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it was no season 2.... it was good dont get me wrong.. but it was no season 2...
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Aug. 23, 2008, 6:08am
  • by Doc Kneezy
  • (unregistered id: 9B6ECE23A0)
  • Reply
I haven't even seen the episode and I'm already dissapointed. Why? No Fucking Phantom Limb and the Dean/Triana thing went nowhere again. Why did they take the Best character out of the show??? I was waiting the whole season for him to show up. I thought he would obtain the ORB and use it to regain his power in the finale. And they didn't do anything with Dean and Triana this season. I mean the 2nd season lacked development between the two but this season basically forgot about them. That's whack that Triana was only in 2 episodes. She would be a great character if they would give her some screentime. Are they ever going to do something with them??? They sure do a lot with Dr.V & Brock. Also dissapointing was Dr.Orpheus cause he was only in 4 episodes and I was expecting Quymn to return. Maybe when I see this episode I'll feel better but right now the fact the Phantom Limb never came back is killing me..............................
  • 0
Aug. 23, 2008, 6:55am
  • by RetroWarbird
  • (unregistered id: C885B09367)
  • Reply
A lot to digest this season ...

The Order of the Triad seems to have broken apart, due to Orpheus's crummy leadership ... but if Rusty Venture decides it's time to create a NEW TEAM VENTURE to take the place of Brock? Those three will certainly have jobs ... plus Pete White the hacker, Billy Quizboy the trivial info and code breaker ... there's definitely the makings of a new Team Venture.

Dean and Triana ... plenty of time for furthering that plot. This season didn't do much with it, but every episode Triana thinks Dean is a little cuter, so it is progressing.

Brock with no job? Where's he gonna go? That seems to be the big question. Hunter and Molotov love him, they hate OSI, they were willing to use Brock to destroy some things that were in their way, with plenty of collateral damage. I wonder if they'll attempt to get him to join the Blackhearts? I mean ... the guy is great at killing. And like someone said, OSI vs. the Guild via assassins? Brock has been caught between them a long time ... being able to murder tons of them? He might even be down with it.

General Traister isn't Teddy Roosevelt ... but his SHIELD outfit and eye-patch scream Nick Fury. And it seems like a "Marvel joke" about Nick Fury's seeming immortality and super old age - he probably wouldn't look as good as he does. The heart attacks. ETC ...

Monarch's gambit will have repercussions with the Guild ... of course he's down to a handful of henchmen, so all he's really got left are the Moppets, 21 and Doctor Ex-Girlfriend Mrs. The Monarch ... doubt they'll restock his minions after this move against OSI.

Where's Phantom Limb going to go? In the first episode of the season, we saw him get some payback ... odds are either he's a rogue bent on revenge against all those who have done him wrong, or hey, maybe he's a Blackheart as well ... same for Baron Underbheit - no job, no money. And hey, maybe Girl Hitler will be a huge fan of the Blackhearts.

I still say Dermott is Hatred's son, not Brock's ... Hatred was definitely applying to a job at OSI again. However, that doesn't mean he won't get the OBVIOUS assignment of Operation Rusty's Blanket.

What about the old Team Venture? Action Man isn't that old ... Col. Gentleman isn't that dead ... Kano has some secrets ... and what ever happened to Jonas Sr., Gentleman's ex-wife, and so forth? And what about their "League of Villains" under Scaramantula?

And then finally, what about the Victorian Venture Guild and beginnings of the Guild of Calamitous Intent? You gotta know that David Bowie/Tesla/Shapeshifting Immortal Who Is Other Historical Figures is going to be making moves in the background ...

I have a feeling we'll see a lot of comparing/contrasting of the varying generations of Heroes/Villains and Ventures over Season 4 ... and quite probably ... a time-travel episode.

There's no doubt the key players in the Venture world have shifted this season, though ...

So many more characters to keep wondering about now ...
  • 0
Aug. 23, 2008, 7:24am
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: 9F91C87CB2)
  • Reply
If there is a Guild/OSI/Blackhaws conflict, the split between the Guild and OSI has to come through documented violations of their treaties... and even though The Monarch can suspect, he has no proof of OSI involvement in JJ's use of above level 8 excessive force. We know the Lepidopterists were involved, and that they work for the head of OSI, but The Monarch, if he failed to do any snooping either at Spider Skull Island or the OSI plane, has nothing he can take to the Guild.

The irony? The one man who could prove that OSI directly intervened to break Guild rules is Brock Samson... and he's probably wishing something stronger than a pox on both their houses.

As for a new Team Venture, none of the potential members would outlast a sniper attack. If we want to know why the VB team avoided Brock using guns, it's that such force would result in escalation as retaliation -- and if guns are used all the time, battles are over pretty damn fast. The entrance of the Blackhawks signifies real world menace, fast, hard and beautiful though it may be. The world Brock's mayhem held back is now perched on Rusty's doorstep, and it's anybody's guess whether OSI would even consider him useful enough to save.... should any of those soldiers get a directive by Treister to search the Venture compound for any unusual energy signatures, or any obvious locations for safes.

If all bets are off regarding the Guild/OSI detente, will the ORB go in play -- and who follows the bouncing ball?
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Aug. 23, 2008, 8:57am
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: 9F91C87CB2)
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Aug. 23, 2008, 1:14pm
  • by Rahb
  • (unregistered id: 58C22C8993)
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Here's the deal. At the end Brock figures out that Mol set the whole thing up. She was always there at critical times. He also suspect Gathers as all of his info and assistance led to this outcome. Hell, he TOLD Brock the OSI was after him, and Brock now knows that was a lie.

Brock "quits" at the end for one reason. He wants the Mol and Gathers to believe he is rogue so they will accept him into their crew. He intends to infiltrate them and destroy them from the inside. Revenge for being used to execute their plan, and for putting his family in harm's way.
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Aug. 23, 2008, 7:01pm
  • by TeeEl
  • (unregistered id: D1251D1E2F)
  • Reply
Not a bad theory, but I don't think Brock's got the figure for the Black Hearts' uniform.
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Aug. 24, 2008, 3:45am
  • by Josh Geller
  • (unregistered id: 5750D10C0C)
  • Reply
Faqueer the Cleaner works for Molotov....

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Aug. 27, 2008, 8:12am
when it comes to mol and the rest of the blackhearts.... i would soooooooooooo infiltrate and destroy them from the inside.... just... ya know... sayin...
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Aug. 24, 2008, 6:34am
  • by Creepy Crooner
  • (unregistered id: 8F73EA59C9)
  • Reply
Wow. Where do you get all this stuff, CG? Honestly? The reason Brock doesn't use guns is because he's THAT much of a badass. This is a humorous character quirk that has nothing to do with the plot and the blackhearts don't signify "real world menace", they signify classic all-female assassin organization. It's no more "real world" than anything else in the Venture universe. Your weird existential theory is interesting, but you are taking all of this WAY too seriously.
I'm sure season 4 will be hilarious, just like this season was! Until then it is fun to speculate but remember when Jackson said to "stop looking so deep into everything and just have fun"? I think some of us need to heed his words.
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Aug. 25, 2008, 10:13pm
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: A225938EB5)
  • Reply
*This* is where I got it from, HATE FLOATS:
"Phantom Limb: It seems that our mutual friend the Monarch has himself a death wish. He's operating in full costumed aggression without a Guild license. His henchmen are using level five offensive weapons for a level one threat (no offense to Dr. Venture), and he's kidnapped my girlfriend."

Level 5 weapons = guns.

It's part of the Guild/OSI treaty that guns aren't used by those arching someone on Dr. Venture's level.

Jackson built the universe; I'm just remembering what he did, unlike some people.
  • 0
Aug. 26, 2008, 10:15am
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: A225938EB5)
  • Reply
And nice of you to pick on me damn near always, you callous snarkmaster, whilst you ignore a post that spells the real world intermix out -- I agreed with his premise, despite the emotional directives:

"The name of the game here is to put the superhero, Johnny Quest, adventure series motif into the REAL WORLD. Take it out of television and stuff it where we all live. And things don't happen according to formula in the real world. We don't always get what we want in the real world.

Keep in mind, we're not dealing with some hack stand-up comedian or Seth "freakin" MacFarlane here. These are true artists, craftsmen. Trust them. "

The lasting image of this was Race Bannon dead, as children played with his corpse and parachute. People who take the risks associated with adventures die.
  • 0
Aug. 26, 2008, 10:22am
  • by Creepy Crooner
  • (unregistered id: 8F73EA59C9)
  • Reply
I actually quite like the title of "callous snarkmaster". Hehe. Anyway, the only reason I "pick on you", CG, is that you draw these radical, detailed musings that are based loosely on ideas from the show and pass them off as fact by using absolutes and fancy vocabulary. That and the fact that these very musings are painfully overthought. Even though some of what you have to say is totally valid, it gets lost in a sea of pretension and what you think the Venture world SHOULD be every time.
As you quoted in your message above, these ARE true artists. So take your own advice and trust him! He did tell all of us directly (well, through a bump) to "stop looking so deep into everything".
Also, I do agree that the idea of the show is to take Johnny Quest-esque characters and put them in a more realistic setting, but what you don't seem to understand is that this device is played for laughs, and VB being a cartoon never takes itself TOO seriously.
The scene where Race dies does illustrate this point beautifully. Especially when he shits himself. It's a picture of one of the great badasses in adventure fiction dying a humiliating death, which in Venture terms spells comedy!
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Aug. 26, 2008, 9:38pm
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: 6D4C0083DB)
  • Reply
Your studied mien of jolly sociopathology is also overthought -- if everything in the Venture series that is shocking or gripping is also hilarious, then character does not matter, character development does not matter and tellling a story that changes with time does not matter. I think you're wrong, and the more you confront me, the less chance there will be that I will change my mind.

If you get to embrace your post-TDK Joker persona, I get to embrace as much pretention as I can muster, to fight your point of view. If words are my armament, then I will use them and use and use them until your ADD-addled style gets bored and you try to bully someone who will bend.

I don't seek your posts out; I only respond when attacked. So, obviously, *you're* the one with the problem, and I will never call it anything but griefing.
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Aug. 26, 2008, 10:21pm
  • by DeimosMasque
  • (unregistered id: 8E4D4DC00D)
  • Reply
"The Order of the Triad seems to have broken apart, due to Orpheus's crummy leadership "

Where? When?

"Where's Phantom Limb going to go?"
He's a rogue with the entire Guild on his ass, he's laying low, picking on a retired supervillian so that he feels big and then hides like the rat he is.

"I still say Dermott is Hatred's son, not Brock'"
But Dermott even SAID he was Brock's kid;.
  • 0
Aug. 24, 2008, 6:48pm
  • by green lantren mogo
  • (unregistered id: 21C431E559)
  • Reply
I'm disapointed 2 but chill. I just gives them a bigger playset for next season.
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Aug. 23, 2008, 6:07pm
  • by green lantren mogo
  • (unregistered id: 21C431E559)
  • Reply
Sorry that was for an early comment about the lack of dean/triana and phantom limb
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Aug. 23, 2008, 6:09pm
  • by Jay
  • (unregistered id: E7AF6EC90E)
  • Reply
Phantom Limb died for good at the end of season 2. The Alchemist has his blown off, invisable unit. Limb was cool, but he's been dead for an entire season. The scene of Limb killing Manotaur took place back in the 80s.
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Aug. 24, 2008, 12:19am
  • by Amun-Ra
  • (unregistered id: B1AA447574)
  • Reply
Except for the fact that they specifically say he escaped. And you'll notice that he seems to be disheveled and have some prosthetic limbs in the scene with Manotaur. I'm pretty sure he's going to show up again in the future.
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Aug. 24, 2008, 1:31am
  • by Jory
  • (unregistered id: 4658719524)
  • Reply
And even if he doesn't show up again, they really have made it pretty damn obvious that he's alive.
  • 0
Aug. 24, 2008, 9:46am

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