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  • by Paul
  • (unregistered id: 5D362EC060)
  • Reply
So, who is now looking forward to the episode that has Nancy, Drew, Dean, Hank, and Triana in it?
  • 0
Jul. 4, 2008, 9:58pm
  • by jon
  • (unregistered id: 5F9DE8DC8B)
  • Reply
I can't help but feel we may have seen the last of the family Quymn, seeing as how Tara (a parody of Lara Croft, anyone?) certainly hates Rusty's guts as of late and Ginny doesn't seem to have EVER liked the Ventures.

Maybe somehow we'll end up seeing Nancy and Drew alone, but I bet Tara, unless she winds up being the Monarch's arch, is out of the picture.
  • 0
Jul. 4, 2008, 11:03pm
  • by Joe
  • (unregistered id: D197A7F08E)
  • Reply
I have to say it. That bit with Dean and the twins was...creepy. I mean, those girls are almost certainly underage. Obviously it happens all the time in real life, but do we really need to see this stuff on The Venture Brothers? I probably sound like a prude (trust me, I'm most definitely not) but...ugh.
  • 0
Jul. 4, 2008, 11:36pm
  • by Josh Geller
  • (unregistered id: 89EB6F36BA)
  • Reply
It happens really a lot in real life. Human beings get up to all sorts of stuff that isn't widely advertised.

  • 0
Jul. 5, 2008, 4:07am
You mean teens have sex??

Well, I, for one, am SHOCKED!

I'm just pissed because Dean Venture has now officially had a better adolescence than I did.

/awesome episode top to bottom
  • 0
Jul. 5, 2008, 5:27am
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: A2D8BED341)
  • Reply
Teenage sex? Big deal. I'm far more disturbed by Sargent Hatred's pedophilia - now that's creepy. I don't think The Venture Brothers is getting close to crossing the line, though.

I just realized on second viewing that the Quymn twins are trying to get Dean drunk, based on his reaction (spitting it out in surprise) to the "potion" they had him drink. Probably pure vodka. Those Quymn twins have done this sort of thing before.
  • 0
Jul. 5, 2008, 12:44pm
  • by Joe
  • (unregistered id: D197A7F08E)
  • Reply
Well yeah, Sergeant Hatred's pedo behavior is definitely more creepy but it's alway been referred to only in dialogue.

This deal with the twins was pretty much in our face.
  • 0
Jul. 5, 2008, 10:59pm
  • by Josh Geller
  • (unregistered id: FD2EC2DC55)
  • Reply
They are all of them kids.

It's not pedophilia.

Teenagers either have sex or want to. This is reality.

  • 0
Jul. 6, 2008, 9:10am
  • by Joe
  • (unregistered id: D197A7F08E)
  • Reply
Who the hell said that what happened the twins and Dean was pedophilia??

Guys. Seriously. You're missing my point.

I get it. OK?:
Sergeant Hatred molested the boys.
This is called pedophilia.
It's a horrible thing.
None of it was onscreen.

Teenage sex is not pedophilia.
Teenage sex happens all the time.
Unlike Sergeant Hatred's thing, This WAS (started to be) shown onscreen in this episode.

In my opinion, and ONLY in my opinion, it's not something that needs to be SHOWN on The Venture Brothers. Why is it neccessary to show teenagers doing that stuff?
  • 0
Jul. 7, 2008, 3:56am
  • by Cassie
  • (unregistered id: 8E7D108D52)
  • Reply
They showed The monarch (waist up) pleasuring himself while watching Dr. G seduce and make out with rusty. Are you just grossed out because they're teenagers?
  • 0
Jul. 7, 2008, 4:25am
  • by Joe
  • (unregistered id: 2524052EFC)
  • Reply
Yes, that's probably what it is. I happen to be 32 years old and depictions of underage sex aren't something I'd rather see. It's also something that you can't depict onscreen in a live-action show, at least not with underage actors, without being arrested for it.
I'm not really concerned about who actually sees it or when show's timeslot is.
That wasn't the point.
And because people can't seem to read, I'll spell it out for them: I don't the whole Sergeant Hatred thing either. I'm just glad that it's remained in the area of throwaway jokes and one-liners. Personally I wish it wasn't on the show at all, but I guess those things that boy adventurers in real world would be at risk for (not to mention dying a lot).
Just so there's no question about my objection being based on pious morals, let me just say that Jonas' key party looked pretty amateurish ;)
  • 0
Jul. 7, 2008, 10:20pm
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: CA31821874)
  • Reply
Sorry, I don't see what the big deal is. The mere THOUGHT (without being shown) of Sgt. Hatred's oft referenced pedophilia is a heck of a lot creepier than any of the teenage sex or almost-sex shown in this episode.

This is a show for adults - it's a parody of kids shows, it isn't itself a show for kids. And a lot of things are much creepier if you don't actually see it than if you do.

I stand by my point: Sgt. Hatred's pedophilia (and unseen molestation) is a lot creepier than actually seeing the Quymn twins trying to seduce Dean. A LOT CREEPIER.

It is entirely beside the point that Sgt. Hatred's pedophilia isn't explicitly shown. I can't believe I have to even point this out to anyone.
  • 0
Jul. 7, 2008, 12:11pm
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: CA31821874)
  • Reply
"Who the hell said that what happened the twins and Dean was pedophilia?? "

I certainly never said any such thing: my whole point was that it IS NOT pedophilia, which is why it ain't creepy. Apparently you have a problem with teenagers being shown almost having sex; I have no idea why. It may not be "moral" but it sure as heck ain't creepy.

Implied, unseen molestation and pedophilia on the part of Sgt. Hatred IS creepy. We don't have to be actually shown Sgt. Hatred molesting kids in order to think it is creepy.
  • 0
Jul. 7, 2008, 12:21pm
  • by Cassie
  • (unregistered id: 8E7D108D52)
  • Reply
Blood, guts, viscious henchmen murders? A OK!
Teen sex...ugh?
Most girls lose the the big V at 15, 17 for guys...in Canada anyways lol. Age of consent is 16 here, unless both are under 19....Then anything goes.
  • 0
Jul. 7, 2008, 4:22am
  • by Pirate Hippy
  • (unregistered id: CA31821874)
  • Reply
Considering the types of shows that get aired on Adult Swim alongside The Venture Brothers, I think it is hysterically funny we have people here upset at a couple of teenage girls trying to seduce a teenage boy on a cartoon show. Does anyone forget what else is on Adult Swim late at night???
  • 0
Jul. 7, 2008, 12:27pm
  • by Experimental
  • (unregistered id: B46EBEBD42)
  • Reply
I have to agree.

And am I the only one who finds Sgt Hatred's love of young boys downright hilarious and ironic? Creepy, sure, but it's part of his characterization, and both instances are pretty low on the scale of offensiveness as far as this show is concerned. In any case, this IS fiction, and a cartoon at that (and a pretty tame one compared to its brethren). . . .
  • 0
Jul. 7, 2008, 10:37pm
  • by Paul
  • (unregistered id: 5D362EC060)
  • Reply
Well, yes, but then I never expected to see Manic Eight Ball or Girl Hitler again, either.
  • 0
Jul. 5, 2008, 1:47am
  • by hank
  • (unregistered id: 992BA4FF2B)
  • Reply
100% agree with the lara croft reference.
the part where she hand-stands up onto the tree branch INSTANTLY made me think of playing the old Tomb Raider where you could do exactly that.
  • 0
Jul. 6, 2008, 6:14am
  • by That Guy! From the Internet!
  • (unregistered id: C039DEBA32)
  • Reply
Also, Lara Croft's dad was an aristocrat, which parallels Tara Quymn's (step?)dad, Col. Gentleman.
  • 0
Jul. 7, 2008, 5:27pm
  • by froggie5
  • (unregistered id: F68A0A44AC)
  • Reply
I didn't quite understand why she so suddenly soured on Rusty at the end. Any ideas?
  • 0
Jul. 8, 2008, 3:47pm
  • by Roborob
  • (unregistered id: 223E59D5BE)
  • Reply
Well, gran mal seizures are pretty unpleasant to begin with. Then imagine some twerp showing up and "cleasning" you with a folding chair. Then remember spotty bits of dialogue from your would-be paramour showing disgust at your condition. Finally, think about all that wonderful work you were going to do with the seeds in the forest around your camp and realize these dinks just burned the forest down! I would probably be a little pissed off at them too under those circumstances. :)
  • 0
Jul. 9, 2008, 10:59pm
  • by Emery Calame
  • (unregistered id: BE19DD18F5)
  • Reply
I kind of got the feeling that she only went to him so suddenly because of the fight with Ginny. She was thinking of "getting to know him gradually" as a lab assistant probably naively fantastzing about saving him by giving his life a noble direction (she is a bleeding heart type). After a fight with Ginny, who appears to be pretty nearly her only authority/protective figure and clearly the one REALLY taking care of the twins she heads off to Rusty for some Spiteful revenge sex.
What follows, including Thadeus' rejection of her ooky epilepsy when he's a pitiful ball of barely human crap just shows her how stupid she was being and how right Ginny turned out to be and how trapped she is in her screwed up scinece adventurer life.

She's a pretty pathetic character despite being athletic, good looking, and wanting to help people. I'm curious if she's a good doctor or a kook who THINKS she's found a cancer cure based on rainforest mystique and legend alone.
  • 0
Jul. 10, 2008, 5:47am
  • by RoboRob
  • (unregistered id: 02E79B5246)
  • Reply
Good points. Another thing about Tara that creeped me out was that she decided to go "Invite Rusty to her Jungle Fort" only after having that flashback during the party. What does that say about her?

This was a good story and has interesting potential, but the real takeaway I have from it is Jonas Venture was a serious asshole and so were his friends.
  • 0
Jul. 10, 2008, 10:39am

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