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  • by barrytown
  • (unregistered id: 936F26E427)
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I think the mostsatisfying thing about this episode, for me, is how completely unsatisfying most of you found it. It is not Doc and Jackson's mission to give you everything you want, it is to craft a story. And if they don't know what they're doing, they at least fake it better than most.

The purpose of this finale, and season three in general, was simply to eradicate all the rules. To let us know that characters that we absolutely love can be killed at a moment's notice. That the structure we so rely on can dissipate in an instant. The floor will fall out, and we're just hanging on by our fingernails.

All the comments I've been reading this season, all the speculations, where each thread could go, what could happen next, almost never has it been what we expected. Is it because they're trying to trick us? Not at all. It's because we're expecting them to play by the rules. We look at this the way we would look at our favorite comic book, or a primetime drama. We expect them to play the game. We forget the whole point of the thing.

The name of the game here is to put the superhero, Johnny Quest, adventure series motif into the REAL WORLD. Take it out of television and stuff it where we all live. And things don't happen according to formula in the real world. We don't always get what we want in the real world.

Keep in mind, we're not dealing with some hack stand-up comedian or Seth "freakin" MacFarlane here. These are true artists, craftsmen. Trust them.

Also, 24 is dead. Deal with it. Helper, on the other hand, has suffered many strong blows. The fact that he had a stronger hand on episodes recently could go either way. They've demolished him and brought him back unscathed, like so much Kenny, many times before. But, really, he's never had so much of a hand in things that he would be noticed if he were gone. 24's death, on the other hand has more permanant, immediate implications. I am sure that he is dead, and while it saddens me to see him gone, I understand the purpose of his death in terms of the story. It's not what I want, but it's what the series needs.

As of now, all bets are off. And that is why this is maybe the best episode of Venture Brothers ever.
  • 0
Aug. 25, 2008, 9:46am
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: 43690D7128)
  • Reply
Can the paternalism, Sparky. If this is more than a soap opera, then these plot shifts have consequences, and people will have strong feelings about them. Trust *them*, why don't you?

The season's figurative corpse isn't cold or buried yet, but you want to tell us what's right to feel, and what's wrong. I thought the only thing that has a hold on us to do that is the show itself? Those feelings should serve as evidence enough of how well Jackson and Doc have written this season. So, your admonitions are premature and ultimately unnecessary? Yes. Deal with it.

I knew the boys played by the the Whedon rules, "make 'em laugh, make 'em cry, make 'em wait", from way back, so this is nothing new.

Went to a workshop where the authors/editors said that if all the readers liked your work, you did OK, but not great. If all hated it, you bothered them, and it was worth finding out what happened. But if half vehemently hated your work, and the other half were in love, then you had an award-winner -- you brought everyone out of their chairs and into your world. The guys have done this.

I have my complaints, but it's their world, and for 13 eps at a time they let me peek in.
  • 0
Aug. 25, 2008, 11:25am
  • by barrytown
  • (unregistered id: 936F26E427)
  • Reply
sorry, didn't mean to sound so pretentious
  • 0
Aug. 25, 2008, 8:08pm
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: 6D4C0083DB)
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It's cool... I'm just processing the shape of this whole season, right now, separating out my hopes from what really happened.
  • 0
Aug. 25, 2008, 9:33pm
I thought you were mad at me. Hope you feel better.
  • 0
Aug. 26, 2008, 9:31am
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: A225938EB5)
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  • 0
Aug. 26, 2008, 10:17am

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