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  • by WorstServedCold
  • (unregistered id: E28D997BAD)
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While we are all pointing out refrences, I'm pretty sure Muther was combination of Mother from "Alien" as far as voice and speech patterns, and, I guess you could either go HAL 9000, The Red Queen, Shodan, or all of the above as far as homicidal computers.
The dude in charge of the underground colony also looked a hell of a lot like Jim Jones of Jonestown.
As far as how I feel on the episode, I can't really tell. It was kind of a fun stand-alone, but it only introduces one new character and doesn't expand much on any of the old ones... well, apart from Jefferson Twilight. I just hope this was the episode where they got all their "oh my god remember 80s music?" out of their system, because that kind of humor really doesn't do much for me. Got a kick out of the movie references, though, so maybe I don't have much room to complain.
I'd say for me the episode was definitely better than the weaker ones in seasons 1 and 2, so calling it my least-favorite of 3 doesn't mean it sucks, it just didn't seem to be up to par. However.... on adultswim.com it's been seen like 120,000 times and has an average rating of 9, so it looks like this it's just me.
Also, we already established that Orpheus can't transport other people in Escape to the House of the Mummies, but then he assembeled the Order of the Triad doing exactly that. Either he's learning new tricks or I call shenanigans.
  • 0
Jul. 12, 2008, 12:20pm
  • by hank
  • (unregistered id: 10A2D746B8)
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Im in the same boat as you. this episode felt really weak in comparison to the episodes of this season. i felt like they were trying to put too much back story that never got resolved properly, the current story was kind of weak (something i noticed that really bugged me was that hank and dean noticed the open door to the basement, but the order of the triad didn't?? hm). overall it felt like they were relying TOO heavily on people recognizing the 80's references. my first, passive, viewing i didn't pick them all up and the 2nd time around i did find it a bit more funny, but still :-

not the best venture episode. but like you said, better than even the worst from the first 2 seasons, so thats definitely a sign of improvement. maybe by season 8 they will crank out only the best of the best. :-) haha. well i can dream.
  • 0
Jul. 12, 2008, 9:28pm
  • by That Guy! From the Internet!
  • (unregistered id: C039DEBA32)
  • Reply
The OotT *did* notice the door but dismissed it because they expected that Hank and Dean checked there already. The joke was that the brothers called in the OotT from around the world before doing something a basic as searching their own basement.
  • 0
Jul. 14, 2008, 7:57pm
  • by That Guy! From the Internet!
  • (unregistered id: C039DEBA32)
  • Reply
"Either he's learning new tricks or I call shenanigans."

I don't know how if we can expect complete continuity, though. I've been noticing how the new backstories usually agree with what we've been told earlier, but sometimes are contradictory. Like, "Invisible Hand" tells us that Phantom Limb comes from a line of supervillians and implies that Phantom Limb was in the Guild before his accident, but in "Hate Floats" he tells Brock that he didn't turn evil until the killer-hand accident. (Granted, he could be lying to Brock, but he had no reason to do so.) And the Monarch's reaction to Phantom Limb in "Tag Sale! You're It!" is pretty bizarre now that "Shadowman 9" established that the Monarch, Dr. Girlfriend and PL had a long history.
  • 0
Jul. 14, 2008, 8:59pm
  • by Will
  • (unregistered id: 862A6B5101)
  • Reply
There are explanations for those possible mix ups.

We know Orpheus is still learning his craft, in Escape to the House of Mummies, pt. II whatshisface calls Orpheus his most promising student. We have also seen him train (or at least attempt to train) with the Order. It is possible (likely?) that since then, Orpheus has improved his craft.

We also know from Shadowman 9 that the Monarch had good reason to lie to Dr. Girlfriend in regards to Phantom Limb since I believe it's implied a couple of times that The Monarch never told Dr. Mrs. The Monarch that he had been a henchman for Phantom Limb. He could have been lying and putting on a facade in Tag Sale.

Don't have an explanation for Limb turning evil, but I suspect the entire story of his background isn't out yet.
  • 0
Jul. 14, 2008, 10:25pm
  • by That Guy! From the Internet!
  • (unregistered id: C039DEBA32)
  • Reply
I mean, in "Tag Sale" the Monarch asks Dr. Girlfriend if she and PL used to date and she glosses over it, saying she doesn't know PL. Did they both forget that they had sex for the first time at PL's party and, on the same occasion, PL swore revenge on the Monarch for stealing Dr. Girlfriend from him?

I'm just saying the real reason is that DH and JP make no secret that they're developing the characters as they go, and they might not catch every little detail that's inconsistent.
  • 0
Jul. 14, 2008, 10:59pm
  • by Will
  • (unregistered id: 862A6B5101)
  • Reply
Oh yeah, good call, I had misremembered the specifics of Tag Sale.
  • 0
Jul. 14, 2008, 11:17pm
  • by barrytown
  • (unregistered id: 936F26E427)
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It seemed to me in Tag Sale, that he knew about their history and was dissmissing it the way a boyfriend will dismiss his girlfriend's ex that he's slightly intimidated by. "Didn't you used to work for him, or live by him or something?" is the quote if my memory serves, which gives the impression that he wants her to think that he doesn't care about her history with Limb enough to remember the exact nature of the relationship.
  • 0
Jul. 15, 2008, 9:57am
  • by cpc65
  • (unregistered id: 21E9E403DB)
  • Reply
Maybe as he had made dolls of Al and Jefferson, that aided him in the transportation spell? In EftHoM season two, he didn't have time to make dolls of Doc, Hank, Dean, and Brock.
  • 0
Jul. 15, 2008, 3:03am
  • by barrytown
  • (unregistered id: 936F26E427)
  • Reply
I would say his powers are limited, as implied by the use of dolls as well as his reprimanding Jefferson for travelling to London. The impression I got was that he wouldn't be able to transport him if he were as far away as London, but in fact he was at a theme park made to look like London.
  • 0
Jul. 15, 2008, 9:59am

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