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  • by Jay
  • (unregistered id: E7AF6EC90E)
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So... OSI tried to get Brock's car to kill him, and then sent 3 assasins to do the job just because Brock didn't properly enter the code for advanced security clearance? Seems a bit harsh. Am I missing another, more severe infraction by Brock that warranted such a reaction by OSI?
  • 0
Aug. 21, 2008, 7:09am
  • by Shadowman 9 1/2
  • (unregistered id: D2E513867A)
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Possibly on "ORB" he was ordered to take out Dr. Venture if he ever found it? However, seeing that Rusty had little or no clue what to do with it, he left him alone.

I know at my job they will kill you for incomplete assignments.

p.s. Anyone want the poster(s) in Brock's Room? I feel like changing the decor a bit.
  • 0
Aug. 21, 2008, 3:46pm
  • by DeimosMasque
  • (unregistered id: DD74F4CF47)
  • Reply
Its not that he failed to enter a proper code. It's that he told his computer to search for "Bodyguard Termination Orders" he meant "What am I supposed to Terminate," since he didn't know what Sando meant yet. The computer however thought he meant "Terminate the Bodyguard"

So when he entered his code, it "Terminated" him. OSI recieved the Terminate order as well and when they realized his car didn't kill him they sent assassins.

It's really straight forward and I don't see why so many people have had this problem.
  • 0
Aug. 21, 2008, 4:57pm
  • by Phil
  • (unregistered id: 4453D1431A)
  • Reply
I'm willing to accept that, but you have to admit it raises the question of why he never even tries to explain (to Molotov or anyone else) that it was just a mistake. Even if it didn't work it certainly would have been worth trying before he dragged the Ventures across the country with three of the world's deadliest assassins in tow!
  • 0
Aug. 21, 2008, 8:14pm
  • by DeimosMasque
  • (unregistered id: DD74F4CF47)
  • Reply
Because it's OSI... They don't ask questions, its the same reason that Hunter ran off to have his sex change and they tried to kill him.

Besides, Brock knows better than to try to explain things to OSI. I mean, if the guy you were told to kill called you and said it was a mistake... would you believe him?

OSI's reaction to the termination order is basically a critique on what most government agencies do when they get an order... they do it. They don't question it, they don't clarify it, they just do it.
  • 0
Aug. 21, 2008, 9:06pm
  • by Phil
  • (unregistered id: 4453D1431A)
  • Reply
Eh. I'd be willing to accept that, but I'm surprised the show hasn't actually addressed it. It seems a bit passive for that to be an intentional critique of government agencies.

Doesn't Venture want to know why Brock is being hounded? Or the boys? And without a doubt Molotov would have heard him out--she respects him enough.

I'm just surprised that if that's all it was--a simple error on Brock's part--that the show wouldn't have anyone question it. Seems odd to me, and it kind of borders on sloppy writing.
  • 0
Aug. 21, 2008, 10:10pm
  • by DeimosMasque
  • (unregistered id: DD74F4CF47)
  • Reply
"And without a doubt Molotov would have heard him out--she respects him enough. "

Why would she actually care? She didn't take the contract so she's not after him, she was only warning them.

As for the Dr. Venture and the boys, they just really haven't had the time yet. Hell, Dr. Venture thought the assassins were after all of them until Brock corrected him.
  • 0
Aug. 21, 2008, 11:12pm
  • by Mike
  • (unregistered id: 027D18FA77)
  • Reply
I'm honestly not sure that's it. He did ask the computer for the termination clause but I am thinking he wasn't supposed to know about ORB. The OSI never informed him what his real mission was, and he only learned through very convoluted means. He was also given very specific orders to watch the patch of grass where Sandow's instructions were buried, which I assume means he was not supposed to let anyone dig that up. All this time Operation Rusty's Blanket was there to prevent Rusty from activating ORB, should he have actually found it.

What I think, however, is once Brock discovered ORB, if he did kill Doc then he would also know what ORB was and OSI would want him out of the picture so he couldn't use it. That's my assumption anyway. I don't think this whole thing is a weird mix-up (though that would be pretty amusing), but I guess we'll find out tomorrow.
  • 0
Aug. 22, 2008, 6:53am
  • by DeimosMasque
  • (unregistered id: 8E4D4DC00D)
  • Reply
The problem there is that he didn't fail to protect ORB from being activated. Recall that Brock was indeed ready to kill Dr. Venture until he said he wasn't going to use it.
  • 0
Aug. 22, 2008, 4:17pm

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