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  • by Bonzo the Fifth
  • (unregistered id: C3CD9ECCF3)
  • Reply

This was totally not what I was expecting (a follow up to ORB, which now seems like it's going to be the Season 4 arc, most likely), but I'm still fairly satisfied with what's here, namely, the chance for Brock to finally go sickhouse on some deserving folks, which has been one of the only things truly lacking for the last season and a half. Notably, though, it seems to have been something deliberately ignored just to make this episode that much more of a gut-puncher.

Favorite bits:

--The classic 'oil on the highway' routine that's thwarted when the gun loving German proved skillful enough a motorcycle rider to actually avoid.

--The frog-line trick the second guy managed to snag Brock with. Ridiculous, yes, but somehow fitting with the world the show operates in.

--The whole shark sequence, beginning to end. 'nuff said.

--Dean's recalling of 'the only weapon you'll ever need'... priceless...

--Moltov and the Blackhearts... hope that's not the last we see of them...

--The fact that the Monarch believes enough in his wife that he'd send her after BROCK SAMSON expecting her to come back alive...

--Lowbrow, I know, but the scene with the Moppets and Dean's stuffed giraffe had me rolling in the floor.

--HELPeR as the landing gear... the animation on that scene was just beautiful. I really felt bad for the poor robot that time (after all the other times his injuries have been played for laughs).

If I watch it again, I'm sure I'll find more...
  • 0
Aug. 16, 2008, 7:10am
  • by Josh Geller
  • (unregistered id: 225A2B4578)
  • Reply
Sheila's hot for Brock, has been for a while.

I am sure she insisted on that being her assignment.

  • 0
Aug. 16, 2008, 7:53am
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: A2D8BED341)
  • Reply
Yes, in light of this being "a show about failure", everyone seems to be hot for someone who is not interested in them or otherwise unavailable: Sheila for Brock, 21 for Sheila, Brock for Molotov, etc. Dean and Triana break that pattern, but I'm sure Dean will figure some other way to fail.
  • 0
Aug. 17, 2008, 12:02pm
  • by Josh Geller
  • (unregistered id: DD5C76E508)
  • Reply
I hadn't thought of that, but you're absolutely right.

  • 0
Aug. 17, 2008, 1:42pm
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: 550CB71B9D)
  • Reply
I've been holding back on this thought, because I was hoping I'd see evidence it wasn't true, but when it comes to her Moppets, Sheila is bug nuts crazy.

*My babies!* Hello? Homicidal foul-mouthed little people who threaten your husband and his crew, babies? I guess she has to have something to make her more than the perfect babe henchwoman/girlfriend/hottie, but man is that a bringdown.
  • 0
Aug. 18, 2008, 11:17am
  • by Tess
  • (unregistered id: 4E429DF010)
  • Reply
I appreciate the "married with children from previous families" thing going on with them. I really do.
  • 0
Aug. 20, 2008, 2:54am
  • by barrytown
  • (unregistered id: 936F26E427)
  • Reply
I would be remiss if I didn't point out that Molotov is most certainly interested in Brock. She just can't "connsumate" because of her chastity belt. I'm sure that's symbolic of something, but if you go back and watch Assassinanny 911 she is very obviously hot for Brock. But if your point was that he was hot for her and couldn;t have her, then yes, you're right. I hope at some point they go more into what the heck's up with that chastity belt.
  • 0
Aug. 19, 2008, 10:05am
  • by Josh Geller
  • (unregistered id: 189D78ECD9)
  • Reply
I thought she was wearing the chastity belt out of devotion to her dead father (who Brock killed).

  • 0
Aug. 19, 2008, 1:38pm
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: 6D4C0083DB)
  • Reply
As long as there is someone living who remembers the struggle of the proletariat in the USSR, that belt stays *on*.

That, and the father-killing thing.
  • 0
Aug. 19, 2008, 10:34pm
  • by green lantren mogo
  • (unregistered id: 796E570BED)
  • Reply
I agree but you missed just one thing that had me rolling and was my faviorite line where doc forgot hank
brock:you forgot something doc
russty:travel poker?
brock:you're son dock.
rusty:dean's right here.
That was hilarious!
  • 0
Aug. 16, 2008, 8:02am
  • by shabby
  • (unregistered id: 05FE0914E5)
  • Reply
"The fact that the Monarch believes enough in his wife that he'd send her after BROCK SAMSON expecting her to come back alive..."

No women, no children. Them's the rules.
  • 0
Aug. 16, 2008, 9:13am
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: 09DB389B17)
  • Reply
Oh yeah, the giraffe. Just another reason the moppets need to die NOW.
  • 0
Aug. 16, 2008, 9:21am
  • by Charlie
  • (unregistered id: 3B06860B90)
  • Reply
Why? Did you not have a 'pleasure giraffe' as a child?

Agreed that the Moppets should die but not because of that.
  • 0
Aug. 18, 2008, 8:31pm
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: 09DB389B17)
  • Reply
Nope, only teddy bears. But I think the Moppets had something else planned for that giraffe.
Unless you meant that. In which case, gross.
  • 0
Aug. 19, 2008, 1:11am
  • by Roscoe
  • (unregistered id: 1F7934D598)
  • Reply
NO More Moppets!!!
I hope 21 sits on them and accidently kills them, like he did Mr. Mostly Mittens.
Or it could be a dramatic burning alive scene, car wreck, stabbing, sheila strangles them with a serpentine belt.....I really don't care, as long as they're GONE!
  • 0
Aug. 19, 2008, 1:30am
  • by green lantren mogo
  • (unregistered id: 5857DA6FC6)
  • Reply
I agree they should die.
  • 0
Aug. 20, 2008, 6:00am
  • by Hardy
  • (unregistered id: 6EEC4DBDDC)
  • Reply
Why does everyone want them dead? They have cool bit parts. It's not like they get as much screen time as 21 and 24.
  • 0
Aug. 20, 2008, 6:29pm
  • by cgeye
  • (unregistered id: 04C494C06F)
  • Reply
SoulBot's performance as HELPeR was *stunning*; La Stanwyck in STELLA DALLAS has nothing on this giver/fighter/parent and grandparent, sacrificing its limbs for its family.

  • 0
Aug. 17, 2008, 7:06am
  • by The Mysterious 'H'
  • (unregistered id: 09DB389B17)
  • Reply
I hate to break up the sentiment but all he lost was his wheels. Just buy an office chair and take the seat off. Problem solved.
  • 0
Aug. 17, 2008, 7:45am
  • by barrytown
  • (unregistered id: 936F26E427)
  • Reply
No one has mentioned yet the bit at the beginning when HELPeR pulled out all his weapons, and Brock had to drop the wrench to convince him that he wasn't trying to kill all the machines, and then HELPeR gave him a big hug. Truly an emotional moment if ever there was one.
  • 0
Aug. 19, 2008, 10:13am
  • by Pustoolio
  • (unregistered id: AD16D7AC13)
  • Reply
I loved Dean's little monologue explaining HELPeR's action... "He often speaks of the upcoming conflict between man and the brotherhood of machines."
  • 0
Aug. 19, 2008, 10:28pm
  • by Lord Multiman
  • (unregistered id: 9021D70F10)
  • Reply
Did anyone get a R2 vibe from HELPeR when he was screaming?

Also, the logic behind OSI wanting to kill Brock is kinda off. Originally, Brock was supposed to be killed after he killed Rusty for messing with the ORB. But Brock didn't kill Rusty because he wasn't going to use it. Yet they still want to kill Brock, but not Rusty? Why? Because the car told them to? I know it's just a cartoon, but it's one of those plots that unravels if you spend more that five minutes thinking about it.
  • 0
Aug. 17, 2008, 8:36am
  • by Josh Geller
  • (unregistered id: 36C24A10D7)
  • Reply
Bureaucratic screw-up.

The car sent a message to OSI headquarters, the computer printed out a couple-three orders, they went with a whole stack of papers to some GS-10 who signed them without reading them.

Or something.

These things happen.

Also, it gives a way to resolve it without killing Brock or permanently breaking up the Venture family.

  • 0
Aug. 17, 2008, 9:49am
  • by DeimosMasque
  • (unregistered id: 597F89D480)
  • Reply
No, when Brock was looking for "The Termination Order" in regards to "Bodyguard" what he did was activate his own termination order. Thus OSI's current orders on him is to terminate.
  • 0
Aug. 17, 2008, 10:42pm

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