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  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: D967F9CE1C)
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Well, we were all wrong, weren't we? No Jonas Sr., no Dermott, not even Phantom Limb.
A good episode, not great. I'd say about Buddy System level. As I said, lots of loose ends and incongrueties. I thought Rusty was going to turn all the slugs into Venturesteins. I doubt that was 24. Probably one of the dozens of others that look like him. Or they'll clone him. People love him too much to be gone forever. Anyone else think 'retard strength' during Hank's speech?
I'm not worried about Brock quitting. The Monarch 'quit' arching Rusty and they kept him in alright until he could do it by the rules.
Biggest issue: If OSI wasn't after Brock, why did the car go after him? And who sent the assassins after him? It's not as if anyone knew Brock was going to use the termination order at that time.
As for Hunter, I can see him being in with Mol for a while.
  • 0
Aug. 23, 2008, 2:38am
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: D967F9CE1C)
  • Reply
Also, glad to hear about 'Dawn' again.
  • 0
Aug. 23, 2008, 2:47am
  • by karen_c
  • (unregistered id: 8BF81DE411)
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Something just hit me: what if our little Dean is so "sensitive" because initially he was the sister Dawn that old doc Rusty, who wasn't able to quite to get the cloning technique down (dabbling in cloning,) had to switch sexes.

Also, did anyone else think that Dean's heart attack was real, some sort of side.effect of the clonin'?
  • 0
Aug. 24, 2008, 10:45pm
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: D967F9CE1C)
  • Reply
Oh, and Toby Huss again. That's awesome.
  • 0
Aug. 26, 2008, 6:11am
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: 6D4C0083DB)
  • Reply
*Mol* warned him in ASSASSINANNY 911 about sticking with an assignment too long; wasn't that also the episode when Hunter stole millions of dollars? Sounds like seed money to me....

Mol had access to Adrienne (didn't Brock get picked up by OSI, only to be pushed out while the OSI car was running?); she could have bypassed security and set the computer with Hunter's instructions to 'mishear' Brock's request at any time; it also might not have been beyond Hunter's skills to create post-hypnotic suggestions in Billy during his memory wipe, to point to the buried boxes, triggering Brock's inquiries about ORB to Adrienne.

Mol could have been spending the intervening time recruiting, and researching the weaknesses within the Guild and OSI. She knew Brock would be her most lethal enemy, but she also knew that his greatest skills would be deployed in defending the Ventures. Deploying Adrienne (and the transmitted kill orders to OSI) would eventually kill him, kill the Ventures, or otherwise separate him from the family. He hasn't killed since he was a teenager; what else does he know how to do?

Without a license to kill, Brock's emotionally vulnerable; Mol could hire him, use him, kill him, but in any case a Brock without a mission might as well be dead.

No matter how hateful her actions were, I respect her for doing what all the antagonists could not: Destroy the Venture family from within. No more clones; no more leeway from OSI to make more. No more protection from antagonists. Will Venture back out of the Guild arching program or find a less capable bodyguard unwilling to tolerate his quirks? (By the by, Treister's 'no public killings' beef is bullshit; Brock's murders at the shopping mall alone in HATE FLOATS would kick him out of the OSI) Doc's going to have to find the strength he used to have as a boy adventurer, to save what he has left. He won't be perfect, but his mistakes will no longer be covered up by a sympathetic, paternal hulk. He's truly on his own, now.

He might make a call to a certain Doctor, with a magical murder bag....
  • 0
Aug. 23, 2008, 3:24am
  • by pockets
  • (unregistered id: 1324CBA437)
  • Reply
I think we're all looking WAY too into this. Based on the depth of Real-Life logic the show demonstrates, all of these conjectures remain in that state. I think we need to toward the improbable and possibly "retard-strength" instead.
  • 0
Aug. 23, 2008, 7:09am
  • by Ithidet
  • (unregistered id: 5EA84D39E5)
  • Reply
but where would all the fun be without the crazies?
  • 0
Aug. 24, 2008, 7:50am
  • by Hardy
  • (unregistered id: 1E47238031)
  • Reply
It was all Molotov's doing....she knew about the "car trouble" (hence: caused it)...she obviously hired the assassins to kill Brock....and made sure Brock would know about it so that he'd be ready to kill them. How is all this not obvious?
  • 0
Aug. 23, 2008, 3:31am
  • by Rahb
  • (unregistered id: 58C22C8993)
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Except that she hired the assassins to BE KILLED by Brock, so she would be the only game in town. She honestly could't care less about the Ventures.
  • 0
Aug. 23, 2008, 4:11am
  • by WorstServedCold
  • (unregistered id: 3BEE65312C)
  • Reply
Yeah, it says quite a bout about Mol and Hunter's faith in Brock's abilities that they figured the easiest way to get rid of the competition in hired killers would be to send them all after him.
  • 0
Aug. 23, 2008, 2:20pm

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