security guards body. And lets not forget I just got home after being wisked from here to LA and then prison.
dr.orpheous:What happended? oh i'll just read your mind.
dr.venture:Don't you dare!
(He deos it anyway and flashes of flas
  • 0
Nov. 5, 2008, 7:57am
  • by green_lantren_mogo
  • (unregistered id: 2A4FFB3F55)
  • Reply
Now for the rest. I'll divide it in two next time
flashbacks from the previous 3 seasons,normal clips from the other 3 season,ORB,and both parts of the season finale.)
dr.orpheous:Mr.samson left? How are the boys taking it.
dr.venture:how should I know.
(Long,akward pause with dr.orpheous glareing at him)
dr.orpheus:O-kay. Mind if I check on them?
dr.venture:Be my guest. I've got science to do.
dr.orpheous:Your'e going to try to make new clones aren't you?
scene 6:Dragnet
(The cocoon,the monarch and 21)
21:My parter will be avenged! Now how are we gonna do that exactly?
the monarch:Break into their room and steal the evidence.
21:I have 2 problems with that plan. One since there most likely in there rooms getting evidence is near impossible. and two why would there be any evidence of them pullin the trigger in there room in the frist place?
the monarch:And you have a better idea?
21:Get the security tape from the monitor room of the throne room from yesterday.
the monarch:excellent idea. Lets go.
Act 2
scene 1:checkin on the boys
(The boys room,dr.orpheous)
Dean:Hi dr.orpheous.
dr.orpheous:whats wrong with...
dean:Oh he's in the anger stage.
dr.orpheous:Your father sent me to check up on you.
dean:That's a laugh. You came yourself.
dr.orpheous:Nonsense your father caresabout you.
dean:You came here on your own. ANd I admire that. But look at hank. My father could care less. I need to go.
(Dean walks out of the room)
Scene 2:The tale of the tape
(The coccons previously unseen monitor room)
21:So where are the tapes kept?
The monarch:How should I know.
(Theres another henchmen in the monitor room doing his job)
4:Hi i'm #4. I do the monitor work. I'm new.
the monarch:what happened to the last guy?
21:He died during the battle with phantom limb.
4:Yeah. I saw who killed 24 to and they said theyed kill me if I told. It was the moppets!
24 and the monarch:I knew it!
(just then a knife comes through the door a and almost hit #4 but he's already ducked)
#4:I saw that coming.
(The moppets come through the door.)
tim-tom:Wheres the tape?
#4:In it's camera.
kevin:Thank you now to kill you for squealing!
#4:Now wait! I've watched you two on the security cam's in the house.
the monarch:The what?
#4:Just in every room but the bathrooms and your bedroom. It was just a saftey percaution. I will give you the tape from yester day plus the tape from the night of the party. And I have one set up to play at the funeral the moment I die in case you get any ideas.
(#4 hands him the tapes)
kevin:Plesure doing buisness with you! And as for you two(Points to the monarch and 21)
if you tell her any of this we'll tell her that you made it up to incriminate us. Who do you think she'll belive?
(They laugh manicly as they leave)
21:Dude why did you do that! Why?
#4:Relax,I didn't give them the right tape. I set up the evidence to play on the monitor in the throne room where the funeral is in three,two one.
(The fotage cuts to the throne room where tim-tom and kevin have joined the party)
(The footage begins to play on the monitor and shows tim-tom and kevin in the throne room on the day of the attack)
Dr.mrs.the monarch:What the?
(Back on the footage tim-tom and kevin are in the throne room)
kevin:well lookie what we have hear?
tim-tom:Methinks it's time to get rid of the monarch's cronies
kevin:Only ones inside.
tim-tom:Yes but it's the smart one. Without him the otherone will be easy pickings.
(Tim-tom preses the switch and and explosison is heard off screen as they laugh menicaly)
(Dr.mrs.the monarch and they guests look shocked,as she turns she sees the moppets are gone)
scene 3:Back at the lab
(dr.venture is hard at work but it's not going well)
dr.venture:Well it looks like i'm going to just have to reanimate the bodies. Now let's see what else is on the schdule.
(Looks at schdule)
dr.venutre(Reading from the list):Let's see, Canadian science confrence. Now where am I gonna send the boys? I can't just leave them with orpheous,or can I?
(Dr.venture gets a call on his wrist comunicator)
J.J.:Hey bro! Listen you know we have the canadian scince confrence. are you going?
dr.venture:Of course. I have someone watcching the boys since brock left.
j.j.:Wait he left?
dr.venture:I don't know why? He had a perfectly sweet life. Look this sin't about my bodyguard situation. So what do you need.
J.J.:Right. I just wanted to make sure you wer going. I have something big planned. see you there.
scene 4:Stage 3
dr.orpheous:Well it looks like i'm going to watch you tomorrow while your father goes to the canadian science confrence.
hank:Hey dr.o. Can I borrow one of your books. I need to do something.
Dean:Hank. Are you going to try to sell you soul to get brock back?
  • 0
Nov. 5, 2008, 7:58am
  • by green_lantren_mogo
  • (unregistered id: 2A4FFB3F55)
  • Reply
this is the third time I've had to do this
hank:Okay. I'm going to the bathroom
(Dean blocks the doorway)
dean:Hank, your going to go steal one of his books aren't you?
scene 5:Uh-oh
(Back at the monitor room,#4 is ducking)
the monarch:Why are you doing that?
#4:Just trust me.
(a knife comes through the door and misses him again. Kevin comes through the door.)
Kevin:Prepare to die!
21:Waitaminute? wheres the other one?
(the camera pans to show tim-tom with his knife at the monarch's throat)
21:Oh boy. we are so screwed.
tim-tom:ya got that right.
(Dr.mrs.the monarch comes through the door)
dr.mrs.the monarch:Boys but the knives down and step away fromt the monarch. Why did you kill 24?
tim-tom:Because mum we saw the opertunity. we thought we could get brock samson.
dr.mrs.the monarch:Oh please. He wasn't even close to the car yet when you blew it up! and to think that all these years I trusted you two!
kevin:Change of plans gut im!
(Before he can do so 21 shoots timtom with a dart and he falls to the floor and cuts off the monarchs gotee by acedent. Kevin picks him up and runs off)
kevin:We shall meet again.
(Kevin runs off)
dr.mrs.the monarch:I'm sorry I doubted you two. But they've probably escaped by now.
#4:No worries. If they come back i'll see it. or #5 will see it. he runs the other shift. Speaking of which mines over.
dr.mrs.the monarch:Uh #4. I think he died.
Written By jake"whiny nanny in a secrity guards body"mattingly
Featuring the spectacluar SOUL BOT as H.E.L.P.eR
post credits scene:Meet you new body guard
(a car pulls up to the compound)
dr.venture:great the new body guards here!
(He runs outside. Seagrgent hatred steps out of the care. He's in a regulation o.s.i. uniform)
dr.venture:Oh great it's you.
seargent hatred:Sgt.gregory haine reporting for duty! Oh and don't worry about the boys. O.S.I. gave me a reprevie on that court order providing I don't do anything. So what's for dinner?
  • 0
Nov. 5, 2008, 8:23am
  • by Tess
  • (unregistered id: B36D86AA53)
  • Reply
Learn to use the space bar. Based on grammar alone, this is almost unreadable.
  • 0
Nov. 9, 2008, 9:00pm
  • by green_lantren_mogo
  • (unregistered id: C96CA00F4B)
  • Reply
Oh you have to comment on my grammar. I didn't space because I didn't need to jack, so next time don't critizie my grammar,read my story and if you so obsessed with spacing why don't you do it your self. but on second thought I may do in the future after all. but if I have time. sorry. thank you
  • 0
Nov. 9, 2008, 11:02pm

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